Do Myer have a policy regarding floor stock discounts or is it up to the manager/salesperson?
Myer floor stock

[Deactivated] on 08/08/2013 - 15:17
Related Stores
I used to work as a sales exec. selling to Myers & other department stores. Their strategy is to buy in & sell close to code &/or discontinued products. The stock they buy in is no longer available anywhere else. They are able to purchase it @ an almost give away rate. It always amazed me that a store with such a high customer ideal did this.The other chains such as K-Mart,Big W, Target did not follow this philosophy. You live & learn. We never shop @ the upmarket stores
It depends on what the stock is. If it is Furniture, Computers, Home entertainment then generally they will not sell stock off the floor unless they are not stocking that item anymore. As for reduced prices it would be up to the manager to authorized a reduced price, however in the Home Entertainment area the sales people do have some discretion.