• expired

Cyborg R.A.T. 7 Gaming Mouse $85.00 @ PCCaseGear


Promotional price (normally $109, strictly while stocks last). Shipping was $13 for me.

Also in Black: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&c…

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closed Comments

    • Where do I put it?

  • Do you know how loud is the rat 7?

  • +2

    Looks like something that will transform into a cyber droid and kill the owner while they're sleeping.

  • Also $85 at Warcom, with possibly cheaper shipping ($7.95 for me): http://www.warcom.com.au/shop/flypage/clearance/46832

  • Really want something like this but I need one with more buttons..

    • -3


      • Magic Mouse is horrible.. I hate mine and got the RAT 7 instead

      • +1

        Why would you even recommend this? If I was missing 3 fingers the Magic Mouse would still be the most uncomfortable mouse ever.

    • I think this should suit your needs:

      A friend of mine uses this for MMO-style stuff. He swears by it… as he is able to "chain" skills and attacks using macros.

  • +1

    It's a Transformer in disguise. No seriously the strangest looking mouse i've ever seen.

  • +1 for the white.. I got the black but white looks better but will get dirty easier

  • +4

    My brother has the wireless RAT 9

    Worked good until he got drunk one night and spewed all over it in his sleep while he was passed out on the couch, now it doesnt work any more.

    I prefer the Corsair M60 (M65 is newer) myself as its a bit more simple and built like a tank (uni-body aluminium chassis)and feels much nicer to use.

    I got mine for $50 but they can range from $60-70 delivered usually.

    The RAT 9 was good, I was considering getting the RAT 7 because I didn't want to recharge batteries every day, personally I am happier with the M60 but the RAT 7/9 has a pinky rest which is my favorite feature and I nearly bought it because of that.

    • -1

      er… like we all needed to know that story… :/


    • I love that story. no homo

    • +9

      Have you done a comparison with the Corsair mouse by spewing on it yet?

  • +1

    own a rat 9, just my 2 cents

    -can adjust everything seriously the size, weight width etc.
    -wireless and very responsive
    -has its own software to program the keys
    -and yes it can transform into optimus prime :P

    -batteries die very fast especially if you spend the day gaming (changed everyday if so) ——but u get 2 batteries
    -iono if its just me but sometimes the cursor doesnt respond maybe 1/30 times when i turn it on. but i quick restart or unplug/replug fixes it

  • +1

    Advice from a gamer: stay away from the Contagion (white version). The black version is MUCH nicer to use due to the plastic being kind of matte. The white version on the picture I sold a week after buying: the glossy plastic made my hands unpleasantly sweaty and accumulated dead skin all over it…

  • +1

    If you're in Perth, just got and pick one up from PLE.

    They're $89.

    Cheaper than buying it from the eastern states and getting it shipped over here.

    Shipping to the eastern states is about $12.


  • The design of the teflon feet are horrendous. Picks up dust around the laser area screwing up tracking all the time. Ridiculous how engineers of this mouse didn't pick it up. Don't BUY IT!

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