iPhone 5S / 5c Discussions

Howdy all,

With the new iPhones just freshly minted what's everyone thoughts?

Here's a good summary of both

To be honest I'm relatively disappointed with the pricing on the 5c, $740 outright is no bargain. The biometric password looks good but only available on the top tier.


    • -3

      Also, no ipad mini 2 or Ipad 5 being released. What was apple doing in the past year?

      In the past year? They only announced the iPad Mini and iPad 4 on October 23 2012, and released the Mini at the start of November. Give 'em a bit more time. I doubt if we'll see a retina Mini this year, though, so best to get that disappointment out of the way first. :)

  • this is the quote that was placed in front of the conference lobby,

    'If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.' - Steve Jobs

    IMO it is so contradicting to what they are doing these days…

  • on the marketing gimmick for the 64 bit A7

    the irony is that Samsung will be the first to provide a mobile device with a 64 bit SoC + > 4GB's of RAM to utilise the benefits… it's already at 3 GB now with Note 3…

    • http://bgr.com/2013/09/11/apple-a7-64-bit-processor-analysis…

      Hardly a marketing gimmick, but as gimmicks go, it will sell a lot of phones.

      • The 64 bit part is. It doesn't really benefit this phone at all. It is important in the long run to start the migration to 64 bit, but for people buying a 5S it won't help them at all.

      • Actually now with all the pointers and WORD at double the size, the same program would actually use more memory. Yet 5S is still shipping with only 1GB of RAM. Not sure whether it's a wise move.

        • For a well written program the difference will be pretty marginal. Doesn't mean that 1GB is enough, just that I wouldn't blame it on 32/64bit.

        • +1

          Well written programs don't use pointers to address various data structures in memory? Well written programs don't use int for integers? Yes it's actually more so with programs doing their own malloc() or programs with complicated data structure. On the server platforms I've tested (Linux & xBSD), some 64bit programs can consume almost twice amount of memory as their 32bit counter part. So I usually just go for 32bit OS on servers with 2GB or less.

          However I was talking about x64_86, and I am not sure about ARMv8 architecture — which could be very different. It could be 64bit CPU but iOS itself is still running 32bit. Or 64bit OS running 32bit sandboxed apps. I have no idea in this case.

        • Well written programs have pointers and int as a small percentage of the memory they allocate. Sure something small might be doubled, but anything that uses a lot of memory will generally fill it with fixed data (image, audio, whatever). This data shouldn't take more space unless the program is written in such a way.

          Of course there are always exceptions, as with everything.

          My understanding is this will 32 bit code natively, so the difference will only matter if you actually run a 64 bit app, which is not very useful.

    • The A7 is based on the newer ARMv8 64-bit instruction set, just as next generation Samsung and Qualcomm chips will be. It's more to do with the performance improvements of the architecture than putting a big number next to the CPU (besides, Apple rarely lists their specifications in any great detail, so it remains to be seen if they'll even make note of it).

  • I find it amazing that no one has mentioned the major issue I see with Apple storing your biometric data and this eventually making its way to the US government.

    • +1

      It is possible you aren't a typical Apple product user. Fingerprints are the tip of the iceburg.

    • fingerprints are stored on the processor and aren't transmitted onto any server. besides if someone wanted your fingerprint bad enough they'll just follow you around for a day

      • +2

        fingerprints are stored on the processor and aren't transmitted onto any server

        Wow, serious mate? Not even in the memory or in a temp file on the fs?

      • fingerprints are stored on the processor and aren't transmitted onto any server

        i highly doubt that. collecting fingerprint is a massive cost-issue.. this way they will get a database for no cost at all

        • +1

          They explicitly said they weren't uploading the fingerprint data, so if they do, it opens the way for a pretty big lawsuit.

        • +2

          yeah.. and google/yahoo said they weren't helping NSA spy on its customers

        • Just you wait. Login to Facebook with biometric scan - boom, privacy fiasco.

  • It is a joke, even for apple fanboi

  • +1

    Putting plastic on a iphone and call it COLOURFUL

    Is not CHEAP

  • +3

    Wow, Apple shares have literally plummeted since the announcement. I think it's like a $40 drop in shares. That's crazy.
    Do Apple even interact with the public? How did they determine the price of a budget phone to be over $700? Loss of confidence from investors are showing.

    • +1


      Not really a surprise is it?

      Apple is past its heyday (Almost a direct result of Steve Jobs passing away).

      They have the cult following & finances to survive poor decisions though. Milk away at the ignorant in the mean time.

      A "smart watch" is not the answer.

