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$34.50 Telstra LG Optimus L3+ at Woolworths from This Wed


$34.50 Telstra LG Optimus L3+ at Woolworths from This Wed

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  • +1

    Looks good. Anyone use this phone before?

    • would also like to know how well it works the specs are pretty painful but wonder if it could run pocketcasts. anyone tried custom romming it with jellybean?

      • interested to know if JB works too, it appears there is buggy Cyanogenmod 10 so far but can't find anything more recent…

        • hmm last time I looked thought i saw a jellybean rom that was pretty stable and complete.
          maybe it was just a themed GB. lots of ics roms though.

    • I bought it last month for the same half price as this one from Woolworth. The batery lasts 3-4 days. screen resolution of course is not as well as a 700$ phone but is ok.
      the worst thing about the phone is the internal memory which is 350. so I could install only 4 new apps on it and now it is out of memory. (you can still take pics and videos as it has 2G memory, but no more than 4 new apps).

      also the keyboard is very small so it takes some time to get used to the tiny letters to type…
      Overall Im happy with this phone.

      Radio is another great thing about this phone.

      By the ways , the phone can be unlocked by "bagman" here for 2$. I did it and now Im with vodaphone.

    • +1

      I have one too. Bought it as an mp3 player for when I go running, so that I could use fitness apps and not worry about dropping my good Android phone.

      It's okay. Runs nice and quickly, probably because but I don't have many apps on it. The screen is almost painful too look at. It's SO bright and the viewing angles are terrible. Minimal storage space for apps, so a microSD card is a must. The battery lasts for weeks if you don't use it much.

      Scaregdearimasu - Pocketcasts runs great on it. I haven't tried any custom roms on it, as I've had no reason to yet, and I've been lazy. It is rooted, but that's as far as I've gotten.

      • oh excellent well this will be a great Ipcam/mom phone then thanks.

      • so that I could use fitness apps and not worry about dropping my good Android phone.

        Thanks for the tip!

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WzcGDpemXA
    a review
    but at this price don't expect much

    • +6

      I can only see All Negative Comments in the Review….

      sircaebs 2 weeks ago
      "Dont buy its a piece of shit!!"

      JUREX3000 1 week ago
      "i hate this phone."

      ivan vasilev 1 day ago
      "I have it an this phone suck dicks"

      elihawkins0 2 days ago
      "I own this it sucks"

      hadi altoum 4 days ago
      "This bitch said the phone is good so i bought it and it turned out to be a big piece of shit"

  • http://www.lg.com/au/mobile-phones/lg-Optimus-L3-E400F

    850MHz, 2100MHz
    850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz


    pretty good if it was unlocked

    • +1

      You can unlock it here by "bagman" for 2$. i did it.

  • +1

    If its the same one on the july ozbargain post it might be only $1.60 to unlock

    • Yes, my daughter unlocked hers for about that much on eBay. It's hard to go wrong for $34.50, which gets you WiFi and the ability to use Viber.

    • Thats what was said on the july post too. I need a new phone and sim urgently so i would like to know also otherwise ill get this one. The power doesnt work on mine anymore its only a few months too.

      • well it's less then a year old don't they have to accept a warranty return?

        • -1

          For privacy and the stress involved in returning it i would not bother. I dont know if i even have the receipt. For $40 for 5 months use i dont mind.

        • +4

          well I could understand you valuing your privacy but possibly losing your receipt or not caring about $40 is very unOzbargainy of you.

        • thanks dad

        • No problemo daughter.

    • problem is not sure if I can trust huawei or maybe thats just US propaganda.

      • +4

        The US is afraid of anything Chinese. Go to Engagdget, a US tech blog site. Any time they discuss a China-brand device…. the torches and pitchforks come.

        Besides, now we know that the NSA is actively collecting data on it's own US citizens, it's really a case of the pot calling the kettle black…

  • +1

    Sweet. Been looking for a inexpensive yet decent MP3 player with a micro SD slot.

  • Better off buying Y201 when it comes around again.

  • I can confirm coles still have y201 but not on sale yet its $59 today

    • Probably still worth getting over this LG I reckon. More internal memory = more app and less complaints about "Insufficient storage space".

      • Do you think the alcatel one touch is better at $89 save $60 at coles

        • Get Huawei Y300 instead. It's $99 via Telstra and you can unlock it easily via Bagman.

  • +1

    Was able to get a hold of one this time. cool phone for such a low cost. Pocket casts is very usable on stock. would recommend if you need a mp3 player podcast device. Makes me regret my $40+~ purchase of my sandisk Clipzip+. Fruit ninja plays surprisingly well too.

    Although I think my touch screen is faulty. sometimes it seems randomly the touchscreen stops responding to all touch completely including the touch spots for back and settings. normally I'd just think it's the phone lagging but it continues to function if I push the home button brings it back to the home screen keeping the screen awake and does so instantly while continuing to play audio from pocketcasts. Pushing the Power/sleep button turns the screen off and when I wake it back up the touchscreen works again. Happened once in Pocketcasts and once in Fruitninja causing me to miss 3 fruits which was still moving when it stopped recognizing touch.
    Also had a few moments where it ghost touched but thought that was just me doing things too fast and it trying to play out my actions after the fact not sure about those occasions though.

    So guess I'll be back at the store to swap for a non faulty one hopefully.

    Faults aside if your still using a flip phone and can't afford more than $35 for a phone this works great at being nothing more then a technologically superior phone with easier contacts, texting (swype works great) and podcast solution. Temple run didn't work well playable but not enjoyable. Still surprising non the less. Oh solitare worked well too. Also makes a great IPwebcam as I had bought it for. Although for anything more then bottom dollar phone I'd still recommend getting something with at least dual cores and some more internal memory and ram.

  • +1

    so I got a second and instead of the standard orange telstra sim card it came with a purple one with the words Wild card on it whats the difference?

    Also a side note Installing Jellycast ICS and SDmergeing so I get 1gb System storage makes this phone the best mom phone ever!

    • thank you for the update

      • No problem if you need any help rooting, roming, unlocking or anything let me know
        Seems the only downside to ics on it is loss of wifi hotspot.
        Also remember to unlock before installing ics had to revert to stock then redo everything again.

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