CONFIRMED PRICING ERROR. Expect order cancellation and refund.
Found this through (my site) ozgamegoat:
Feel like this might be a pricing error, but I've successfully put an order through. $10.14 if you use paypal.
Seems to be only Xbox 360 - sorry PS3 folks!
Heard some negative responses about fishpond before, however my experiences have so far been good.
Edit: Couple more are coming through, looks like there might be a bit of a sale on :-)
- Deadpool
- FIFA 13 - not as much of a bargain but still cheaper than the competition
-… Tomb Raider - thanks Hessian Sack if you want to see where the biggest savings are :-)
Tomb Raider also $9.95 on both 360 (…) and PS3 (…)