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Ambarella Dash Car Cameras SALE! up to 70% off. from $69.95 + Shipping 1920x1080P 30FPS


Master Ambarella Dash Car Cameras SALE! up to 70% off.

Ambarella based dash cameras are the best cameras on the market
which provide the superior video quality.
* PICKS up number plates
* Good night vision
* GPS logger (not all models)
* H.264 Hardware compression
* 1920x1080P - 30FPS

REAL VIDEO SAMPLES available - DONE in Sydney.

Master Ambarella A5S30 Dash Camera with IR CUT FULL 1080P G-sensor 1920x1080P -$119

Master Ambarella A2S60 Dash Camera FULL GS2000 HD 1080P - $69.95

MAster Ambarella A2S60 Dash Camera GS1000 FULL HD 1080P - $69.95

MAster Ambarella A2S60 Dash Camera GS1000 FULL HD 1080P GPS logger - $89.95

www.securitylab.com.au - dash cameras on sale

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice to see dash cams getting moveable IR cut filters now.

    • +1

      What are they?

      • +3

        Normal cameras have a fixed filter that cuts IR so you don't get weird colours in daylight.

        Those cameras aren't sensitive to IR, so proper night vision won't work.

        Day/night cameras have a mechanical IR cut filter which can be retracted at night so the camera becomes IR-sensitive. The difference is like … night and day.

        That said, if it relies on built-in IR LEDs, the reflection off your windshield is going to be pretty bad. At least it's a step in the right direction though!

  • ambarella lol

    • +2

      Sounds like an Italian guy in the rain.
      Why you have no umbrella?

  • OP: How is the Master Ambarella A5S30 different to the MAster Ambarella A2S60 Dash Camera GS1000 FULL HD 1080P GPS logger in terms of video quality? How long does the battery last for a full charge and lastly what is the record rate for the videos? IE. assume max resolution, how many hours will a 32GB card hold? :)

    Thank you for the assistance in advance. :)

    • The first one with Ambarella A5 CPU and second one A2. As far as I know, GO PRO Hero 2 or 3 comes with A5,
      If you compare the video samples you can notice difference.
      As for battery, it lasts ~ 30mins, Normally, camera should be keep plugged in car charger.
      32GB card will record around 8-10 hours on HIGH DEF. with H.264 compression.

  • -3

    That first demo video (the one where you turn right and block the entire road with your car because you don't want to wait for traffic to clear) is very out of focus on the left side of the video. You can read number plates easier on the other side of the road than vehicles on the same side.

    Makes this claim a bit of a joke:

    Ambarella based dash cameras are the best cameras on the market which provide the superior video quality

    • That camera has extra wide 170 lenses.
      Please press PAUSE you can easily see number plates

      • -8

        The left side of the video is blurry compared to the right. Thanks for not even reading my post. Crap camera, crap seller.

    • -1

      i also noticed the driver blocked the other lane, if there was an accident we know who was to blame!
      btw what would most people do in this case? i see 4 options
      a)don't turn at all
      b)turn left then do a u turn and come back
      c)do what the driver did, turn right and have your backend stick out into adjacent lane or
      d)turn left slightly then turn right and swing as much of my car into the left lane as possible
      i would do d) as long as there was enough space and no one was coming

      • -1

        D would be fine as long as your car isn't not blocking the oncoming lane. The driver in the vid would easily have blocked most of the oncoming traffic which is an offence. If an ambulance had to get through then the patient could have died because they think it's fine to block the whole road to turn right. And this is where traffic congestion and accidents happen.

      • -1

        Yep, that is how ACCIDENTS happen.
        Some average mum, just a human being, happens to misjudge a turn as her concentration is broken by 2 young daughters absolutely DEMANDING her attention in their shrillest voices as she approaches the turn, trying to gently tell them that she is busy driving and cannot give them attention right this moment, praying that whatever is on the radio or going on outside might keep their attention. Sadly not everyone can be supermum.

        As an aside - it is AWESOME to see women succeeding in such a male dominated domain - tech DESPERATELY needs more women and their wisdom to balance out the currently very skewed industry. Is Vimel based on 2 womens names (or a man and woman), one of them Mel? or did it come up some other way? Rather like the trading name Security Lab :)

    • +6

      Surely you know that unless a camera has a pinhole aperture then you will have a depth of field around the focus point and that the larger the aperture the smaller the depth of field???

      Obviously the focus point of a driving camera needs to be a reasonable distance from the camera to be useful. It is actually EASIER for a cheap camera to have a large depth of field as their tiny lenses have small apertures giving them large depth of field. The downside of this of course is that a small aperture means stuff all light, which means they just cannot perform in low light conditions.

