We've just finished putting together our latest premium blend which uses two different varieties of peaberry beans (Zimbabwean and Zambian) and another bean from Ethiopian to produce an absolutely stunning result.
It features a fresh earthy aroma, beautiful lemon and grapefruit acidity and a smooth, slightly sweet cocoa body before a lingering malted grain finish. As a black coffee the bright acidity notes are more pronounced, while in milk the cocoa and malt notes become more prominent and cut beautifully through the milk. We've designed this coffee to suit any brewing method and to be enjoyed either black or white.
For $27.95 (usually $45.95) you'll get 1kg of roasted to order beans including Australia wide shipping.
1kg Premium African Blend Coffee Fresh Roasted $27.95 Inc Shipping

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Hi, yeah we were hoping to get that up and running already but have had some delays with a delivery of beans that is taking a couple of weeks longer than expected. But rest assured, we will still be doing it, (hopefully late next week) and are desperate for these beans to arrive so we can try them too :)
Any chance of putting it in 4x250g baggies, or 5x200g? I dont mind paying a couple bux more.
That way I can freeze and thaw the other 3 when still sealed, and can enjoy that fresh roast goodness 4 times throughout the month or so that these will last me.
Me too. Please rep.
Ditto - too much to store for 2 people. Or can they be put into freezer bags without losing the goodness ?
Thanks, just ordered. Keen to try it.
I was thinking a blend of the Zimbabwe peaberry might be the go, because although it tastes very nice by itself, I couldn't get any body out of it. Any tips for it SafariRoast?
Have tried dosing from 12g->16g for 18g->24g in the cup respectively (ristretto), pours start well but thin quite early, no spritzing/channeling, good crema (about 80% of volume) although dissipates extremely quickly compared to other beans.
Hmmm, it does have a medium body to it, and we ourselves haven't had these extraction issues, so it could be a couple of other things. It does benefit from quite a firm tamp and fine grind with the basket being filled typically to around a few mm's below the top to maximise acidity and body. So perhaps try putting slightly more in the filter basket with a firmer tamp and slightly finer grind, as long as its got a few mm's clearance below the top and has a good even tamp done, this should help. We've heard some pretty lofty figures in terms of a lot of coffee being jammed into baskets and personally we don't do this since it can make the ristretto too acidic, but at the same time, the line between too little and enough beans can be quite fine and can sometimes cause similar problems to what you describe. The crema dissipation issue can also be a result of the beans still being a touch too fresh. In our experience, although it does vary from person to person, we've found this bean to take around a week to peak in terms of crema, body, depth of flavour etc, especially for a ristretto, although it is still fine to drink before then. However, this can also be as simple as not having a sufficient extraction done. Hope this has helped a bit, let us know if you have any more questions :)
Aha, the firmer tamp did it! It's one thing I don't usually play with. I actually thought it was going to be quite full-bodied at first from the beautiful syrupy pour, but no, definitely medium as you describe. Crema behaved better too.
I appreciate the tip and it can so helpful for the roaster to followup like you did. I've ordered from many vendors online:
a) About half don't indicate roasting date.
b) Two didn't respond to an email asking for the roasting date.
c) The two that I asked about getting the best out of the roast didn't respond.
d) One sent to the wrong address and under-filled the bag to fit postal limits and has no unsubscribe on their weekly mail-out or even in my account settings with them.
e) One, a Golden Bean winner, had a ridiculous 'home-brewed' checkout procedure.So thanks, you've won a repeat customer! Those mentioned above didn't.
No worries at all, so glad to hear the tamp fixed it. It's amazing how coffee beans can be so different to one another, but its great that now you can fully appreciate the Zim peaberry. We've got some interesting new arrivals coming up too, and are working on a blend with just a touch more body for those who like that. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any other queries.
Deleted - replied to wrong post.
These beans are excellent. Roasted on 17 Oct, fabulous crema today (six days later).
Sorry for the late reply, just saw your comment, great to hear you're enjoying them :)
Hi Rep. You were suggesting a new 500 gram deal coming soon? Still in the works?