This is my first entry. It looks like a good offer.
Starts Wed 21.
This is my first entry. It looks like a good offer.
Starts Wed 21.
Sorry, no oil filter please
It also used to be $40 before the Coles/Woolies price war - It went to $30 then $24 then $22 then $20 and up to $24 and who knows what now.
I was about to buy some last night - it was $26
Nice find!
So I'm not the only one who just glanced at it and saw "Motor oil 4 liters $15"?
Sorry, it is not motor oil, it is olive oil for cooking only
Whats's going on here ?
According to this post here,, Woolies also have the Carbonell 4L Olive Oil for $13 !
Its not in the catalogue linked above ?
This bargain applies to QLD, NSW & ACT only. My post applies to all other states.
I take the $5 a kilo 3-star with the tasty fat every time. That lean 5-star stuff is up to $13-$14 a kilo and is well bland.
I don't know about your Coles, but the $5 mince is good at mine.
The rubbishy beef offcuts seem to get used for their cheapo sausages and hamburgers.
But I never touch that Spanish olive oil any more.
Re: Spanish olive oil - agreed. These guys get busted selling dodgy oil often… Here's one of many links,…
Moro and Carbonell were both named and shamed. I wouldn't buy this at $1 per litre.
Better off buying aussie grown and produced olive oil.
having tried both, it would not surprise me if this had some percentage of dodgy olive pomace oil in it.
A good friend of mine refuses to buy any olive oil that has come out of europe, and he's usually one eyed to anything out of italy.
Yes what do italian's and greek's know about olive oil
Isn't this Spanish ?
vs saber…
Good question… I'd guess they know more about profit…
Today tonight and current affairs are marketing gimmicks.. They take money to advertise a brand and also to diminish a competitor brand.. i'd not buy their claims
When it comes to food standards and to labels conforming with them I'd pick European products over Aussie ones any day.
When it comes to taste: as a cooking oil the one from this post will easily do the trick and will give you the best bang for the buck.
For dressing your dishes you should pick something else. Can you recommend an Aussie grown one that would qualify for this purpose and is good value for money?
Cobham estate is the best mass-manufactured one I know.
Don't assume European food standards are higher than Australia's. I suspect that some countries are particularly dodgy. See my link above. There are other links from other years if you look.
No. It was unethical selling. Mislabeled oils, etc. it's one big scam. See my link above - or search for others yourself…
I read somewhere says this olive oil is not a "satisfactory" olive oil - can someone tell?
Yes. There's a huge difference. Ever cooked with oil for loo long by reusing it? The oil goes off and becomes poisonous (rancid). That's what this stuff tastes like. A little research will tell you why..
Actually (in all fairness) much 'extra virgin' olive oil from Europe is imported from many other parts of the world, mixed with pomace or vegetable oil, imported and repackaged in Italy, and exported. Choice magazine: The bad news for supermarket shoppers is that half the oils on test – most of which are imported from Italy and Spain – don’t meet the widely accepted International Olive Council (IOC) trade standard for “extra virgin”…
A good book about how big a problem counterfeit Olive Oil is Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Mueller
Luckily as Australians (although we're not immune to bad oil), we have some of the best quality oil in the world, and produce some of the highest volumes outside of Europe. Our Olive oil testing labs are world leading, and we're recognised by the IOC. So we have it pretty good here. Price is usually a related factor to spot counterfeit oil.
Who would have thought oil fraud was such big business though?
Buyer Beware! Imported olive oil rip off…
The Weekly Times investigation has revealed:
THREE brands - Coles' brand Spanish import, Italian giant Lupi and Australia's biggest-selling brand made by Spanish company Moro - selling inferior oil falsely labelled as "extra virgin".
SAMPLES of all three of those brands were found to be "rancid" by the testing laboratory.
Cooking Oil Comparison Chart - Avoid orange and red as much as possible.…
Cooking Oil Comparison Chart -
Some poor advice there. e.g. he marks canola oil as "unhealthy", because it is GM, which puts him in the same camp as the anti-vax nutters in my book.
Even organic canola is marked bad, despite being high in omega-3, which he says is good.
I'd look for a better source than one guy's blog.
There does actually look to be a growing amount of evidence the switch to seed oils like canola wasn't a good idea. (or at least the advise to stay away from the likes of butter and coconut oils)
They are finding people that used butter instead of seed oil margarine have lower risk of hearth disease.… (note contains a rebuttal at the bottom)
Personally i am going to stick to butter, olive and organic coconut oil (not that we use much oil)
Please! David Gillespie is an extreme nutjob who has the discovered that the more outlandish his claims, the more books he sells. Any sort of honest doubts or balance will cost him money.
In real science, things are more difficult.
There is still a lot of evidence linking high saturated fat intake to CVD, though not conclusive.
I use butter in moderation, and plenty of olive oil.
(not that we use much oil)
Probably does not matter much what you use then :) So long as your blood lipids are OK, enjoy those saturated fatty acids. No oils taste better than butter :)
Hence my putting the note about the rebuttal. Not suggesting his level of extremism is correct.
Him being a bit of a nutter doesn't mean the UK study is invalid. Point is, for years saturated fat was made out to be like poison but it isn't that simple.
for years saturated fat was made out to be like poison
By whom? You might be falling into his trap of overstating the opposing argument.
You might say that trans-fat has been likened to poison, but the nobody (sensible) said that saturated fat was bad in moderation. Except the people selling alternatives. It is/was only bad if your cholesterol was high.
I agree that the new evidence is interesting, and the case against saturated fats in general was never rock solid. At least everyone still seems to think that olive oil is good.
Yes i was exaggerating with 'poison'. For years we have been told to steer clear of butter and saturated fat. I grew up only really having margarine on bread and in cooking as butter was not healthy. Heart foundation ticks steering people away from anything with saturated fat. Coconut oil went from common usage (pre WW2) to hard to even get based on some dodgy studies.
Maybe i just heard more of it as my dad had high cholesterol. Even now though you get ads on tv advising not to use butter. While that is hardly a reliable source as you point out it does influence peoples attitudes.
Read it properly.
Canola Oil (Rapeseed Organic) is marked as Neutral!
Two genetically modified (GM) canola varieties have been developed in Australia, Roundup Ready® (by Monsanto Australia Ltd) and InVigor® (by Bayer CropSciences Pty Ltd). To be most effective, each variety has been developed to be tolerant to and hence used with a specific herbicide under a defined crop management plan.
Roundup Ready® GM canola includes tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate. InVigor® GM canola includes tolerance to the herbicide glufosinate.…
why is not mentioned on the post that this sale is from wednesday 21 Aug. Its not on sale at the moment. Great bargain for sure. Thanks for posting
Great bargain, Thanks for posting
Theyve seem to have sold out everywhere. Even online store is out of stock
I doubt if they would be restocking… there seems to be something fishy as the staff has been told by the head office to not to give any raincheck as well.
just went to woolies, they said has issue with the stock in nsw and qld, so all store doesn't have this moro olive oil
Does it come with oil filter?