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Lenovo ThinkPad 2 Day Flash Sale - Save up to $1000 (37% off)

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Lenovo Thinkpad 2 Day Flash Sale - Save up to $1000 (37% off).

Check it out. The price looks pretty good to me.
My first deal.

Whoops! Looks like I missed out something over the weekend.
It looks pretty bad indeed.
What a waste of my first post!

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closed Comments

  • +6

    LamEovo !!

    No thanks !! Take your business elsewhere

  • +5

    that backlash over weekend ensures they wont get OB customer for while

    • +1

      i missed it… what happened?

        • -6

          Looks like it was just a pricing error? These happen all the time and are often cancelled… am i missing something? seems like a lot of lenovo hate here.

        • +6

          at the time, multiple people checked with their call centre and online help staff, and were told it was a genuine offer and not a price error. That's where the hate is coming from.
          It looks like Lenovo went "we have too much stock on hand of arctic blue E330 and the FHD E531s, let's put on a clearance on those (plus a few other things we have too much stock of). Half the internet finds out and orders them. It has the appearance of too many people taking them up on the offer for them to do (that's all our excess stock PLUS 1000 units!) so they're reneging on it and kindly offering for people to re-order at full price. Not even a token discount for the mistake. Full price.

        • +1

          People have been receiving cancellation emails with this message: "Your order has been cancelled as you requested." When they have done no such thing. Its one thing to claim pricing error, but to be blatantly lying?

      • +8

        We got Lenovo'd

  • +6

    NO LOVE!! We're not too fond of them atm.

  • +6

    Dont bother with this company. Waste of time.

  • +5

    here we go again!

  • +5

    don't do it

  • +6

    RAGE NEG!!!

  • +6

    To soon, the wounds have only just been stitched up. Will take a while to heal…

  • +6

    If the original deal got 750 positive votes, this deal surely could get at least 749 negative votes

    • +3

      mods are removing negs it seems. I neg voted and they removed it. can't vote again.

      • +3

        You still need a valid neg reason in your comment to neg vote, even if it seems self evident. I've had a shot below.

        • +4

          nope. removed. wonder why. mods should let the community speak for themselves

        • lame.

  • +6

    Poor Luouuisc. It's his first post!

    • So poor that people even got his name spelt wrong lol

      • +2

        Why this got neged. Did I offend anyone?

        • +1

          Welcome to the internet

        • +3

          I plus'd your comment Louuisc, even though I negged your post, to show that its nothing personal. You just need to pick your battles more wisely.

        • +1

          Thanks laser. I'm not a rep anyway. After reading the whole story I wish I could neg my own post.

        • I wish I could neg my own post.

          you can levoke, i mean revoke your vote http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/116670/votes and click revoke

  • +8

    Not a reputable company

  • Unlikely to honour price if a lot of people actually buy it.

  • +4

    What if I want to cancel my order? Oh wait they'll tell me I did it anyway.

  • +3

    waste of time and space!

  • This time "Select Arctic Blue and Save $0.00 "

  • +3

    Whoops! Looks like I missed out something over the weekend.
    It looks pretty bad indeed. Read that they tell people "you have canceled your order". The worst way one can imagine to handle a price error. Dumb!
    Damn it what a waste of my first post!

    • +6

      That's ok, with the ozb crowd they like to hammer a 1st post anyway. At least this time it's not your fault ;)

  • +3

    Negging because its Lenovo.

  • +1

    Lol can't wait to neg scotty

  • +6

    READY, SET, F*** OFF!!!!

  • +5

    2 day flash sale is not so flash……

  • arggh! neg!

  • +4

    As the French would say "Le no vote"!

  • +6

    The weekend Lenovo deal was verified and withdrawn. Why? Did the company explain?
    Is it Fair to assume this deal will also be withdrawn, if Lenovo find a reason, so negging the deal to warn others of a bad company IMO!
    I assume this deal will be removed fom view if enough Negs are given?

  • +4

    Lenovo no way

  • So if a deal collects enough negs, can it go to top deal?

    • +1

      yep, it goes on top of all the lamest deals of ozbargain including snowscum etc

  • +5

    I want my $20 giftcard!

  • +6

    can't be sure if they are going to hold their end of the deal

  • +5

    Now that they have had an increase in traffic and therefore brand awareness with this pricing error, they put on a 2 day flash sale. Lame.

  • +2

    Someone is getting kickbacks from Lenovo. Many negative votes have been removed.

    • +2

      maybe its Scotty lol as he posts most of the Lenovo deals right?

  • As is the case for all deals on OzBargain, you need to provide a valid reason in your comment for your negative vote to be valid, even if it means stating the obvious.


    • +3

      misleading companies like snowscum, Bogan and lameovo should be an exception

  • I dont think they realise how many potential customers they have lost from their stunt on the weekend The deal had over 20k clicks and at minimum, they would have had 1000 extra customers.

  • I was a hardcore IBM / Lenovo fan and infact I had owned lots of laptops from these guys but after what they had done last weekend, I don't think ill trust them ever again! They had lost me there…even an Acer is starting to look good (no offence to Acer fans of course). Thanks Lenovo! NO LOVE from me!

  • +1

    I cannot trust a company that lies in it's correspondence to customers. -ve from me for deceptive conduct.

  • +2

    My order was cancelled but no refund yet. Not happy

  • +2

    Yeah screw Lenovo for taking my money with no refund …

  • The email spamming as started

    Welcome to Lenovo! Enjoy your exclusive subscriber benefits.

    Enjoy your new subscriber exclusive offer* and save 10% off Lenovo laptops, desktops and accessories.

    F*** Off Lenovo

  • FYI: the 2 day flash sale savings are another joke. I noticed that the webprice listed in the ads are so much higher than the original one.

    Lets take the E431 as an example.

    Listed in ads: $800, original price: $750
    Claimed discounts: -$100, e-coupon: -$93.74
    How much you pay: $700, How much you pay:$655.26

    Specs wise, they are exactly the same… If this sale is meant to make up for the previous price error, its a huge mistake because this is more like a rip-off.

    I hope this info helps for those who are tempted to make a purchase. Cheers~

  • I won't respect Lenovo anymore and advise all of you the same. Bought one over the weekend and now received order cancellation but they took money out of my account. I am planning to charge interest for that.

    I can't see their customer service for their mistake. Rubbish

  • Will never buy a LENOVO product thanks to their not honoring the price that their representatives said would be honored. Just goes to show what kind of company they are!

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