This was posted 11 years 4 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Game from GMG (Civilisation V or Mafia II) if You Vote in The Golden Joysticks

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Part of a collaboration between 2k games, Greenmangaming, and The Golden Joysticks.
If you vote in the golden joysticks, you can claim Civ V or Mafia II for free, read the page for more details
T/Cs link

It appears the registering and voting for the golden joysticks is up again, i have not tested another email though, remember it takes a while for GMG to associate the CVG and GMG accounts

I would like to confirm that i got my key, originally the email link led to the oops page, however as of now when i checked again it gave me a success page, and i received another email with the steam key

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closed Comments

  • Guess now all there is to do is to wait for the 24 hours to claim the codes. Thanks OP.

    • Confirmed that this works, just grabbed Mafia II.

  • The voting site is really slow right now. I assume it is getting ozbargain

  • +3

    Urrgg… the site is soo slow…

    EDIT: Opened all the options in new tabs and waited a few mins, came back and half had server errors. Refreshed them and was able to complete in a few mins. Would have taken me around 30mins doing it 1 by 1…

  • yeah im unable to cast my votes so ill try again in the morning, i think ill register two email accounts for both games as well

  • "Looks like you haven’t voted yet."

    I've voted but I keep getting this?

    • same, i guess it takes a while for them to process the votes

    • It take up to 24 hours for them to register your vote. Try again tommorow.

  • +4

    It seems there was a problem.
    Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix.

    Back to form.

    • Same here.

      • +2

        I changed my username to something unique and it worked, make sure your username hasn't already been taken.

        • +1

          I did so too and it went through but said, "Thank you for your interest, however, in order to take advantage of this free game offer you need to go and vote for your favourite games in the Golden Joystick 2013 Awards. Once you’ve done this, then you’ll be able to redeem, and activate, your free game (please allow a minimum of 24 hours from when you register your votes).

          Don’t worry though, your name is on the list!"

          Even though it recognised me as having voted in an automated email.

        • I got that email too when I signed up without voting, so I think it's just a generic one for when you sign up. I think you might have to sign up for an account on the CVG website using the same email etc, otherwise I don't see how they could register your votes, as the link they provide you with to vote (after you click to verify in your email) is a generic one:

        • You need to verify your account - just learned that one. Do it through your profile on the voting site.

  • Cheers OP!

    Trying to vote but after the first screen it errored out. Will try it tomorrow or something when less people are on there hopefully :-P Pity I already own both the games, but my bro can have a Civ 5 key then.

  • +1

    Where do I vote?

    • +6
      • Cheers

      • +2

        Also how does GMG know whether we voted or not?

        • well they say they will compare the two list of email address between the two sites.

          Well the easiest way to find out is to not vote and see if you end up getting your free game.

  • Anyone actually been able to successfully redeem a game yet?

  • +2

    Just got Civ 5 for free! Thanks OP

  • +2

    It's being hammered!?

  • +3

    Hour and a half of time wasted and over 30 "Internal Server crap" to get the following message: "Looks like you haven't voted yet." Even though I voted on every single category.

    Lucky I was playing GTA V so it doesn't feel all that wasted.

  • great

  • +1

    Biggest waste of time ever. Don't even bother.

  • +1

    I just get:

    It seems there was a problem.
    Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix.

  • that was a painful process. you dont have to vote for all categories if you want to make it quicker

    • like others have said, the last email is just another error. bastards.

  • The page is talking two minutes to display the contents.

  • +9

    Temporarily Unavailable

    Welcome to the Golden Joysticks 2013.

    We're sorry that voting is currently not available. Please try again later!

    • It still let's you sign up and sends you a verification link.

      • naw think it's all dead now.

        " It seems there was a problem.

        Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix. "

        comes up if you try to use an existing or new account.

      • +1

        I've got "Looks like you haven't voted yet" when I click on the link in the verification email.

        • Oh right, because the voting page never popped up, only the sign-up page, please ignore my comment.

