This was posted 11 years 5 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

McDonald's - Free Big Mac (Facebook Not Required)


Looks like Macca's still has heaps of Big Macs left even after the Big Mac Chant event. Voucher is valid until Saturday. It's generic and probably reusable once a day (or more for multiple stores).

Edit 1: Thanks to BeauGiles and TheAviator1992 for the direct link skipping Facebook!

Edit 2: Website is closed, existing vouchers expire tonight.

Mod: Do not post links to vouchers or voucher generators

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Looks like Maccas still has heaps of Big Macs left……

    • But run out at NZ

    • +5

      I never understood the logic that because it looks the same X years later = bad for you. Not saying it is good for you, but I don't get how this instantly makes it so terrible.

        • +7

          Beggars can't be choosers.
          Who do you think you are?

        • +25

          You're throwing the discrimination card? Seriously?

          Aren't all vegetarians discriminated against at most restaurants?
          Aren't all vegans discriminated against at most restaurants?

          Get a life dude, some people will seriously bitch about anything.

        • +3

          I managed to get my free big mac by just showing them it on the iphone at Sydney airport last month, not even scanning it, and the girl was happy to change the patties to my chicken of choice, which was the grilled breast filet! im alright with a free double chicken burger at the airport - even if it is from mcdeath!

        • +1

          also if youve got ethical qualms - give it to a homeless type!

        • +20

          Q: How do you know if someone is a vegan?
          A: Don't worry, they'll fricking tell you.

        • +3

          real/pure Hindu suppose to earn their meal. not to pick on give away :D

        • +1

          Hey, I'm vegan and I don't tell anybody.


      • -2

        Because food breaks down, anything organic will break down naturally. McDonalds is clearly full of something inorganic, not sure how that can be good for you.

        • Whatever, my stomach acid eats through anything! except my stomach lining*

        • Why don't we play with fire?
          Buy lots of big macs?
          And burn anything that you don't get to finish?

          I learnt in science that the heat or time or energy or whatever it was was something about the energy it contains or something like that…?

          Wow, i'm forgetting high school science…

        • Energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed between forms.

        • This is not a valid argument at all and brings me right back to my original point.

        • Uninformed argument which has little basis in reality not least because you appear to be equating digestion with food going off. Also it is not true that anything organic will break down, take honey as an example.

  • +9

    Am I the only one had too much FREE Big Macs since the Chant Event? I wanna vomit now when I smell it :(

    But still a good deal !

    • +4

      I've also had too many. Not to the point of nausea, but too many nonetheless.

      • May have to change to eat this now.

        • I did the survey at Uni and didn't save it there, now I can't access it :/
          Oh well, at least I have Big Macs.

        • leeeeroooyyyyyyy

        • Are you studying a bachelor of bargainhunting?

        • Bachelor of Bargaineering

  • +1

    Facebook Offer Email just points you to

    Expires Saturday, September 21, 2013

    To get the offer go to and print the voucher. Available only to Australian residents. Limit one voucher per person, per transaction. Available at all McDonald’s restaurants in Australia.


    Click the “PRINT YOUR VOUCHER” button to print your Big Mac voucher.
    Take it to the nearest McDonalds restaurant.
    Hand it over to the McDonalds staff member.
    Enjoy your Big Mac.

    • +1

      Thanks! I've updated the link.

    • refused at cq mac d, the manager said it has been used

  • -1

    Do they accept the voucher on IPAD @ Drive-thru?
    And anybody able to claim Chicken Mc with this?

  • +2

    The voucher you get emailed to you from Facebook is not the actual offer voucher. To get the actual voucher you have to go to the Big Mac Chant website, where it just prints a generic voucher with no need to log in or anything like you usually have to.

    For easy access you can just visit and print :)

    • So if it is the same it is a dupe now.

      • Thanks, I've updated the deal. I don't think it's a dupe since you technically have to get this from Facebook, not by voting on the website like the previous deal.

        • yes I agree, this isn't a dupe. It's essentially a new offer, and an unlimited one since originally you could only get two per week! Now you can just visit the site using the facebook link and print whenever you like :)

        • But it said "Your voucher can only be printed once. So before you hit ‘print my voucher’, please make sure your printer is good to go. Enjoy your Big Mac!"

        • +2

          Save to PDF on Chrome, print as many times as you want.

        • it only says that beceause that's what the system used to say when it was limited to two per week. Go and try to print again, it'll let you :)

        • How do u save it to pdf on chrome, it's not giving me the option.

        • After you click print and the printing window comes up you change the output from your default printer to the 'save to PDF' option.

  • +2

    In case anyone is really into them, the Big Mac Chant ones can be used repeatedly, not just twice a week per account.
    Once the voucher is swiped by the register person, you can just press stop or back on the browser before it verifies your prize, and the voucher doesn't get used.

    I don't mind them, but get them without the beef and put my own fillings in there, makes a pretty nice sandwich.

    • You lost me "put my own fillings" …

      What is the point :D

    • Great Idea. I just got 2 of them with no beef and at home put the veggie pats instead. So tasty!!

      • What did you do with the beef?

