This was posted 11 years 4 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Protein, Carbohydrate, Amino Acid Sample Packs Now Available!


Due to the huge demand we had for samples from OzBargainers we have decided to add them directly to our site. So grab your FREE samples now.

You can choose up to 3 samples, any more than that will be at our discretion.

Related Stores

Bulk Proteins
Bulk Proteins

closed Comments

  • +4

    how is 80 cents for a 30g serving a bargain??

    • where does it say 30g?

      • Click on the drop down box on their site. 30g for protein, others differ.

      • if you go to the drop down..well i did some quick maths. at protein direct, 2.5kg of wpi is 80 bucks - based on 80 cents for 30g, you can get 2.56 kg

        • At this site the MOST you will pay is $32.00 per kg.So compared to the OTHER site you did the calculation on these guys are a bargain,and the sample is FREE.

        • In light of the recent cut protein scams run by Australian retailers, we should wait for independent testing of these products before purchasing them.

        • Where can I read more of this?

    • From our costs it is however if you have a serious suggestion I can consider and edit now.

    • +8

      OK, we can see that the pricing was been based on calculations rather than our customers and as such we are now offering the samples for free.

  • +16

    You want me to pay to sample a tiny portion of your product so you can generate future sales?

    No thanks.

    Check out the Udemy deals.. they have beginner courses on product marketing.

    • +44

      Fair call. We are now offering them for free.

      • +1

        I just paid for 2. One WPI and one WPC. Refund possible?

        • +34

          Yes, we will refund everybody that paid for samples.

        • +57

          Thanks. You completed that Udemy course in record time.

        • Or maybe they planned this all along - now you think of them even more highly than if they had offered it for free up front.


      • Awesome.

    • +14

      Putting a tiny barrier to entry in order to dissuade the droves of tightass ozbargainers who will dogpile on anything free and never intend to purchase your product, and thus ensure that your advertising spend goes towards potential customers?

      Sounds sensible.

      Check out the Udemy deals.. they have beginner courses on microeconomics. And on not being a condescending douche.

  • 80cents for 30g. paying for sample! No

    • +8

      Sorry, see above comments. Samples are now FREE.

  • Is it one sample per customer or can choose more flavours?

    • +2

      You can choose up to 3 samples, any more than that will be at our discretion.

      • Whoops, I chose 4, but I included instructions incase of it being too many.

        I hope that's ok.

  • how many samples is one allowed?
    I'd like to try multiple flavors of rice/pea protein, because I have not yet found any vegan protein powders that taste tolerable..

    • +2

      You can choose up to 3 samples, any more than that will be at our discretion.

      • +2

        Oh whoops.
        I accidently put in like 5 (one of each flavour for WPI) because I didn't see this prior.
        Sorry about that.

        • No worries, we can't guarantee what you will get as our packing team will generally just give you the 3 most popular items from your order.

        • ah… I put in 3 flavors each for rich + pea protein, is there a way to fix my order into mango flavor only?

        • +1

          Just put through another order. Our system can detect duplicates and will consider the last sample order the correct one.

  • -5

    Great i just placed an order for a sample of all your products, thanks OP cant wait to try them!

  • What is the estimated shipping time ??

    • +2

      With the amount of sample orders currently coming in it is impossible to say, we can only allocate an hour each day to samples and as soon as we work out how many we can dispatch per day we will keep you informed.

  • just ordered all 5 flavours
    sorry!!! didnt see the 3 limit
    happy to pay for extra 2 or u send me 3 .


  • +1

    thanks op for the free samples. if quality is good i will be back again :)

    • Unlock the power of peas with Pea protein!

  • -2

    how do you even make money off these if it's free + free shipping.

    thanks op! hope these taste good.

    • They wouldn't. But it's the hope they will get some buyers from it.

  • I was thinking about buying 10 kgs, now will wait to sample the samples first :) THANKS!

  • +3

    Thank you rep.
    If your protein is delicious I will be back for more.

  • -1

    Hi,Rep.I saw your facebook page too.Not many likes.It would be a good idea to have more ppl likes by sending out samples.

    • Hey thanks for the tip. We actually just added a like button on the sample page to build our Facebook likes.