    • voting dead

  • +4

    GMG Twitter account says they have disabled the CVG sign ups while the fix some issues.. read: we underestimated how hard we would get hit when we offer free steam games..


    I did it within half an hour of their initial tweet last night and it was a bit sluggish but worked fine. Just waiting the 24 hours now.

    • +3

      It now says:

      Temporarily Unavailable

      Welcome to the Golden Joysticks 2013.

      We're sorry that voting is currently not available. Please try again later!

  • -8

    After got the first one and the second one I got this, is it only once per email address? Also vote not available.

    It seems there was a problem.
    Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix.

  • +6

    I can't believe the complainers. It's free. It's a once-off server load. Stop complaining about free sh-t.

    Everyone likes free stuff. Hence server issues. Dont want server issues? Either wait or (whoa) buy the game.

    • -2

      Rabble rabble rabble!

    • +3

      Seriously they should thrown in a free copy of GTA V to make us forget about the slight delay with the free games they are giving us.

  • I wonder if the people who voted up this post in the last few hours managed to actually get a copy.


      Internal Server Error
      HTTP Error 500 (nginx)
      Uh-oh, looks like something is wrong with our interwebs! Don't worry, an alert has been dispatched to our technical staff and we're probably busy fixing it right now…

      ive been trying all day and havnt been able to get past this. you have to login with the same email as your GMG account so unless you already have an account you cant get the game..

    • im guessing no, tried last night, this morning, all i see are complaints and down times. saw this since 30 upvotes

    • I got Mafia II last night - redeemed it on steam already. I voted at 11pm on Wednesday night FYI.

  • -4

    Not working.
    Better luck with a dick smith special!

    • It is working. They had a lot of unexpected traffic that they didnot account for this event. The site was offline for a while but they fix it now.

  • So.. I'm guess no one got the games.

  • I voted last night, and I've been trying the email link from GMG every few hours. It just worked now:

    "Thank you for verifying your details.
    Your game is on the way.
    Thank you for voting in this year’s Golden Joystick Awards and for signing up to receive your free game. An email will be delivered to you shortly with your confirmation and game activation instructions.

    Make sure you click on (or copy-paste) the email link, and are not simply refreshing the "Looks like you haven't voted" page.

  • I have got the game a few minutes ago.
    10/10 12:17am GMG registered
    10/10 12:51am CVG voted and registered
    10/10 07:30pm GMG email link clicked again. Email sent to me with activation key.

  • Yay!!!! Just got my Civ 5 key Activated fine on steam

    I did voting last night just after midnight. (before server melted).
    Check your inbox you used.
    Go to link provided. Seems to be working now.

    • Me too, Civ 5 is now Activated !

  • +2

    Clicked the email link still said unavailable.

  • +1

    I cannot create a new account on CVG yet.
    At least we can now look at the candidates, right?

  • …and down again. Sigh

  • Thank you ReAvenger, I got Mafia 2! For free!
    I signed up and voted yesterday, I got the 'oops you haven't voted' message yesterday but today it worked.

  • +1

    It got me redirected to the vote page but when I tried to vote and got the error again.

  • +2

    Temporarily Unavailable

    Welcome to the Golden Joysticks 2013.

    We're sorry that voting is currently not available. Please try again later!

  • so will we still get the game without voting? since we can't vote

  • What is CVG web site? Have to login to vote? But sorry not available to register new user?

    • from there friendface page

      Green Man Gaming
      14 hours ago
      Update on Joysticks promo @cvg_news: Site update: New user registration has been temporarily disabled while we tackle server problems.

  • I can confirm that it is working. I got mine in 24hrs but I had to fill in that form again.

  • didnt even get a chance to get my vote through with all the internal server errors last night, and still down

  • Did you guys create an account with CVG first?

    The following process failed for me :

    1) Click the OP link.
    2) Select Game and Enter details.
    3) Click on the subsequent email.
    4) Tells me I have not voted, click link to vote multiple times.
    5) Finally get in and start the long process of voting.
    6) Voting finished, tells me to Log in with CVG login or create new.
    7) Try to create new as I don't have a CVG login, then says new logins disabled.