      On the other side a larger (more expensive) lens array which lets in lots of light through a large aperture introduces a much smaller depth of field, meaning that objects far from the focus point will of course become blurry. It makes sense for that to be close where things will be large enough for it to matter less.
      Of course you can introduce an adjustable aperture (aka an iris), as decent cameras do, but you aren't going to be doing that for $60, especially when you can adjust exposure for free electronically.

      Of course none of this has ANYTHING to do with the processor of the unit (which the claim relates to), but with the lens system and to some degree the image sensor (as higher sensitivity means a smaller aperture required in a given light), hence your observation has ZERO relation to the claim you refer to. The spectacular clarity of the night images make it clear that if you think this is a 'Crap camera' you haven't seen the output of many car DVRs.

      Which just goes to show that as usual you seem to have no clue what you are talking about, but just a seeming love of finding any excuse to badmouth people/products on the smallest/flimsiest premise despite never having had the guts to post a single bargain to the community or contribute in any manner other than derision. Surely with so much passion and such a methodical nature you could be making a MASSIVE positive difference to people's lives, and raking in enough that you had no motivation (or time from your awesome lifestyle) to be doing this stuff?

      • -2

        Thanks for your wall of copied and pasted text which has absolutely nothing to do with ONE section of the video being blurry. Nice try though, first time trying to comprehend Wikipedia listings?

        But I must thank you. This might possibly be the first post you have ever made where you're not complaining about all your medical problems.

        If you can copy paste some info why one section of the video is blurry I would be happy to bother reading your next post, risking a sudden sleep episode.

        • +2

          I am quite flattered you feel my little work is of encyclopaedic quality (despite the fact it neglects the physics of why it happens and essential items like Snell's formulae), Though rather saddened at your apparent inability to understand something so basic explained in such detail with direct reference to the subject at hand.

          You see engineers have to study something called 'Physics' - I know this may be a new word for you - this is the study of the physical environment, including the electromagnetic spectrum (sorry again for the new words) of which light is a part. I have also been 'into' photography (thats the term for the use of cameras) since I was a child, have undertaken several formal courses on photography, helped write part of one, lived with a professional photographer and even been part of the organisation of a number of exhibitions.

          I am not quite sure how to make it clearer to you that when designing a camera, especially to such a low price, compromises have to be made. Even the best cameras have to make compromises in terms of size, weight, power draw, and the inconvenience of using and carrying multiple lenses. That is what engineering IS - balancing the necessary compromises to make the product fit the application.
          On a cheap camera like this that MUST work at night with a relatively inexpensive sensor you are going to NEED a relatively large aperture to let a lot of light in. As I detailed above a large aperture means a limited depth of field - as you go further from the chosen focus distance things will become blurry. Once again a tiny pinhole would mean everything would be in focus - but you would need a (literally) astronomically sensitive receptor array to get a decent picture at night, and it wouldn't fit in your pocket and would be in your way on the windscreen.
          So you make compromises. You use a cheap but decent sensor and processor. You use a larger lens with a larger aperture trading daytime depth of field for night-time sensitivity. You leave out an iris to vary the aperture for cost and size sake - the sensor can do most of its job anyway by varying it's sensitivity if there is too much light. A variable focus would add cost and size, and wouldn't add much utility, most people are going to want the same area in focus. In choosing a focal point you would consider that the stuff close up is big, and even if it is a little blurry you are likely to still be able to read plates, so you focus further away so they are readable at a distance too, to give you the BEST chance of reading the plate of a vehicle. These days you may even use an aspherical lens with different focal points at different parts of the field (for instance higher up could focus further away than low down), although again you would trade off with cost. You even use a tiny batter to reduce size, weight and cost - just enough to set it up with and to allow it to run for a little while after switch off if the vehicle loses power in an accident - no point wating money on a biger battery that target customers will never use.

          I hope that makes it a little clearer to you? I know it is hard for you.

          Thank you very much for your concern about my health. While the downhill slope of a degenerative disease sucks, the warm weather really helps the pain levels, and I have a pretty good drug regimen, though of course that again is a compromise between clarity and pain, although thankfully as you get used to large opiate doses the pain killing effects remain while the euphoric and concentration effects fade, my daily dose would kill most people. Staying positive of course helps with the pain triangle, as does keeping the PTSD under control with a supportive environment and loving family and friends. Apart from the pain I reckon i have a pretty f-ing awesome life, lack of mobility and poverty notwithstanding.

