This was posted 11 years 6 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

BioShock Infinite Xbox 360 $9.95 Shipped from Fishpond


CONFIRMED PRICING ERROR. Expect order cancellation and refund.

Found this through (my site) ozgamegoat:

Feel like this might be a pricing error, but I've successfully put an order through. $10.14 if you use paypal.

Seems to be only Xbox 360 - sorry PS3 folks!

Heard some negative responses about fishpond before, however my experiences have so far been good.

Edit: Couple more are coming through, looks like there might be a bit of a sale on :-) if you want to see where the biggest savings are :-)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good spot..what's the go with pricing errors? Do they simply cancel the order?

    • +4

      I received the Game of Thrones Blu ray which was the same price… Just be prepared to wait, and wait, and wait.

      • +2

        Ah rekabkram, you give us the gift of hope!

  • +1

    worth a punt - thanks op

  • Are these download codes or hard copies?

    • I don't see any indication they are codes. Better not be :-)

    • +1

      Disc versions.

      Bioshock - Xbox 360, DVD (GB), March 2013

      Tomb Raider - Xbox 360 (GB), March 2013

      They come from a UK supplier, so any redeemable codes may or may not work. Just keep that in mind if you are buying a copy, or two, or a handful.

  • +3

    Just bought The Last of Us and Tomb Raider for ~$20 including delivery - that's crazy!

    EDIT: Also got Fifa 13 for PS3 for $10

  • +1

    Ordered Bioshock and Tomb Raider for XBox

    No idea if/when I'll play them but at that price I figure its worth a punt. I could just give them away as gifts…

    Anywho bring on GTAV

  • +1

    Bought The Last of Us. Probably a price error, but fingers crossed!

  • +2

    Thanks, just ordered Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us for $21 and change. Great find!

  • The lego I bought from Fishpond definitely doesn't look genuine.

  • Thanks. Bought The Last of Us

  • Tempted to order 10 copies of TLOU and use them as trade in for a PS4 - currently trade in value for TLOU is ~$46 !

    • +2

      uk version of game so dependent on how observant the person at the shop you're trading to is they may refuse trade in. has happened to me before…

  • +2

    $51.48 now.

    • Already over! Bioshock Infinite 360 is back to a "normal" price :(

      How about the rest?

      • Tomb Raider and Deadpool is still $10. Removed Bioshock from trolley and checked out with 2 games for under $20.

  • +3

    Good luck everybody! And if you want a greater chance of them actually honoring the price then don't order more than one copy of each game.

  • Cancelled Bioshock and Tombraider cause i bought them individually and wanted to combine them into one big package with Last of Us.

    and before I could re order Bioshock went back up to $54 bucks (Which Im ok with I guess - I havent heard great things)

    Managed to get Last of Us and Tombraider at $20 odd bucks though

    Oh I should point out I've had nothing but good experiences with Fishpond. Granted have not used them for some time but when I did it was about 4 times. Great customer service in respect to a double order error on my part too…

    • +2

      "I havent heard great things" .. really? > Do you mean the xBox version or the game in general cos I have only heard great things about it .. 96%

      • -1

        The game in general I guess

        What Ive heard is that while its visually impressive and a decent story, everything else is kinda meh.

        But I'm sure its certainly worth $10

    • +1

      Sorry u missed out of Bioshock… So-So gameplay BUT GREAT story.

      • Gameplay is still better than average, plenty of fun.

  • Just got my order in for The Last of Us, hopefully they honor it.

  • Last of us is back up to over $60. Managed to get Deadpool.

  • got tombraider and deadpool ps3 version.

  • Thanks bought Tomb Raider 360.

  • +5

    let's not kid ourselves, they won't honour it, but on the far off chance they will i'm putting my money down! and then when they don't honour it (even though we knew they wouldn't) I'm gonna argue with customer service just for kicks.

    • +1

      btw I bought fifa 13, tomb raider, last of us and deadpool. approx $40 delivered

    • +4

      That's the attitude to take with these sales.

      Not one of entitlement.

  • Got FIFA13 and Tomb Raider for $20.17 with PayPal. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Trying to work out whether not ordering more than one copy to take advantage of trade in value or Ebay prices is a sign of

    a)lack of foresight
    b)lack of greed.
    c) both

    • +2

      Don't over-analyse being a good person :-)

      • +1

        Lol neg voted.

        I wish I knew whether that person was more for option a or option b!

    • They usually cancel those orders first p.s.

  • Tomb Raider PS3 also $9.99.

  • +1

    My Last of Us just rose in price after purchase, check your transactions!

    • Won't be a problem if paid by PayPal they cannot charge more.

    • Mine is still the same price, got a confirmation from Paypal and Fishpond that payment was accepted.