        • Ever heard of toilet paper? :p

        • +1

          Only two pieces though, and after a wipe you won't know if you clean yourself properly because it's the same colour.

        • +1

          That's a delightful thought. I will be sure to re-read your above comment over my next free big mac meal.

  • I am not looking forward to going to the Perth CBD one.

    Their communication is HORRIBLE.

    They will still probably insist I swipe my phone.

    • I stopped going to the Perth CBD one near Perth Station after one too many times seeing pigeons walking around inside and jumping up onto tables. It was a pigsty.

  • Time for mc donalds to have some free salad for a change.

  • +1

    I think my tummy is gonna explode from all these free big macs. Bring it on.
    I'm bringing my A-Game for this deal!

  • No problems redeeming so that's lunch sorted for the next few days, nice post.

    • +3

      Try it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
      I'm loving it ;)

  • Nice, so you can keep printing copies and reusing the same voucher, although you must factor in the cost of ink and paper.
    I've been juggling 2 chant accounts to get the free burgers, some stores don't even swipe it so it allows me to reuse many times. The paper vouchers would serve as a back-up or if you go in with a whole family of people who don't carry smart phones or can't work out the process.

  • Print -> Save as PDF

    • +4

      Can you simplify the process a bit so everyone can understand it mate?

  • Just so you all know. You DON'T have to save it as a pdf file.
    Every time you you click on the link it'll give you a new unique code number (next to the expiry date).
    So just open link, print, close, open link, print, close, etc.

    • their system is flawed

      • Error. My bad. It was different on the screen. but now that I look at the printouts they're all the same.

  • +3

    Go through drive-thru, they don't even bother to swipe the voucher so you can keep using it. I have been getting free big mac and free large water with this deal, decent snack.

    • lol you even asked for a free water?
      shame on you!
      Nah ,just kidding. Screw them man!

  • it says sample only?

    • Not on the printout.

  • +1

    i just used mine and they said it needs to have my name on the voucher an that itz always been like that? they gave it to me anyway. r the staff not informed on this update or is this some strategy to prevent u from coming back?

  • -4

    Hello Guys, can you please tell me :

    Do they accept the voucher on IPAD @ Drive-thru?
    And anybody able to claim Chicken Mc with this?

    • +1

      sure, they dont even ask for the ad in drive-thru.
      Only big mac.

  • -3

    Me want a McChicken. Not a Big Mac.

    • i got it changed to 2 grilled chicken filets

  • +1

    price error.

  • Do I need to buy something and then claim this free big mac or I just order one big mac and inform about the free 1 big mac voucher? please let me know.

    • no need to buy anything, just show the voucher. You can even get a free water with it if you want.

    • No order required, just show the voucher for a free Big Mac.

    • no purchase required. just show them the voucher and they will put in the order for you

  • Pair this with Indomie Goreng and your full day meal is taken care of. Total cost = 50 cents. Can't beat that.

    • +2

      Heart disease… priceless

  • +2

    Everyone is just going to be eating big mac's in front of their new laptops.

    • and going to show another voucher on their new S4

    • Using free wifi, and drinking a free Boost.

  • Same code but went in with the Mrs and you can't use two at the same time. They claimed they have to scan the code to account for the number given away. So only ended up with one.

    can't swap it for anything else. Same reason as above.

    • +1

      Classic ozbargain date night! Who ended up with the pickle?

  • -3


  • maccas gunna be broke

  • Wow McDonalds are really stepping up their marketing since this hit the news in the US ->…

    • -2

      idiots telling mac donalds not to open a store, lol they wont listen, your better off standing in front of the bulldozer.

  • +1

    Hey there Shinobu ;-)

  • i think after this went on fb, that 800K of big macs will be gone soon…

    i have 2 vouchers to use tonight!

  • Are they all the same code?

  • Do not post links to vouchers or voucher generators.

    • Sorry, i didn't see this message…
      I'm using dial-up-like internet…
      And everything loads so slow… :S

      Using my iPhone tethering on GPRS/EDGE internet…

  • Did anyone get an employee who had seen them before?
    Mine was a little clueless.

  • +1

    Cheers to OP and specially to NGPriest.

    • +1

      I made a generator…
      But i can't post it…
      So yeah…

      Kamsi does not accept new private conversations.

    • Yeah specially NGPriest!
      Circumventing the mods like a true ozbargainer!

      • I didn't mean to post it…
        It literally took 8mins to post it…

        I posted the link, but not sure if it posted…
        Then i got in the car and drove to another location…
        I turned on my laptop and it connected to the wifi and it send…
        I think? :S
        And i WISHED this place had 3G/4G, but then again, this country is progressing slower than Australia…
        At least i have 3 bars of reception…
        Last time i was here, i had 1 bar if i was standing in the middle of the road (And dodging speeding buses…)

  • just ate 3 bigmacs while watching breaking bad. Thanks mate.

    • At the same time?
      Like the guy who fit 5 chsse burgers into his mouth? :D

  • When I go to the page the sample has unique code which seems to change when I close the page and reopen but when I print I get the same code ending in 51c5.

    Is that what everyone else is getting???

    • Had the same thing.

    • same
      whats the deal? is it meant to be a unique code on the print??

  • Maybe it's stuck.

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