          I hope you come to understand on a truly personal and intimate level just how severe, unrelenting, all consuming chronic pain affects your worldview and thinking, especially on the days it is at its worst. Where every day is pain worse than a broken bone or a testicle inflamed to the size of a grapefruit, for months and even years on end. It is horrible to see in one you love, but you never come to comprehend it until the experience is personal. That is why there are so many communities for people who suffer the same condition - it is impossible for even those who care to understand. I really hope you come to a place where you truly do understand. Maybe then we can even be friends, I am used to people being less intellectually capable tho do REALLY enjoy the company of equals.

        • -3

          Sorry, don't have the time to read all that. Lol. I hope it's good because you've wasted an hour of your weekend typing it up. Awesome life you have there, sir.

          Good day to you.

        • Hardly wasted - awesome practice for writing project proposals to clients who have not the slightest clue how what they want works, and couching disrespect in verbosity such that it almost seems obsequious.
          Good practice too for if/when I go back to doing science shows for primary school kids :) had to drop out due to surgery.
          Also - try about 10min

          And it does seem quite ironic that somebody who seems to spend all of their time trawling threads on a bargain site to find something negative to say, with an attention span so short they can't read more than a paragraph on a given subject, would find cause to comment on the purposefulness of the life of others. Even more ironic when the reason they question their quality of life is that they can explain complex subjects. Does it speak badly of me that I enjoy watching science documentaries? Even ones where nothing explodes? I am sure volunteer work must make me even poorer of lifestyle? University - what a waste of time hey?
          So much more enlightened to sit in a parent's basement playing video games and watching for something to debase. Want some doritos?

    • +1

      Wow, after all that I just had to view the video to see what this was all about.

      I see the problem pmupsinep is describing. The right side is sharper than the left - most visible at around 1:09.

      It looks like a problem with lens alignment, either within the elements or the lens focal plane not being flush with the sensor focal plane.

      In any case, as mycosys says, at these price points, it's a compromise. Any smart consumer would know things are built to a price point. It would be silly to expect a $110 camera to have equivalent or superior video quality to a $1000 camera.

      Seeing as it's a dash cam, the manufacturer probably emphasized centre sharpness where the action usually is, rather than increasing the price by worrying about reading number plates on the sides. A totally pin-sharp UWA lens from edge to edge is not an easy thing to achieve at low price points.

      That said, the video quality blows the crap off my $350 DOD GS600 from 2011 - especially at night. I'll probably look at upgrading soon.

      If someone is after full sharpness all round the frame, they are most welcome to buy something like an Iconix HD-RH1 and maybe a Schneider Cinegon lens to go with it. At those prices they have every right to demand perfection. From a $110 dash cam? Not so much, IMHO.

  • Wouldn't the IR LEDs simply be reflected off the windscreen?

    • You can check night video in the listings.

      • -1

        in other words you can choose whether to turn the LEDS on or off in the system menu, as with most of these cameras

  • The GS1000 without GPS goes for < $50 shipped on ebay
    with GPS goes for < $80 shipped on ebay

    not negging but just saying…

    • That's fake GS1000 based on Novatek not on Ambarella

      • How can you tell?

        • I would DEARLY love to know this too - How do you tell the real deal from the fakes? some particular markings or something about the lens or …..? It is SO hard to make sure you are getting what you pay for in this market (having just got seemingly ripped off by banggood)

        • $25 price is fake's price as factory price or genuine Ambarella $40-$55
          GS1000 with Novatek costs $20 only

        • This site has links to reliable sellers -

      • I suppose it would also be worth keeping in mind that retailers importing stock into australia wholesale have to pay reasonably significant import duties that of course we as consumers do not have to pay when we direct import something under $1000 value from an overseas retailer, as well as having to pay GST on any markup (even what is necessary to pay our higher wages) and fairly hefty company taxes on any profit.
        Makes it quite hard for local companies to trade on anything other than offering faster delivery, local expertise, installation and operation advice/assistance and local warranty, it is literally impossible to compete on price.

  • Can we pickup ?

  • any experiences with this?

    I've used http://www.amazon.com/Abeo-HDVR-150-Accident-Camera-Recorder…

    how does it compare?

  • Hi O.P,

    Do you have any Dash cam(s) that can handle Australian Summer Temperatures (~42 degree celcius) without it dying after a month of using in summer?

    Or anyone out there with experience.. feel free to recommend.

    I'm certain there are others out there that would like to know as well.

    • My DOD GS600 has been running fine here in Queensland since 2011.

      The video quality is a bit crappy though.

    • As long as camera costs more than $50 it will be working fine as it's assembled from good quality
      components. All cameras we sell can handle high temp. except 2 cheap cameras with prices $20-$35 but even 70% of them can handle.

  • With these in-car recorders can you save the preceding few minutes of a road incident from being overwritten by the loop recording?

    • YEs, of coz.
      It's got G-sensor built-in

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