    • nosdan 1 hour 4 min ago
      from there friendface page
      Green Man Gaming
      14 hours ago
      Update on Joysticks promo @cvg_news: Site update: New user registration has been temporarily disabled while we tackle server problems.

  • -1

    Well, i've waited long enough to vote and it's still giving me errors. Simply not worth it for 1 Free game.

  • There is plenty of time to vote, just wait till they fix it. I do not think though they have such amount of keys as requests they get now.

    • cept… theres only limited number of free games…… and now theres 100 times more people trying for them……..

  • +1

    20 minutes of my life that I will never get back, no game to show for it.

  • Worked great for me, thanks OP

  • +1

    When you get this error do you just hit back to form and keep retrying?

    It seems there was a problem.
    Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix.

  • Still waiting for the activation key.

    From the accounts of those who have been successful, it seems to me that after you have voted and have received the email notification from helpdesk, you have to allow at least a few hours for your GMG and CVG accounts to match up before you can obtain an activation key by clicking on the link in the email.

    Hence, there is no point in repeating the same process as it will only put excessive burden on the system and will slow it down for everyone.

    • Finally got my key without doing anything more.
      It does say that you should allow 24 hours for the systems to match up.
      Patience is the key. Good luck with yours!

  • +1

    Yay! It's working now.

    I just redid the verification of my details again and got the email with the code less than a minute later.

    • Sweet thanks!

      Voted a day a go, but was without code. Reclick the previous verification link and you'll get the code sent to your email.

  • there is like 0 lag on the system atm

  • Oooops.
    It seems there was a problem.
    Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix.

    Over and over again - I have found the definition of insanity.

    • +4

      email address used to vote has to be the same as your GMG account - if you dont already have a GMG account, try changing the username you select.. I suspect that error might pop up if you are trying a username that already exists. At least changing the username got it to work for me.

      • THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU, that was the problem for me.

      • You bloody beauty!

        Maybe they don't accept hyphens in the username (Andy-Laa).

        Thank you very much for that, sir!

  • Looks like you can vote now, I just finished and was able to make a new account.
    If anybody still have trouble with the error page, try pressing F5 when it happens. Somehow it actually makes the page load, don't go back to the previous page. I tried it with all the categories and the submit vote page that keep giving me error.

  • +2

    I got the confirm email with the link but when I clicked on the link I still got there "Looks like you haven’t voted yet." but I have already created my account and voted.

    "Thank you for voting in the Golden Joysticks 2013. Please confirm your email address below to receive your free game (in association with 2K Games). "

    The email address I used is the one I login to GMG.

  • Just out of interest, what was everyone's game of the year?

    I had to go with The Last of Us.

    • My one is Borderlands 2.

      Btw I did not neg you.

    • Went with borderlands 2 also

    • Farcry 3 was my favourite

  • -5

    This is a waste of time.

    Stuck in an infinite loop of "Thanks for voting, claim your free game", enter your account details to claim and get the "you've already registered" BS.

  • Thanks

  • My key came within a minute of completing the survey.

  • just got mine thanks :)

  • Got mine after 5 hours.

  • Just got my code! THANKYOU!!! :-)

  • Finally, got the key. Big thanks!

  • Got it after 6 hours.

  • It is working now, thanks OP.

  • +1
    1. finished voting
    2. got an email to click on the link to receive the free game
    3. clicks on link, direct to page saying I have not voted yet.there is a link that directs me to the voting page
    4. clicks on link, page says I have already vote, click to claim
    5. directs to page where I can choose the 2 games, fill in my details, click on submit
    6. Directs to page saying I have already registerd my details and I will get an email with te verification link
    7. go to my inbox and click on the email link, then basically repeat step 2
    8. Grrr…any help?! V_V
    • I think you need to verify your accounts both on CVG(the voting site) and Green man. Check your email for verification codes. Good luck

    • +1

      stop at step 2 please. their system doesn't verify that you have voted instantly. you have to wait. i was in the same boat as you but after around 5 hours, i clicked the link again and it worked.

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