[PRICE ERROR] Samsung Galaxy S4 4G i9505 Black $431.99 Delivered from Kogan!

Moved to Forum: Original Link. It has been confirmed by Kogan that it is a price error. See email confirmation. Some stats before this post got moved to forum:

  • +593 / -22 votes with 45 voted revoked
  • 18,199 clicks

Looks like Kogan just had another price drop on this, at this price it won't last!
Be quick guys!

Credit goes to OzBargain user: tongyun for telling us about it :)

Update: Kogan has tweeted that this was not a price error, however this has since been quickly removed and it is unknown if orders will be honoured.

Picture of tweet here thanks to Gackt

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      • A good friend of mine, spoke to his mate who works at kogan. Said it was legit. No hard evidence only word of mouth. But that's what everyone is going on.. Twitter feeds have been deleted saying either option. So there is no evidence of either. Generally consumers are notified within a day or two that there has been a error. I've heard nothing yet..

        • I know its a "friend of a friend" type story but I'm hopeful. Seems like it was just a sale before the iphone5 so good business anyway…

        • They apologised on their Twitter account.

    • +10

      My source* is telling me that your trolling to send people slowly back up the hope roller coaster just for them to be thrust back down at 200kph.

      *souce = me

      …(what I'm trying to say is back up what your saying a little or there's no substance to a random claim).

      • I would like to see your concrete evidence of a pricing error apart from speculation

  • why i didn't check ozbarain last night….

    • +1

      You saved about 2-3 hours and the annoyance of not getting a phone. I bought mine at 11.59 pm in a great panic, getting pin codes from Citibank credit card to check exact price etc…..

      • Yeah exactly. I'm not hugely surprised that we're unlikely to be getting the phone but it's still a bunch of wasted time and that's what annoys me about these 'mistakes'.

  • +1

    vote revoked! gg

  • I remembered the pricing error on my S2 at $420 incl shipping, when it was still retailing at 580, and it arrived a few weeks later

    man I do hope it happens again so I can upgrade :)

  • +1

    Kogan reputation is gone if they don't honour this. They made a big deal about the sale. Had banners everywhere, they even had a red sale sticker on the damn product. Then tweeted all over the place that it wasn't a pricing error and was real - then later on decide to delete all those tweets? Very low.

    • Do you think it is possible that Kogan originally had intention to sell at this price but when they realised there were getting swamped with thousands more orders above expectations, with stock that they possibly cannot obtain.

  • +1

    Kogan is an Australian company according to our local law, after they took your money they have to honour it. That's why some company will not take the money until they deliver it.

    Didn't like NZ fishpond last time.

    • +1

      If you were to walk in to HN and bought a tv, the pricing error occurs at the register. You continue to walk out of the store and get home set up the tv, do you think HN would come to your place and take your TV away because of a pricing error?

      • +1

        Not if they haven't yet delivered it.

    • +1

      Nope. It's supplied by Kogan HK Limited.

  • +6

    Screenshot of the Twitter post for anyone interested.


    *Thanks for Gackt

    • -1

      Twitter is not official.

      • +2

        Never said it was.

    • LOL

  • oh noooooooo

  • Well that escalated quickly…

  • +3

    Looks like it's time for some class action guys lol

  • +3

    I too checked my bank account and still haven't been charged, used PayPal.
    So how is it now? Price error or not??

    was too excited, & gonna look for screen protector & phone case,..now that excitement has all faded away.
    Yesterday was my fastest "click" to purchase a stuff over $300 without thinking for a long time, that will be a history now then?

    • You have been charged it just has not shown up on your bank statement it will in 2 days or so.

    • Moneys taken off my paypal cc but only authorisation at this stage

    • It's on my account as a pending transaction. Which is removed from my available balance, hence that money is tied up with Kogan until resolution.

  • +8


    I hope his chooks turn into emus and trample his dunny into the dirt.

  • +8

    everyone please banter on twitter @kogan

    • +1

      I dont think theyre going to confirm/deny anything until they want to.

      • until then, the power of social networks might sway their decision. I guess everyone get on fb and twitter :) if you are one of the lucky people that purchased.

