Assistance required- computer always reloads drivers everytime I plug in a USB device -Why?

so for some reason my sound output from the MB is dead so I use a USB dongle.

it works fine. however if i pull it out and then immediately replace it then it doesn't automatically work and the computer then does the whole search for a driver routine. click, click, click, wait.

a microsd reader searches for drivers.

when I charge my phone off usb it searches for drivers.

USB sticks work fine.

it's annoying.

my pc is running XP.

oh yeah, and everytime I boot it up it goes into windows and then says the HDD needs to be checked.

I close it down properly.

as they said in THX-1138 - "what's wrong?"



  • How old is your PC? There may be an electrical short on your board causing this behaviour. You could try dusting out your machine, failing that perhaps time to upgrade?

    • Short between what and what? I can't see how that could cause these problems.

  • +2

    Back up your data immediately.

    Option 1:

    You HD is dying. Data is being corrupted. As a result windows a just a little broken and doing strange things. You should get a tool to check the SMART data on your HD. If you get any issues throw the drive out (as it is already backedup).

    Option 2:

    Something has going wrong with your Windows install. Wipe and reinstall.

    I think these are the most likely possibilities.

  • +1

    Based on the failure of a component on the motherboard already, I would be leaning towards a hardware issue. Regardless, try going into the Device Manager, find the drivers for the USB device and uninstall them completely, reboot your computer without the USB device plugged in, then after everything has settled from the reboot, plug it in and it will install a fresh set of drivers. If the problem continues, time to buy new hardware.

    • Agreed..
      I'd be taking Bruce's advice.
      Back up all you files.
      Wipe the machine completely clean and install an up-to-date Operating system. XP is now dead to Microsoft and is now a security risk to you. It was never the most secure OS and now that Microsoft have stopped releasing security updates is even less so!

      If you can't afford a new OS, Linux is free, secure and reasonably easy to use and will run happily on older hardware like yours. (2 of the most popular Desktop distributions are Ubuntu and LinuxMint)
      There's even a Linux that looks and feels like Windows (Windows 7) so you don't have to relearn how to use your computer (too much)

      If after a fresh install your system is still exhibiting problems, it's very likely a hardware problem.. something is dying and you'll need to either determine what component is dying and replace it, or replace the entire machine…

  • +1 for Bruce device

  • If XP, run the drive fitness test from hitachi via floppy disk—> link, bottom of page-(… )- see if it reports any drive issues. Start with the quick test- if it passes, do the long test.

    If it passes those, go to start>run> type sfc.exe /scannow & hit enter. If any files are corrupt, it'll ask for your XP CD—- just pop it in the DVD/CD drive & let the check complete. Restart the computer & see if the problem is gone.

    You can also run chkdsk /f as a final "sweep". To do that: start>programs>accessories>system tools>command prompt> type chkdsk /f

    If it says it needs to run after a restart, then restart.



    • SMART is the solution to all these strange low level tools, I can't see how this will acheive better results that a simple SMART status tool:

      Only stupid thing is why this isn't just part of Windows as standard.

      • The Hitachi DFT isn't exactly "strange"- in fact, it's very highly recommended as it's not manufacturer dependent. In addition to the HDD, it can also do a RAM check. Definitely worth having in the IT toolbox.

        "Only stupid thing is why this isn't just part of Windows as standard."

        I agree- but then, a LOT about Windows is "stupid" or lacking (considering the $$$ that's behind it).


  • thanks for everyone's input. will run SMART this weekend. and go from there.

  • -2

    If its XP I doubt its up to the task of running a modern OS, you'd need a Core 2 equivalent CPU as minimum with 4GB RAM+.

    • funny, cause it is an E-machines atom processor desktop with 512mb ram.

      really need to update my hardware.

      • Jeepers!
        Just drive down the street on Hard Rubbish day and you'll find something far more capable!

        • I actually found it at the tip.

      • -1

        Naturally. As for the idiot who negged me, have you tried running Windows 7/8 on an Atom? Its not actually a fast experience.

        • i think your comment was confusing. i was confused by it -

          If its XP I doubt its up to the task of running a modern OS, you'd need a Core 2 equivalent CPU as minimum with 4GB RAM+.

          if its XP - are you referring to the IBM XT released in 1986?

          If its XP I doubt its up to the task of running a modern OS

          what do you mean by XP?

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