Hi All,
JB HiFi have the Nokia Lumia 520 Prepaid listed as $99 on their website
Check it out.
Now to wait for the Nokia Lumia 620 to go on sale …
Hi All,
JB HiFi have the Nokia Lumia 520 Prepaid listed as $99 on their website
Check it out.
Now to wait for the Nokia Lumia 620 to go on sale …
From the picture it looks like Telstra.
Price match at Officeworks, the guys there are clueless.
the guys there are clueless
Excuse me?
I happen to work at Officeworks, now I'm going to tell everyone to watch out…
….lol i'm jk, I don't work there, price-match away guys!
it's under the Telstra Prepaids navigation on left hand side of screen.
Unlocking fee expensive from Tel$tra though?
Keep in mind afaik there's no 520 version that supports both 850 and 900Mhz for HSPA, so these won't work too well on Optus.
Would mean its fine for Voda users :)
Not coming up for me, am on mobile though
There's tablets for that these days.
other colours? or only pink?
This is the black unit. What gave you the idea that it's pink?
The pink is a theme, the tiles can be changed to a number of different colours not locked to any carrier or phone
Comes in Yellow, black, cyan and red.
Personally, yellow is the best.
will give it a shot at officeworks in morning
on the way to work
if anyone tries it before let me know
Dang it…wouldn't do it at Officeworks Taylors Lakes…Oh well, might heat to JB tomorrow to get it. Guy was nice about it saying it wasn't the same as it was a prepaid as oppose to them selling it outright. Oh well, still a good deal op!
this has 8Gb flash which is great but only 512mb ram
i come from android land and 512mb isnt too good, i suspect its the same in windows land
512mb is plenty in wp8 for your day to day uses. Despite all the glory of android, you can't deny that it eats up the most memory out of the big three.
I have both HTC One (2gb ram) and HTC 8X (1gb ram), and my sister has Lumia 720 (512mb). So am coming from experience.
im with iChopstick, i have a HTC One and a Nokia Lumia 820 for work, we give out 520 and 620's at work and they are fine, for $99 you get a full featured OS but a not so good app store, hardware wise its just missing some data bands and front facing camera so taking selfies gets harder :P
its just missing some data bands and front facing camera so taking selfies gets harder :P
Yeah, also not good for skype video chat
But again - you can always stand in front of a mirror :D
I find that WP8 is optimised to be very fast and responsive even with 512MB ram. Have a play with one and you'll be surprised.
Expired already.
No it's not just use the full site not the mobile version and it displays fine.
what do you mean its expired? you went into a shop or do you mean you cant buy it online? i don't think you can get prepaid phones online .. although im not sure
Sorry it did not show on my tablet.
Damn IT!
I just brought a 4G ZTE Frontier(so far so good) from officeworks for $119 last week
wanted to jump on to the nokia wagon for a shot… ah well…might still buy it…
would it be possible to return it? :S
Does this work with BOOST?
should work with boost
at it is a telstra reseller
well managed to get one from officeworks pricematched and outright (unlocked) for $94.05 (5% off price guarantee)
If u dont mind can you please post the copy of the receipt
If the receipt if for unlocked, would other stores pricematch that? Or would they try to give you the Telstra locked one (due to JBHifi)?
Well ..nice catch!
They are supposed to sale you the telstra locked one.
I got office works price match for 94.05 as well. But it is the Telstra one. Took me 30min since they couldnt believe that jbhifi sell them so cheap
What a bargain. Deal from JB but purchase from Officeworks. Indeed true and master ozbargainer :)
Love the spirit.
if only it was a quad band phone :( but great buy :)
Is anyone here can help me what is the cheapest way to get this phone unlocked
Cant say we're the cheapest but we offer unlocking for $22.95USD
I need unlock also
Were they able to unlock it?
i will know tomorrow
how much to unliock Vodafone 720
Rep - where is the selection for lumia 520?
Well that's quite a surprise from that boot licking Windows apologist.
any idea how to get it unlocked from AT&T?
Would flashing the phone with the Nokia suite technically 'unlock' it or is there more to it than that.
Just sent my details off to an online unlocking site with paypal it was $5.99 i will update if it works.
Did the unlocking work? If so, which site?
Well i got this reply I'm Liam from Code Unlocking. Our system was unable to automatically generate an unlock code for your particular mobile. The good news is this doesn't mean we cant unlock it for you, it just means we need to get some extra information. With this information I will be able to manually calculating a code to unlock your phone.
Then i had a link to another page and all it asked was phone less than 3 months old and confirm imei number again . Have to wait some more time to see what they come up with. No point providing link until i find out if its for real or too hard for them or a scam.
Good values for those who missed acer liquid mt little while ago.. (my 'droid depreciates $20)
A while ago? Wasnt that like 2 years ago now?
Speaking of which my wifes acer took a trip on the roof of the car, fell off at speed and sat out on the side of the road in a big storm the other day. I found it about an hour later, dried it out and it still works fine. Tough little phone that thing.
