Anyone know what travel insurance co will 100% cover you if you lose/have your phone stolen? What are the conditions of the policy? Eg unattended definition, report to police by when?- do I need imie number for police report? Traps for young players when claiming? I can imagine being a weary traveller and either leaving my phone somewhere or having it lifted off a cafe table when I was not paying attention. If phone is lost Do you buy a replacement in Europe and have company reimburse?
Phone is the only thing of value I'm taking on the trip really, taking carry on luggage and point and shoot camera.
Travel insurance with 100% cover for smartphone?

No advantage in that for me Harry. I do have an expensive phone though and Nothing makes me more upset than buying any product/policy that is wrong for me, or that I make a rookie error when submitting a claim. Wasted money on incorrect policy for my needs. You buy insurance to cover you for scenarios you can foresee. I won't be deliberately trying to lose my phone.
Keep in mind
- The cover will cost you a lot of money
- If you are really that concerned dont take it
- Nothing will replace the data/contacts that you have on the phone when its stolen
- Likewise how will you get backups of that while on your trip if they do replace it
- I havent seen any policy that will replace something like this on your trip, its usually replaced or paid for on your return, so unless you lose it on the last few days you wont have the phone.
- likewise replacing a sim when travelling would be a big issue, if its ozzie sim you are going to find it very difficult.
- Your on hols give the phone a break and enjoy the moment. If you do need contacting a cheapie will do..
But I'm an old traveller and maybe you need to discover these the hard way like I did ;)
- Probably yes. Though they should be able to get cover with a small excess for a reasonable amount.
- That isn't an option for 99% of people nowadays!
- No it won't, but it's simple to back-up. Many phones will do it automatically nowadays.
- You'd generally get the replacement when you're back in Australia. The back-up could be stored online though (all my Android contacts are stored online in my Google account automatically for example).
- Well no, but 2 days without a phone is better than the whole trip without one. If they are that desperate they can buy a cheap one out there.
- Not an issue, just get it back in Australia.
- Enjoying the moment doesn't mean you can't have a phone. Mine is crucial to planning what to do, how to get there etc. on holiday and fills the boredom of the odd 14 hour bus ride etc. pretty well!
Perhaps you being an "old traveller" means you aren't appreciating what they likely want the phone for! I rarely use mine abroad for calls, but for looking up things online, mapping, sat nav, photos and keeping in touch with others/new people I meet out there.
Thanks Callum, for this thoughtful reply! I've never taken a phone OS before and keeping in touch with new people that you meet over there is a great idea that I hadn't considered as a use really. The world is getting so much smaller!
Agree with your thoughts, but the point I was making was if you really have a fear of losing your phone, then take precautions before you go. Insurance will cover the cost but not the inconvenience.
eg. If you lost it early in the trip, sure you get a replacement when you get back. We both agree there.
Then you have no phone or all the stuff you wanted in the first place, so you will still be bored.
So now they buy a cheapie when overseas, for the rest of the trip which is same as taking it.
They have to make the decision, looking at things they need and evaluate, Its not just a simple case of insure it and you will be ok
And yes I also use my phone/pad when traveling. Actually I use my original pad in case it does get lost/stolen, and I like you find it great for those layovers, bus trips etc.
I agree, if you're really worried you could buy a $99 (or less) smartphone that you can use for looking up things online, mapping, sat nav, photos and keeping in touch with others/new people etc… I bought my mum a nokia lumia from Target a few months ago for $50 for this purpose (plus it has offline sat nav in Australia that can be used when she gets back).
If I lost a cheap smartphone / it got stolen, I wouldn't really be upset and could just replace it cheaply on the go… I'd have all contacts etc backed up via a cloud service online. As others have said, you'll need a police report to claim on insurance and do you really want to waste 1/2 a day of your holiday getting one?
Yeah Rocky, I am in two minds about taking it, as an old school traveller myself. Will certainly have resist its lure as a leisure tool and make sure I spend my time taking in the place I'm in. So useful for keeping in touch with family and confirming reservations on the go though.
As for some of the points you orginally mentioned but I didn't cover.
If you want 100% refund I was assuming you meant no excess, hence the higher cost.
Yes you will need a police report within 24 hours, now that would be an issue if you lost at terminal and were in a hurry to board. I have no idea what the issues would be with the insurance co. Would they prefer a report, or a claim for missed flight… And then there is the hassles with having to make the report in the first place, wasting time with getting a report.
I lost a camera in the US and it took 6 hours of time to file and get a copy of the police report from the start of the proceedings, I think you get the idea.
And I do understand the tradeoffs, you have a great phone, with all the bells and whistles that will be great for travelling….
Wow. Food for thought Rocky. I wouldn't have thought to have to miss a flight to lodge a report, but train stations and terminals are a prime place for this to happen, with the traveller being perhaps tired or rushing or carrying lots of baggage with passports phones and documents in and out of bags.
Do you have to quote an imei number guys?
Thanks Holden. Will read in entirety soon but cursory look at FAQ seems to imply forcible breakin to room is required to claim theft. Implies that loss due to leaving on counter etc. might not be covered.
It is pretty hard to find discrete insurance for just a Smartphone but checkout the Chubb/Covertec one.
Also, check how long you will be out of the country (up to 28 days?).I'd draw your attention to the AFTA Website too:
Take reasonable care
It is up to you to look after your belongings. Insurance companies will not cover loss where travellers have not taken "responsible" steps to protect their property. you are traveling alone, have the phone on your person, not on the table where it can be snatched, left or dropped. Traveling with someone else (and tired?) you can watch out for each others things.
unless i was going on a self discovery trip to the himalayas. i'd take my smartphone with me.
Just what I was looking for, thanks Tonester.
Do you have home contents insurance ? If so check with them.
I know that there are policies that cover unspecified contents away from the main home for up to 180 days anywhere in the world.
Generally the limit is up to $10,000 per unspecified item to maximum of 20% of the sum insured on all your contents.
I have one of these policies & do not need to separately insure my cameras, jewellery etc. on a travel policy.
Thanks Stroudie. I'll check that out.
It sounds like you want to put a claim in and get a new phone.