  • +14

    Got an email from kogan… got excited/anxious… turns out it's more spam -.-

  • +10

    Seeing as Neil Mitchel on 3AW is talking to Consumers Affairs and HN - would be interesting to hear what he thinks about this.
    Was my first purchase last night from Kogan - and most likely my last if we do not receive our phones for the price listed

    • same here mate

      • +3

        Same here. I have not bought anything from HN since they called us professionals and didn't honour that tablet deal. I'm not going back to Kogan if they don't honour this deal, even after confirming it on Twitter.

        • -1

          Get off your moral high horse. If the deal is at an amazing price and 100% legit who wouldn't jump onboard.

        • I've not gone to Nando's since I saw a giant rat on their table, you can give me free food from there, I won't eat it, I've even gone hungry while others I've been with ate Nando's, it's not the same as a phone, but a lot of people won't go back unless they have to on sheer principle

        • +1

          Would you go back if there was a stripper on the table?

        • not too eat :)

  • +2

    Man…the suspense is worse than a horror movie!! C'mon Kogan just honour it already!!

  • +17

    Seriously KOGAN should be punished for this. How many new people would have signed up for an account that would not have done so if it wasnt for this deal? They now have e-mail addresses and address details of thousands of customers as a result of this pricing error!

    Whats to stop them from claiming a pricing error again in the future if there are no repercussions for doing so.
    They should not be allowed to get away with this despicable practice!

  • +5

    As much as I'd love to get the S4 at this price, if they don't honour it I won't be too concerned. I still have my S3 which is still a pretty awesome phone. Here's hoping they do honour it though. :)

    • My Htc one says the same to me….

  • +2

    If it was a pricing error why did the sale price of $409 stay on their website for almost an hour after the sale should of ended (midnight), it should of been noticed way before then.

  • +1

    If they don't honour it, I'm going to send an email to ACCC

    • +1

      Sorry, but a retailer is not obliged to honour an advertised price if it is in error.

      • +2

        But they confirmed it on their twitter account that it wasn't a pricing error.

        • +2

          That doesn't really make a difference, those tweets were obviously made by an ill informed employee and were subsequently deleted.

      • +3

        an error wouldn't stay up that long, they would've realised the significant increase in traffic purchasing the GS4

        • +3

          Because I'm sure their staff have nothing better to do than be at work at midnight on a weekday?

        • You would have an alert system if traffic in purchases went up 1000% …. sigh

        • this deal was posted around 6-7pm?

      • +3

        In the old days, it is treated as an "invitation to treat". It does not have to be honoured. However, once you go to the counter and pay for your goods (and the offer is honoured) you have a complete contract. See mum, I did learn something at uni.

        But this offer was from the HK Kogan, which tells us to read the conditions of a HK sale. Which tells us the order can be cancelled at any time up until the delivery is made. It also tells us the price can change at any time. Which sounds like the highest order of BS.

    • +1

      Good luck with that they don't need to honor a pricing error.

      • +1

        my comment probably wasn't very clear… I meant with the intention of reporting Kogan for the use of a bait and switch trap.

    • +1

      You won't get them for the pricing error, but you might get Kogan for Bait advertising.

      • yeah… my comment wasn't very clear, but that was my intention

  • Come on people.. OP does not deserve 10 neg for this. It's not his fault.

    • +1

      Its going to be moved to forums if it doesn't work out anyway. Why worry?

    • +21

      The vote has always been on the deal rather than OP.

  • +8

    Confirmed by phone myself… pricing error.. they will be contacting buyers later on today via email asking if you want to pay $180 on top or receive a credit or refund…
    boooohooooooo :(

    • +20

      Who'd be crazy enough to take a credit?

    • +3

      I'll be refunding of that's the case

  • +8

    No Macbook pro Haswell update, and now this. /Shakes fist

    Also, first world problems

    • +1

      Thanks Obama.

      • +7

        Thanks Tony.

      • Thanks B0B0.

  • +15

    Can the screenshot be used as proof / leverage so that they'll honour the deal, else gotta pay for compensation to those who suffered and affected by it?
    some might have sudden increased in Blood pressure, then have heart attack,
    some wasted their sleeping time pondering to buy or not to buy,
    some wasted time to arrange for refund and worried if $$ not refunded
    some experience a loss in the Bank Interest
    some lose their job coz of reading this thread for so long at work and manager found out?!
    list goes on :P

    • +2

      list goes on :P

      Please add them to the first world problem list.