2 years ago tomorrow, exactly. tho if 179, is something to go by, then it look like we haven't aged a bit. The acer metals are mighty bastards indeed/
2 cores, memory improvements, yadda yadda..
My next one MAY be a technology happy life corporation(thl), w200 @190.
I've also come from htc tytn days circa '06 (predating ipgone) so have seen most everything.
I enjoy reading your mobile rants :)
How is
1:Battery life
2: Touch screen sensitivity?
My wife has one and she's not a heavy user but she gets days out of it. It's mostly sitting there idle but only needs a charge once maybe twice a week.
Touch screen is awesome. I've played around with it and it's really responsive, no lag.
IMHO this is the best phone by far for the money. Not much under $200 comes close.
That is awesome battery life, but then again "she doesn't use it".
It might be time to take it off her and give her the old brick LOL.
According to Wikipedia:
The touchscreen is designed to be sensitive enough that one can use it while wearing gloves or with fingernails.
Price is now $179
is this available in store? (at $99)?
No no it's not expired yet . Just check in jb Malaga Wa and still priced at. $99 prepaid. Haven't bought one for my self though, no money left after chasing the bargains In ozbargain . !!
damn good buy. my htc8x was a better buy for $150 but for someone who has a max budget of $100 you cannot get any better.
Who can offer cheap unlock pretty please ….
Available in store at JBhifi camberwell.
Could not resist. Just got one unlocked!! (-5%) at officework Joondalup WA. None left at jbhifi Joondalup but lots left in Malaga wa store . Yepeee. !! Now got to find ways to hide the new phone from "the boss " at home. :)
How come they price matched it when website says prepaid and 179?I was going to pricematch but just went to jb as I assumed officeworks would not match.
Went to JB but out of stocks, although other stores still plenty available but too far to go, took good picture of the phone and ask OW sales to call the store for price beat after showing the good picture . ( sorry just deleted my picture as I thought of attaching for you guys to use )
how good was your picture?
Pretty good one to get the unlock phone ( - 5% savings :)
Would you mind uploading the picture?
I will print it in full colour on glossy paper and frame it for you ;)
Just got one from Chadstone, Vic can anyone post a cheap unlocking option?
Does anyone know how to make the Telstra one unbranded? Like can we load a stock rom/firmware like Android?
Got one from JB Mt Gravatt just before closing time. They had about 3 left.
Tried to score an unlocked one from Officeworks but they were wise to it… Any confirmed unlock methods?
website back to $99 for price-matching :)
Sold out at Tuggerah JB, guy said they had 3 left yesterday.
No chance of price matching :(
Snapped up the 2nd last handset from Parramatta Westfields this morning. Why is stock levels so low already?
Hopefully unlocking online is not going to be a headache.
I got a price match from officeworks at Russel Street and it is unlocked phone just $94.. I thing they have more left.. Hurry Up guys..
How unlocked?
Some of the Officeworks phones are unlocked it seems.
Looks like unlocking is out of the question i got this reply..
Unfortunately we have been unable to generate an unlock code for your
mobile phone. There are so many mobile phones on the market today
and not all of them can be unlocked. This can be for a variety of reasons
and is not limited to certain makes or models, occasionally it can be linked
to the amount of time the handset has been locked to a particular network.
Your options now may now be limited to contacting your network operator or visiting
a local shop who can unlock your mobile while you wait. It is very unlikely another
online company will have the unlock code but you could always give it a try.
I will now forward your details to our dedicated accounts team who will deal with
your refund. Refunds can occasionally take up to 7 days but will usually be back
in your account a lot faster than this.
Once again may I apologise on behalf of the Code Unlocking team and wish you every
success in getting your mobile unlocked
I will try when i am in Philippines next month to get it unlocked.
Stuck with Aldi for now..
Oh, that sucks. I just bought one.
I've just sent an unlock request and paid $2.50 to this seller in India.
Let's hope he can go through with it. I'll keep you posted.
It has stated clearly that the unlock is for at&t. Dont think your chances are high.
I don't think the unlock keys have leaked for these yet so i doubt it is possible for anyone other than the carrier to do it.
Not bad, price match got 5% and paid by ING wave for further 5% discount
Tried at 2 Officeworks today, one of them knew what people were doing trying to get the outright phone and the other didn't know but he still called JBHIFI to ask whether the phone was unlocked or not. I think I need to pick which sales rep I go to better.
You couldn't outsmart him LOL
OK. I'm gonna sleep on my 520 for a month or two until a cheap Telstra unlock code gets released online. Failing that, I will sell the phone as-is(hopefully recouping my $99) or use it as a glorified media player. This sucks.
cheap 12 month plan with Vaya/LC type cost but with T$ 3G coverage
So is there no cheap way to unlock this phone?
Who is it locked to (prepaid)?
Otherwise its a DAMN good deal..