  • Thanks for the samples!

  • What country are these manufactured in, ingredients from? Cheers

    • The final product is manufactured here in Australia, the ingredients vary from Australia, NZ, USA and China. We always aim for local produce but some products we have no choice.

  • Creatine all out of stock :( Damn I was just back from shower.

    • This is only because we don't stock flavoured creatine. Unflavoured should still be available.

  • Finally found a cheaper vendor than bulknutrients for protein and maltodextrin. Cheers Rep.

  • Thanks guys! Will definitely order some if I enjoy the samples. Will you run another promotion soon? The 20% off one would be awesome.

    • +3

      Anytime. The 20% sale is running until the end of October we have not got anything else planned yet, but will let everyone know when we do here and on facebook.

  • +4

    Ozbargain Xmas Party photo after this deal……

  • +1

    Rep: Bulknutrients have $12 flatrate shipping (for AU consignments) for any weight as far as I know.

    Any chance you could consider adding this as a shipping option and really stick it to Bulk Nutrients my current supplier? How bout it.

    • +4

      We are currently talking with shipping couriers. Once we get better rates we will pass it on.

      • How about reducing the rates on those 1 kg orders too?

        • Ever tried posting something?

          500g is cheap $6.95.
          3kg is $13.40.

          Ie: 1kg is just as bad as 3kg.

          That's using australia post rates.

          Also aus post keep increasing their rates every 3-6 months. $12 for 1kg is a price that doesn't exist anymore.

        • My local post office still sells the 1kg satchels for $11-12.

        • maybe you can post that as a bargain

  • -3

    Hey rep, I ordered the samples in 2 different orders (order 1: one sample, order 2: three samples)…can u please cancel order #1369 and send me the order #2095 samples? Thanks! Oh and just wondering, would u recommend creatine or is it to risky (coz of the all of the side-effects)…thinking of ordering some from your site!

  • +2

    Their non-sale prices are almost too good to be true. As well as their RPC protein content. After the NoBull issue, I'm a bit wary about switching from BN to these guys. Anybody done a test yet with BN's protein tester kit?

    • Still waiting on results to come through our email. However with all these samples I don't think it will take long.

    • what happened with NoBull?

      • +13

        They got caught cutting skim milk powder (or something similar) in their protein products.
        Bulk Nutrients released a fairly crude but effective protein-testing kit (free) that could test between high protein content vs low protein content, a very good marketing move by BN to take out shoddy competitors + back up their own products.

        Mass controversy on the interwebz (aus-bb), nekminnit, NoBull wiping all the posts off the internet with cease and desist letters to forums.

        Testing kits contain a few plastic containers + a small amount of solution.
        Marketing expense may go up a little but think about it.
        Send 1000 free testing kits out, there's bound to be some people that have shoddy products.
        People with shoddy products post images of their test results onto forums, shoddy competitors get rolled by bad image.
        People who got burnt by the shoddy competitors now look towards other options.. and who better, than the company who sent them their testing kit?

        P.s. Not against bulk nutrients, in any way, but I think it's important to mention their part in the story of NoBull.

        • +2
          • Mass controversy on the interwebz (aus-bb), nekminnit, NoBull wiping all the posts off the internet with cease and desist letters to forums.

          What bloody cowardice, anyone can pay a hack lawyer a small amount of money to write a threatening letter.

    • +1

      Yes, I'm holding out for independent test results.

  • If I want to order more than 3 samples and happy to pay for the extras, how do I do that?

    • +2

      Sorry but our website isn't able to do that at the moment. However if you need any supplements we recommend buying that at the same time as your samples as we will generally disregard the 3 sample limit with paid orders.

  • Yay, now I can try the other flavours! Cheers op!!

  • Thanx OP. Order placed. Very interested in how these taste.

  • +2

    Hey, I have a question. 500g of WPI costs $2.70 to ship, so total cost of 500g WPI is $17.10 ($14.40 + $2.70). 1kg of WPI costs $11.70 to ship, so total cost of 1kg WPI is $37.30 ($25.60 + $11.70).
    So then, purchasing 2 orders of 500g works out to be $34.20 for 1kg of two different flavours, which is still $3.10 cheaper than 1kg??

