Their new Kingsford branch is opening today.
Some decent deals like:
Plextor 128GB SSD $85
Gigabyte GTX 680 SOC $329
and some others~
Their new Kingsford branch is opening today.
Some decent deals like:
Plextor 128GB SSD $85
Gigabyte GTX 680 SOC $329
and some others~
that gtx 680 is really cheap
Think it should be included in the title OP, that is a crazy price for a GTX 680
apparently really really loud though
Updated post, thanks!
crap i want that 680
any bus stops around the shop?
Use TripPlanner to find the closest bus stop. I found the 343 bus from central is 24 minutes away and a 60m walk from the bus stop to shop.
How would 680 fair against HD7970? price range is similar but maybe $10 cheaper from this promo!
From what I recall the 7970 is better than the 680. The 670 OC version is better than the 680 as well.
Thank you for the link to the review of the cards. It is still interesting to note that for different games the performance differs and one card overtakes the other in FPS, but then overall it is weaker.
Anyone know if there is more on sale than just what's in the PDF?
I wanna build a new PC so would be great if it's store wide!
I'd call and ask but I'm kinda lazy.
You sound like my wife - 'kinda lazy' but will do things the long/hard way. I realise building a PC would be the preferred option if you want something specific, but off the shelf is the 'kinda' lazyman's way to get one. :)
Building is fun so it out weighs the lazy.
Only at Kingsford store. Guess they wouldn't price match at other stores…?
no i tried
Sorry O.P. Do you have the address for msy kingsford so I can put it into google maps? The main msy website just says 'opening soon' for msy kingsford
Edit: found it, 190 gardeners road
680 at a crazy price
They dont have everything in stock, picked up the IPS viewsonic. No customers so quick service.
sweet! now I don't need to travel all the way out to Ultimo :D