    • Thanks. Looks like my fishpond order recorded it at 10.99, but I paid by credit card so I'll have to watch my bank statement…

  • Seem all back to normal price, now see if they will honour it. I think they have to become the transaction already completed and paid.

    • +1

      Just because you've paid for it doesn't mean they can't claim a pricing error and refund the money.

      • No, according to consumer rights, after you paid for it they have to honour it because the contract is completed.

        If before you pay for it they can still claim a price error.

        • Except they appear to be a NZ company.

        • Indeed they are not an Australian business.

        • Even if they were, whether they MUST provide the item will come down to contract law. For a contract to be formed you need offer and acceptance. In retail the retailer is offering to treat, meaning they are offering for you to make an offer. So in purchasing something you are saying "I would like to buy this item for $X". Normally by taking your money, this is acceptance of the offer. However, many online stores make it conditional that the acceptance does not occur until the dispatch the item, even if they take the money earlier. Fishpond doesn't explicitly say this, but their T&C do state they can cancel the order at any time which implies this is the case.

          There's a lot of complicated legal mumbo jumbo in there as well but I'm trying to simplify it.

        • Law > their T&C do state they can cancel the order at any time which implies this is the case.

        • Perhaps you can point out that law you refer to then…

    • +7

      That's just not cricket.

    • Hahaha Broooooooden in the house

    • +1

      no offence, your name is somehow read as super dump.

      • +1

        It is an anagram for super dump yes

  • +2
    • Sweeeeet!

    • Damn wish that was the PC version.

  • +1

    Call of Duty: Black Ops II PS3 still $11.95

    Order 360 version for $9.99.

  • +1
    • +1

      $49.95 now

      • +1

        I found that the searched result list price is difference from the individual product page price sometime. May be they are changing it.

  • +2

    Deadpool still showing as $10 for anyone who wants it.

    • Just grabbed one!

  • +1

    Just picked up Black Ops 2 for the sole purpose of trying out 3d gaming on my newish tv. and that crazy 3d non-split screen multiplayer feature.

  • $40 again

  • +2

    Screw Fishpond. They have cancelled, without notice, the last 3 orders I have placed with them, and when I've tried to follow up with them, I just get a wall of silence.

    They've made my s**t list.

  • the prices are all back to "normal", except cod.

  • +1

    Tomb raider 360 is 12.34 on ebay posted from UK anyway.

  • +7

    Missed out. That's what I get for not checking OzB for over an hour!

    • +4

      Can I say f*ck Fishpond here? Be prepared to wait months and in the end screw up your order anyway.

  • +3

    Ordered Black Ops 2 as well, thanks to Default117. :)

    • Same here (PS3), crazy price, hopefully they won't cancel it!

  • +1

    Metroid: Other M $8.46.
    Not amazing, but cheaper than anywhere else.…

  • +1

    Ahhhhhhhhh man missed out!! Already have Tomb Raider and BioShock but TLOU……MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, Lesson learned, check OzBargain every 10 mins and not hour.

  • +2

    I'm giving it 1 hour annnnnnnndd canceled

    i placed an order on The last of us just in case

    • I will commend their customer service team if they can co-ordinate themselves in 1 hour. blockbuster sent me through a damn run around for 2 weeks (they initially didn't refund my credit card authorisation charge)

  • Missed out…should have checked OzB

  • +1

    95% guaranteed your order will be cancelled and money (eventually) refunded.

    • you are looking at which games from this ozb?

  • +1

    I've had bad experiences with fishpond in the past. But I couldn't let this offer go so ill just wait for their lame email excuse in 8 months time…

    • You don't need to wait that long if you paid by paypal.

  • +1

    You guys are crazy if you think you'll ever see your items

    • +3

      games of thrones blurays at ~$10 per set? crazy eh?

  • +2

    Good luck people.
    Fishpond is goddamned terrible even when it's not clearly a price error.
    They will happily be earning interest off your money for the next few weeks before they refund you.

  • Aww , I just ordered 3 PS3 games and a Wii U game with my credit card. Fingers cross!!

    • PayPal would be quicker than forcing a chargeback if you had to

  • +2

    Your order for the item below has now completed administrative processing and has been released to the allocated warehouse:

    • Tomb Raider

    We estimate this item will ship between 28/08/2013 and 05/09/2013

    Sounds good to me! Still yet to hear anything about The Last Of Us which was included in the same order.

  • +2

    Thanks for your order of BioShock: Infinite with

    This email is to inform you that there has been a temporary delay in sourcing this item.

    We now expect it to arrive at our warehouse between 30/08/2013 and 13/09/2013. You will receive an email notification on dispatch.

    For me, it's better late than never.

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