Purchased two pair of shoes from Julius Marlow now cancelling peoples orders what a joke.
Dear Style Hunter,
Firstly - great choice in buying Julius Marlow shoes at unprecedented prices on juliusmarlow.com.au during Click Frenzy this week. We were blown away with the excitement we caused! In fact a little too blown away and we've oversold our soles.
Sooo…… we won't be able to deliver your order. But all is not lost - we've decided to offer you a pair of our best sellers instead (currently priced $130+). Checkout the attached alternative styles and select the one you like.
Just email us with;
Your name
Your replacement style, size & colour
Your original order number (this can be found on your order confirmation email and will be 10 digits long starting with 34)
If there is nothing that takes your fancy - fear not, we will be very happy to provide you a full refund.
Note that we're working as fast as we can to send out our shoes to everyone (in fact we will be Express Posting all orders) but these replacement shoes may not get to you before Father’s Day. If your order was a gift we would hate you to disappoint your Dad so we recommend a refund. Once again just let us know by return email.
If you have any other queries give us a call on 1800 308 432.
Which one did you order and what models are they offering?