• expired

McDonald's Bourke St $4.95 Meal Deals *All Day 10.30am Onwards **Melbourne Bourke St Mall Only


Hey there,

First time poster here and would like to share with you this deal that I have been enjoying for a month plus now. Suddenly thought of posting it up on OzBargain after trying to search for it, and couldn't find it anywhere.

Offer: $4.95 Small size McValue Meals - Valid all day (after 10.30am), Valid only for Big Mac,
McChicken, Quarter Pounder, Filet o Fish. Comes with small size soft drink & fries.

Upgrade to Medium @ $.5.95 or Large @ $6.95

*When you upgrade to Large during the Coke Glass promotion period - you still get a Coke Glass to go with your meal.

*Have a student edge card? Present your student edge or seniors card to get a FREE Medium size Orange Juice - valued at $3.25

Offer validity: No expiry date for the time being (as told by Maccas Bourke St staff), available until the signage that they post outside Maccas on Bourke St and the entrance to their restaurant and the ones plastered on the cash register table is peeled away.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE - Offer is ONLY valid at McDonald's Bourke St Mall, Basement Level - Opposite GPO & MYER. Please do not be confused as there's another Maccas just up the hill on Bourke St. This Maccas do not offer the same deals as far as I know.

Other McDonald's are charging around $2 more for a small size meal of the above. The staff here are the most friendliest Maccas staff I've encountered. Its the cleanest Maccas i've encountered in Melbourne CBD.

I know this probably is not the best time to post a McDonald's meal deal with all the things that is happening with Maccas around the world right now. However, for those who are still eating Maccas for a quick meal or something… enjoy the deal above.

Enjoy your meal!

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closed Comments

  • +3

    This offer has always been there.

    • +2

      Yep, for at least the past 3 years!*

      *My Wednesday lunch ;)

      • +5

        Im not sure about it being there for the past 3 years but… I've been there previously a couple of months ago and the offer was not available then. Therefore, I conclude that this is a recent offer. Unfortunately i've only been here for a year plus… Sorry if it is an "old" offer or not a bargain.

        But, for some international students who are here in Melbourne - some believe that by saving 2-3 dollars on a meal is quite a big bargain for them. And I know that there are international students who frequent this forum.

        • +1

          The offer was definitely there a couple of months ago. It has been around for a while… not sure about 3 years though (I hardly go there so I wouldn't know).

          Not sure why, but I don't like going there (despite knowing the deal). Don't get me wrong, the staff there are friendly… Probably just with all the TV programs and youTube videos, I know junk food is not good for me.

        • +3

          I must have been eating an imaginary $4.95 fillet o fish meal every week since June 2010 then according to your theory. (Well it was actually $3.95 back then)

          The maccas at MC train station have similar discounts for students,I'm pretty sure most of them are there.

    • -6

      Then why didnt you post it?

  • +1

    It's not exactly a bargain

  • +2

    I don't go there, so it's news to me and I'm happy to know in case I'm there now for cheaper maccas. Nice.

  • +2

    walking there and up the stairs again defeats the purpose of going there…

  • -8

    Enjoy your maccas after watching this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IGtDPG4UfI

    • +1

      Oh FFS, nobody needs to hear it.

      • I don't really get why we shouldn't eat something just because it looks the same 4 years later. Why is that important?

    • +1

      All I gathered from this video is, why is this weirdo keeping a 4 year old cheese burger in a spongebob lunch box.
      Lets see how it survives when submerged in Hydrochloric acid.

    • Assuming the video is correct, then the questions are:

      • Why was there zero fungus on the burger buns after so long?
      • Fries are made of potatoes. Again, why do they still look normal after so long?


      One can't help but think preservatives might be involved. The next question is how "fresh" are the burger buns and fries you get from Maccas? To be fair, we shouldn't just target Maccas. A lot of food we eat nowadays are unhealthy.

      Also, unless I do the same experiment myself, I don't 100% trust those videos.

      • +1

        True, did you know our bodies takes 4x longer to decompose after death due to the fat bourne preservatives? Maybe this is the secret to a long life lol. Oh another question would be, didn't think an author of a diet book would be so chubby.

  • +2

    I don't know about this, so this is a bargain to me.