      The list Should be longer than Great Wall of China(O)

      • -1

        some wasted their time replying my comment and I wasted mine replying yours :P
        some went crazy they didn't get new phone and still have to endure with their old phone

      • A first world problem would be " I got charged twice, now I can't get that ps3 from target"

    • Cry me a river.

      LOL - A "heart attack" over a Kogan deal? I think the only person with high blood pressure/cardiac arrest right now is the CEO of the company because one of his employees stuffed up really badly and now they are in damage control mode!

      Can someone insert a sarcastic Wonka theme here?

  • +4

    Guys, just move on already. You took a punt and lost, end of story.

  • +9

    Looks like we are going to move this to forum later. Yes Kogan does not need to honour the pricing error and it's all covered by their terms & conditions of use.

    Just that it was posted at 6:20PM yesterday evening. I know it's outside the business hour, but an "online store" generally don't have business hours. Nor was it in awkward hours like last time when a price error was posted at mid-night. I'll think they should at least have some senior operator on stand-by if something like this happening at 6-7PM. Thousands of SGS4 sold in a short amount of time should have triggered some event in their monitoring (although they did anticipate a sale). It would be much better if the item is taken down or price fixed at 8PM rather than all the way pass mid-night.

    PS. I voted +1 although I didn't buy it, knowing in my guts that it was likely to be a price error.

    • +7

      I did buy it, knowing in my guts that it was likely to be a price error. If it's honoured I get bargain, if not I lose nothing.

    • +2

      Technically, it would have been 4:50pm HK time. That is who we are dealing with.

      • +1

        Those doing logistic and fulfilment are not the same as those doing web site maintenance and marketing. I doubt Kogan, being a Melbourne company, have someone in HK with the power to halt a sale on their website.

    • I'm wondering if you could see from the logs whether Mr Kogan has visited this page and was laughing to himself the whole time while deliberately not fixing the pricing error.

    • Could not disagree more.

      When you are a business purporting to turnover $100-200m a year AND this mistake has cost you before, you would think this necessitates 24-hour product management. Not to mention that his absent-minded twitter didn't bother to check whether the deal was real before answering.

      IF he had a night-shift product manager, they would/should have known something was very wrong. Further, one would think that his website has at least some basic inventory tracking tool. If this got 600 likes, then it's fair to say that even more people bought phones including people like myself who didn't like just in case. When I was on his website, the bottom feed(er) all popped up with S4, S4, S4.

      If we speculate that he sold, say, 2,000 units. Wouldn't that be very unusual activity that should perhaps be flagged and investigated? Also don't you think that is an abnormal amount let alone whether you would be able to fulfil an order that large?

      I'm pretty sure someone knew of it and just sat by until 9am when s/he clocked into work before they did anything about it.

  • Bait…. switch.

    • +4

      bait… hold money… wait a week before offering product at higher price… switch/offer $10 credit

  • Just checked my Paypal account and it shows that the payment has been processed at 7:20pm last night, so Kogan has my money.

    Can i have my phone please?

  • :( bummer guys.

    If it's too good to…well, you know the rest.


  • +2

    Brilliant way to get free marketing - Thousands of people talking about and looking at Kogan…

    • +9

      Good way to get bad PR - Thousands of people talking about and looking at Kogan stuffing people around…

      • -2

        but I disagree. Only -11 down votes and 609 positive votes. Seems to be working in their favour?

        • 609 people who aren't getting their phones..

        • 609 people who aren't getting their phones

          I think more than 609 (do not judge by the votes).

          Some people came here and took all the good offers but never cared about cheering up the OPs or give a plus.

  • +1

    Who's joining the neg train?


    • +1




  • Kogan Website shows Black 16 GB S4 sold out.

    • +15

      Yes they just sold 10,000. Don't worry they'll have plenty in stock once everyone cancels their order.

  • I always thought you had to honour an advertised price…? I went to Harris Scarfe one time and they advertised some pepper shakers for really cheap. They ended up honouring it.

    • +1

      Only if its part stores terms… for example i think if Woolworth price is scanned incorrectly you get the item for free (exclude beer ect)

    • +1

      No, they do not have to honour it if it was in error.

    • Nah they always have a clause in their T and Cs to say that if its a pricing error they aren't obliged to give you the item for the price.

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