ING DIRECT International Purchase Fee being applied to AUD Transactions

I recently paid my eBay seller fees via PayPal with my ING DIRECT Orange Everyday debit card. Few days later I noticed a fee taken from my bank account for paying eBay AU via PayPal AU in Australian Dollars.

Have other people experienced the same thing? ING hides behind the excuse that the merchant's bank is overseas, if so how am I to know that? If I had known AUD transactions were being feeed I would have used my Citibank Plus account! I feel this is this just profiteering by ING as a foreign currency transaction costs the bank only a 1% VISA fee, not the 2.5% it charges. Price gouging?

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  • Thats really not fair.. They should have refunded you the fee.

    I have always paid ebay fees using my westpac credit card and there is no additional international transaction fee.

    • That's the first thing I did. They claim the fee is correct. Is it just me or doesn't that sound right?

  • There is a long thread on Whirlpool about this and someone got confirmation that PayPal charges using an Australian merchant account.

  • I'm with Bankwest and noticed the same thing yesterday. They added an extra 47 cents to a Skype purchase made in AUD. I hadn't been bothered asking for it back but let me know how you go and I might try.

  • +1

    The same happened to me with my HSBC credit card paying and Scoot flight in AUD (AU website). Groupon refunded the charges.
    HSBC claims the charges are correct. As a result I cancelled all my HSBC accounts.

  • I am confused…

    You are paying in AUD for AU services and agreed for a price and yet you are being taken out of your account more?

    Is that even legal?

    • You paid eBay Switzerland in AUD - a foreign transaction.

  • +1

    I am still stunned that selling on to Aussies and paying fees to eBay in AU is exempt from GST because technically are based in Switzerland.

    ie. eBay fees include NO GST - and business sellers cannot claim a GST credit for GST included on ebay fees as there is none !

    eBay imho is scamming the Australian Tax Office ! At the very least they are morally stealing from the Australian public by depriving us of tax revenue used to build schools / hospitals etc.

    The irony is that eBay fees are based on a final selling value WHICH EBAY INSISTS include GST, so on one hand they charge their fees to sellers on a GST INC price (ie We pay eBay fees on GST included in our pricing we don't even keep), yet eBays own fee doesn't include GST.

    I hate companies that screw over Australia like this.

    I bet this has something to do with your issue - technically you paid eBay Switzerland.

  • I have had a very lengthy discussion with ING a few times, also with NAB as it happened there also.

    Here are the companies i have used that have had this issues:
    Amazon UK (GBP)
    Moonpig (GBP)
    Topshop (GBP)
    And various Ebay purchases. (USD, GBP)
    Scoot (Sing)
    Jetstar Asia (THB)
    Paypal (a lot)

    They advertise their items in AUD, and give u option to "pay in AUD" but all they are in effect doing is LOCKING in the price for you, the actual transaction is processed in a foreign currency, they just guarantee that the amount u see on their page is what will leave you account (before any fees)

    They send a request to your bank like this:
    1USD… deduct 1.04AUD
    U get it for 1.04AUD but the request is in USD so u lose out.

    Its sadly, very common and technically ING are in the right, cause the transaction is not in AUD.. it just appears that it should be.

  • Dump ING already. The only decent transaction account left in Australia is Citibank. Its fee free period. No funny overseas transaction fees, no monthly fees, free overseas ATMs etc etc. Forget the retarded 5% promotions, move to a bank that is really cheaper.

    • +3

      The retarded 5% promotion netted me $450 during a 3 month period.

      • -5

        I can make that in one day working on a Sunday. You were saying?

        • I would sign up for a transaction account that got me a Sunday off every three months!

        • +1

          lol, since when did working as a full time loser on ozbargain pay so much? refer me pls.

    • "Following the sale of the Citi consumer banking business to National Australia Bank Limited (NAB), Citi branded transaction and savings accounts are no longer available to open.

      If you have any questions about your Citibank Plus Account, please visit Transition to NAB

      Please log on to Citi Online and ensure your contact details and communication preferences are up to date, so you don’t miss any important messages from us regarding this product."

    • Any other options? Looking at a decent bank.

      Ubank seems nice.

  • Just got stung from this on Amazon when I payed in AUD, I thought the 2.5% only applied for paying in foreign currency.
    Sigh… lesson learned.

    • Amazon displays the amount in AUD and advises the bank of the exchange rate they used, however they still charge in USD/GBP but they tell ING what amount was "agreed too" in AUD then the bank charges the fee.. its for this reason i have switched all my international purchases to Citibank everyday account.. no fees ever!

      • I don't think that's correct. ING would pay Amazon in AUD, then Amazon's bank would convert it to USD for Amazon.

        ING are just being pricks because it is an 'overseas' transaction.

        • Both ing and Amazon confirmed that this is how its processed. I contacted them when I got stung.

  • I thought ING didn't charge / refunded international transaction fees? its the only reason I keep it really.
    from the web site
    "$0 ING international transaction fees on online and overseas purchases, plus"

    • Did you look at how old this thread is before you replied? Things change over a decade. Nice thread necro though.

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