This was posted 11 years 5 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC Games] Square Enix Hits Bundle $14, Square Enix Gamer's Bundle $15, Hitman Bundle $9

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Amazon will be having the following deals:

12/9-14/9 - Hitman Taking Care of Business Pack - $8.99USD

  • Hitman: Codename 47
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
  • Hitman: Blood Money
  • Hitman: Absolution Professional Edition

15/9-16/9 – Square Enix Gamer’s Bundle - $14.99USD

  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Augmented Edition
  • Hitman: Absolution Professional Edition
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • Just Cause 2
  • Just Cause 2: Black market Aerial Pack DLC

17/9-18/9 - The Hitman + Tomb Raider + Sleeping Dogs pack - $13.99USD

  • Tomb Raider
  • Hitman: Absolution Professional Edition
  • Sleeping Dogs

These deals should go live 5pm Thursday Sydney Time (Midnight PST). All bundles will include individual keys that require Steam for activation.

Source and Thanks to:

Here is the Amazon Referral Wiki if you want to help out a fellow Ozbargainer
First click on a referral link, then come back and click on the item you wish to purchase.
Feel free to Add your referral link too

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closed Comments

  • Nice find OP. These are all excellent bundles and its rare to find a bundle with everything you want inside it for such a low price.

  • The Square Enix bundle is great value.

    If I didn't own all but Sleeping Dogs and Hitman: Absolution, I would get that for sure. Might get the Hitman bundle though.

    • hi, I have a Tomb Raider code (I already own the game from the AMD bonus games offer for their GPUs), I wouldn't mind traing for Antichamber (currently on special on steam) - please add me on steam if you want to trade.

      • I'll take you up on that offer. Steam invite sent.

        • successful trade completed, many thanks!

  • Cool find, will have to remember the ref wiki next time and chuck some in the spread sheets / posts for the big sales

  • Currently unavaliable?

    • +1

      Post says deals live on Wed arvo ;)

  • +4

    $15 for Tomb Raider, Hitman and Sleeping Dogs! Freakin' crazy!

    That's why I love PC gaming! The cost of the hardware is fine when you look at how much cheaper the software is!

    • +1

      To be fair these titles would have all come out for a much higher price.

      There's that, and there's also the whole no physical copy - just paying for a alphanumeric code that lets you use a bunch of peoples collaborative intellectual property.

      IMO codes are much better than a physical copy. Bring on the bargains and not having to store cd's in boxes with manuals and then putting into storage.

      • +1

        Deals like these are also pain for those with low internet allowances.

        • +2

          It's 2013, there are things called "unlimited ADSL plans" you can get for cheap

    • Square Enix Hits Bundle is fantastic, highly recommend it if you haven't got any of those games.

  • +1

    nice post EC

  • So i can add my referral link(s)? :S

    • in the wiki, yes :)

      • Is it /ref= or /?tag= ?
        Since i'm used to the 2nd one…?

        • I copied the people above but I think your right it should be tag

  • I'm expecting to see something like Final Fantasy…

  • can you provide the link to Square Enix Hits Bundle

    • as soon as its active, ill update the link :)

  • If someone wants Sleeping Dogs I am up for a swap - I already have SD :)

  • I've seen a couple Hitman bundles recently and wondered why Hitman: Contracts (3rd game of the series, released 2004) wasn't in any of the bundles.

    As it turns out… from Hitman Wiki:

    Hitman Contracts is not on Valve's digital distribution service Steam due to difficulties clearing copyright for one of the songs used in the Rendezvous in Rotterdam mission.

  • still waiting for the link to be UP… any update?

  • believe it is for 12/09 US PST time as per SD

    "Starts 9/12 PC Digital Download"

    • thats what im thinking too

      • cant wait for it then…great deal… need to update description though…

      • so its December 9th?

        • +4

          USA calendar format -> 12th September
          Original post should say 5pm Thursday Sydney Time if it's midnight 12th September Pacific Standard Time
          Time to go to bed rather than search pointlessly around on Amazon for sale that hasn't started yet :(

  • +2

    looks like they are staggering the dates for these sales as per below (also here are the links for your post):
    12/9-14/9 - Hitman Taking Care of Business Pack - $8.99USD
    15/9-16/9Square Enix Gamer’s Bundle - $14.99USD
    17/9-18/9 - The Hitman + Tomb Raider + Sleeping Dogs pack - $13.99USD

    • +1

      The Hitman Taking Care of Business Pack is live now

      • +1

        Thanks spiritek, updated deal :)

  • When is the damn tomb raider deal going live?!!?!!

    • 17/9-18/9

      • Was so focused on the time conversion forgot to check the date! Woops :)

  • +3

    The Hitman + Tomb Raider + Sleeping Dogs pack - $13.99USD

    • how can i get them without us account please help…

      • Give me $$ and i'll buy it for you? :p

      • Make sure you setup an american address setup in your account info and make sure its selected as your default 1-click buy option!


  • What's the deal with inputting a fake US address that obviously doesn't match up with how you are making payment (credit card address for example)?

  • Already have hitman and SD. :S

    Anyone willing to sell their TR key to me for $6?

    • Maybe .. I got an email this morning saying that there was a problem with TR keys and they have given me another .. thing is I'm installing it right now - so steam validated the key already … guess in 10 hours if it finishes installing and I can get into the game I will have a spare for sale.

      • hey, the same thing happened to me too!

  • I'm seeing:
    Currently unavailable
    We don't know when or if this item will be available again.

    • It is available again now

      • I just got the Tomb Raider bundle but I needed to use my US address.

        • Just pick any address. I remember reading here about picking an Alaskan address coz no taxes, so I googled a hotel in Alaska and chucked that in. Second time I've done this!

        • give em a 5 star review on tripadvisor

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