      • +4

        I agree. These iPhones are a disappointment. Especially their so-called "budget" model).

        As an Apple user (iMac, Macbook Air, iPad, iPhone 4s, Apple TV), I'm pretty certain that my next phone will be a Galaxy S4 (or S5?). there are apps to synchronize contacts, music etc between Mac and Android, so I'll go for the larger screen, and extra features, at the lower price point, thanks very much.

        If Apple doesn't pull something very special out of the hat for the next iPhone, their future as a phone supplier is dead in the water.

        -Just my 2c worth.

        • Yep there are, contacts is pretty easy there is a google page for that.
          For Music if you do switch take a look at iSyncr lets me sync my iTunes with my S4 via USB or WIFI.

        • Exactly what I've done. I own a Pro, iMac, iPad and they happily co-exist with my HTC One. iPhones just aren't the best anymore!

        • something to consider! im not that tech savvy and i hate the idea of too many apps to get things working but my phone is like ancient now!! iphone 4.. dont know if i can wait for iphone 6!

        • The one thing I can't yet sync is calendars with ical on the Mac. If I could sort that out I'd be ready to jump. The "Missing Sync" for Android does everything else…

        • I'm in the same boat. both 4S and 5 didn't seem to be all that much better for an "average Joe" user like me. Now having serious thoughts about getting a 5S. Methinks I'll find out about syncing My iAir and iPad with HTC1 or S4.

    • Why does everyone keep thinking this was meant to be a budget phone? The rumour sites said it was going to be a budget phone, Apple never did, and don't market it as such!

  • Does anybody think that the 5c/5s will make the 5 or the Galaxy S4 price drop? That would be great but I don't see it happening with the absurd price that they're asking for…

    • +1

      the Galaxy range will depreciate itself quickly due to the aggressiveness in releases

      the Note 3 will steal some attention away from S4 with that amount of RAM and screen size, buyers will be spoilt for choice most of the time

    • Considering they no longer sell the 5, and the fact that it's an Apple product, I doubt it'll see any kind of substantial discount before being discontinued completely.

  • +4


  • +5

    Should reband it = 5$ and 5 cents. Win

  • Windows Phone for ever

  • +3

    they make a crappier version just under the most expensive one to trick you into buying the most expensive one. lots of companies do this for all sorts of products

  • +1

    Used to love Apple! 3Gs was great. Then 4 came out,then 4s came out. i was like come on Apple you can do better. Then we got siri which seemed cool. but was pretty basic. By that time i wanted bigger screen new design and more then what apple was giving me. That really are not trying anymore.
    Apples innovation really did die with Jobbs passing…
    Once i bought my Samsung Galaxy Note i could not go back to iphones Same old tied design and features.
    I waited for iphone 5 to be released before i got my phone. when i learned it was the same old shit. I tried it out. Then Tried my SGN and freaked out!
    Features and size and power are great. It's now time for a new phone…
    5s 5c lol sure the 64bit chip sounds awesome. but other then that? it still leaves me wanting more. Bigger screen new design. Something to make me go wow i want this…
    But no they give us finger print crap. i have never locked my phone in my life with a password or whatever. dont care dont care.
    Come on Apple Samsung is destroying you and you are letting them.
    Love My Apple Ipad but Apple phones are way behind…
    Im looking to get new Sony Xperia Z Ultra phone. looks awesome and sounds even better.
    Some people dont want big screens and a hole lot more.

    • i hear you! still using my 4 for more than 2yrs! not worth upgrading. i just love iTunes. maybe its time to say bye since gaming is better on iPad anyway.

    • +1

      Then we got siri which seemed cool.

      Siri reminds me of the old "Bongo" (Ask Bongo) premium text message service that was around in ancient mobile phone times.

      The service worked by the user sending a question via text message to Bongo and, with a high success rate, it was able to give the correct answer.

      It was "cool" but pretty useless.

  • +1

    Not sure if anyone is aware of a super powerful phone launched just a few days before iPhones, and this article discussed about the problem with iphone 5c in China, which I believe really hit the right spot. Apple's presence in China seems bleak, at least for now.


  • more excited about plants v zombies 2! awesome game and so many time i've considered changing brands but it's itunes that convince we to stay. infinity blade 3 out next week!!

    how long is the wait for iphone 6? stupid apple never listen to the consumers! we dont cate for finger scanning.. how much more lazy can technology make you?? we want a bigger screen for better internet, multimedia and gaming experience. apple is so dumb… losing massive market share because of screen size. i dislike the size of 5 mire than 4 and now you give me the exactly the same new phone. so stupid… steve job would not be able to rip!