    Have I done something wrong?

    Thanks rep! great deals though (did order 500g of WPI!)

    • You are probably right. The 500g and below products were only added in response to our OzBargain deal and people wanting a smaller option and cheaper shipping. The saving comes from our products going from being classed as letters below 500g to being parcels over 500g.

      • +1

        Ah ok, thanks mate. I'm keen to sample the 500g of WPI and hopefully you guys will become my regular protein source!
        EDIT: wait what happens if I've added samples? That would put it over 500g wouldn't it?

        • EDIT: wait what happens if I've added samples? That would put it over 500g wouldn't it?

          Just order them separately…

        • +1

          "we will generally disregard the 3 sample limit with paid orders."
          I ordered 5 samples and I've paid for the order already anyways; I was just curious.

        • +3

          We will split the order if it means it will go over. We purposely made samples carry no weight so no one is penalised by ordering them.

  • Awesome. Thanks mate.

  • This stuff can get more Chix!

  • hi op, clean site. I liked the process overall.

    Put in a 500g order with 4 samples.
    What's the main difference between pea and rice? which ones slower release?

    • +3

      To be honest the biggest difference between pea and rice protein is the taste. If you have never had pea protein before I would recommend getting a sample first. Rice protein on the other hand is rather nice and it blends well with nearly all flavours and is also popular unflavoured blended with fruit as some people do.

      Pea protein is usually used in conjunction with another protein to combine the benefits of both.

  • +2


    Let see how many can the site fulfill when it gets ozbargained.

    BTW: Keen to get the product as it seems to be very competitive to bulknutrients.

    And let's hope the 20% stays on for a bit before I get the sample product else it would be similar cost to bulknutrients.

    • It's going to be close. All depends when you got your sample order in as the samples are getting very ozbargained and will take a while to fulfil.

  • +1

    Hi rep,
    I want to get 5kg WPC protein. Can I have 5different flavours (5 x 1kg satchels)?
    What's the best before date?

    • +2

      Yes, you can mix. Just need to leave a comment on the cart page. Current Batch has a Use by Date that is just over 12 months.

      • I should say Best Before date.

  • Perfect timing. I'm just about to run out of my stock of WPI, and was looking for a new place to buy after the No Bull fiasco. If it's good stuff then you've got a new customer

    • +1


    • +9

      Yeah its a shame a company would do such things. Its hurt the industry pretty bad, broke a lot of trust between customers and suppliers. However it shows that industry authorities are important and we are looking at what is involved in starting a small not for profit that does random testing on all suppliers to make sure what they are claiming is actually true. We are happy to pay a yearly membership and I would think some of the others suppliers would be too.

    • +1

      No Bull fiasco???? Please enlighten me!!

      From a quick google it looks like No Bull's protein was basically milk powder?? Looks like most posts have been removed though… hmmm :/

      • +2

        Yeah, NoBull fired off cease-and-desist letters off to wipe the bad publicity.
        In a nutshell, BulkNutrients released free testing kits that showed up a colour if the sample had a low protein content.
        Someone used one with multiple NoBull stock, tested positive to PossibleLowProteinContent for all of them, and released it onto aus-bb. Major brands tested to be fine with BN's testing kit.…

    • Sorry No Bull fiasco whats all this about ????

  • will there be new flavours in the future? like coffee?

    • +2

      We have access to a large range of flavouring options so we are always open to requests.

    • +3

      iced coffee flavour sounds good

  • thanks will try and will mention on agj

  • +12

    i'm impressed, not so much by the deal itself, but more so by the way that the OP has handled himself/herself in this thread

    • +13

      Thanks for the positive feedback, it really helps to know that people like the way we do things.

      • +1

        Please give me a price for a LARGE BAG OF DEXTROSE (i.e. 20kg ) with shipping for Perth. I have now set up account details with you. For all of you wondering why we need such an amount - we brew our own spirits & dextrose is needed in the fermenting process. This is for home consumption only. & no we're not alcoholics - just found a way to get quality for a fraction of the price of buying from any of the big chains ( & even duty free)

        • cmon give us the recipe then

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