  • +2

    I'm an Android user but if I was to go Apple I'd stump up the extra and go 5s. Why? Well its 64 bit which although meaningless at the moment means Apple probably have a roadmap to move entirely over to 64bit at some point in the future and at this point the 32bit handsets probably become useless / stop getting new apps etc.

    Unless you change your phone every year or two you'll therefore probably get an extra year or so out of a 5s than a 5c. Of course if you do change every couple of years then it's probably a moot point.

    • +2

      I'd stump up the extra and go 5s

      Pretty sure that is the whole point of the iphone 5C to sell more of the 5S.

  • I'm sure without the new A7 and 64-bit optimised iOS, it'll probably take 3 seconds to authenticate the finger print and also slower with the image processing. Being able to take hundreds of photos non-stop instantly while post-processed, is no small feat

    I myself am excited to upgrade. I thought I wanted bigger screen, but I'm happy with a one-hander phone like iPhone 5

    • +2

      Why does everyone think that 64 bits = MORE POWAR? The CPU is fast. It happens to be 64 bit. These two things are not directly related.

      • +3

        Hehe. The CPU we tried to design & emulate at uni back in the old days — MIPS R4600. Also used to have a DEC Multia with an Alpha 21066. Both are 64bit. Both are dead slow in today's standard :)

  • I am still getting a 5S as I am tied to the Apple enviornment and my compnay pays for it anyway but….
    5S could be the last iphone I bought if Apple keep pulling out this kind of crap.

  • +2

    whos getting gta v on Monday? lol

  • Doubtful anyone will be enthused for this curtain. Penultimate architect .. evidently plainly gone;
    APL implodes into a boutique shop. Huzzah for i-Arpu, but fade to black.

    This lamented, however, that powered by the Samsung HTC and Googles marches on.

  • -5

    Women will buy the iPhone 5c just at the crap they normally buy, they just cant help themselves buying useless outdated garbage any sensible man would walk away from.

  • +3

    End of an era for iPhone

  • +1

    There is a long waiting list for iphone5s(not iphone5c though, there were barely anyone who turns up and tried to pre-order it). Some people simply don't care about specs as long as they can get a new iphone.

    • +1

      Some people simply don't care about specs as long as they can get a new iphone.

      Apple has trained its buyers not to care about specs. Selling a new phone based on a simple 'Specifications upgrade' alone wouldn't work for Apple. They need to give every new generation new features or else it wouldn't sell. That's why they threw in a finger print reader.

      I reckon if they wanted, they could just give the iPhone 5 a 25% speed bump in clock speed with the old CPU, call it the new 5s and people would still sing praises about it.

  • Lets compare iPhone 5c with $29 Nokia 108… :d

  • The usual upgrade for iPhones and iPads - better graphics,cpu,camera,display,camera,design,body. The iPhone kid is getting richer but dumber.

  • iOS 7 is out tomorrow morning; going to be interesting to see what it's like.

    Engadget have some reviews up:
    iPhone 5S - www.engadget.com/2013/09/17/iphone-5s-review/
    iPhone 5c - www.engadget.com/2013/09/17/iphone-5c-review/

    • I'm not even going to bother reading Engadget's reviews. They are extremely poorly written.
      I'd rather Anandtech's more factual and professional review.

      • Myriam Joire did the Engadget ones, although a little bias I've always like her work

  • +3

    If you like detailed reviews, here's the AnandTech one:


    • +1

      I held a very jaundiced view of the 5s. The review has changed my opinion of the device. There is some really interesting stuff under the hood.

      Thanks a ton for this scotty. :)

    • Oops I posted a similar link before seeing yours.. so upvoted yours.

  • +2

    So back to OzBargain talk – how do you get the best deal on an iPhone 5s?

  • For those who are nerds/geeks, this review is the most comprehensive of the 5s, http://www.anandtech.com/show/7335/the-iphone-5s-review

    The gist is, if you're not a geek/nerd, the hardware on the 5s is probably the best thus far, which is expected since it is the most recently released. So from that point of view it hasn't been disappointing.

    Also, don't think of 5c as a new phone, it is essentially a v2.0 of the old iphone 5 with mostly the same interior but with a nicer packaging, but the plastic is polycarbonate which is pretty strong as can be seen here: http://www.androidauthority.com/iphone-5s-vs-5c-drop-test-27…

    I'm still mulling over upgrading to 5s, 5c or xperia z1… if Sony didn't do the lockdown on the Z1 to prevent custom bootloaders (I'm convinced they did it intentionally given their track record) I'd have went for it already.

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