    I paid $8.95 for the large extra value meal in order to get the Coke Glass on Thursday. Will sure visit it in the coming weeks. Thanks OP.

    • +2

      Just get a large cheeseburger meal it's like $5 something

    • No prob :)
      I got a "aqua" color Coke Glass yesterday from there by purchasing a LArge meal at $6.95. Great deal for me as that's a saving of at least $2 - that can be used to buy a 2L pack of Fresh Milk from Woolworths! :)

    • +1

      ING card works at maccas too :)

  • +2

    Sorry peeps if this don't look like a bargain to y'all. But I believe this could benefit some who are either on low budget or searching for cheaper alternatives to their dinner in Melbourne. Some International students see the savings of $2 or $3 on a meal as a big incentive.

    I do understand that this is a fast food restaurant, but hey… if some students wants to eat a cheaper meal once in a while and use that extra 2-3 dollars to buy groceries, this would mean a lot to them.

    Otherwise - the loose meal change is a good bargain.

    On a different note - the student edge card can be used at McDonald's nationwide for a FREE Medium Orange Juice upon any purchase *of a non promotional item over $3.00 (i.e.: can't be used on loose change deals).

      • Oh btw, I'm an International Student pursuing my Masters in Communications here. I actually do care about the $3 savings, and I do spend on food at nice restaurants like Movida and those on Southbank and other areas. I look at it as such where if its a fast food like McD's, should be cheap! If i can get it cheaper within a block or 2… i'd go for it! :)

  • +3

    Damn OP.. Bourke street Maccas (hidden away down there..) was the CBD's best kept secret.. lot of good deals there over the years.. now gonna be packed with guys wearing banggood trenchcoats, thehut hoodies, zaavi shoes, and dealsdirect levis and g-shocks galore

    • -2

      What a funny original joke.

      • +1

        They used to have a five dollar feed couple of years back that was pretty good that I posted but got removed when Maccas deals were no-no :/

  • +1

    My local Maccas has the $5 Big Mac feed where you get a Big Mac, medium fries and coke.

  • +2

    Thanks for sharing. This is similar to the $1 Cheeseburger deals the former Collins Street (Melb CBD) Maccas had before their lease was terminated for the renovation of that building. IE. A special deal only to that particular franchise.


    • +2

      I miss that deal, I work just down the road $2 lunches were the best :(

    • No worries Daniel! :)

  • +1

    mcdonalds @ cnr of doncaster and blackburn rds in VIC also gave me one lunch time club card, has the same deal as this one.

    • Yep, I got a lunch time club card to use at all McD's too… similar offer but this Bourke St Mall offer is for all day dining :)

  • By the way - Any students here (local or international) or those who think that they are student, but aren't… can get a Student Edge card from the student edge website for FREE. They don't do any verification to find out if you really are a student. You don't need to key in a .edu email address, so yea… if you're a student - this is a good card to have for its benefits!

  • +1

    I'll admit that I haven't eaten this crap for years ever since I decided looking like Adonis was more important than putting low quality unhealthy (but tasty I'll grant you) food into my mouth …

    … but isn't this the price small value meals have always been. For the last decade LOL.

  • +1

    This Mcdonald also did the $4.95 mcvalue breakfast meal deals awhile back and the
    Maccas on Swanston/Flinders still has the banner outside their store "buy any mccafe coffee" and get a free beacon and egg muffin.

  • +1

    As a side note, I've always noticed that Maccas in Barkley Square Brunswick sells some of their McCafe food items cheaper(e.g. Cheesecake slice $2.95).
    This is not to clear out old cakes as the price is the same all day everyday.

    • +1

      different franchises can charge different prices

  • Swanston St is a rip off

  • +1

    On the topic of Maccas, i assume they stilla calendar you could buy toward he end of the year which had some coloring in activities and more importantly a voucher or two for each month. it wasn't free but you could easily get back the dollar or two you had to pay in savings plus a lot more.

    • They didn't have one for this year (at the end of last year). Let's hope they bring it back.

  • nice deal.
    will go there after work today.

    (I have not been to Macca for a while)

  • -3

    SHOCKING info on mcdonalds :
    In what way are McDonald's responsible for torture and murder?
    THE menu at McDonald's is based on meat. They sell millions of burgers every day in 35 countries throughout the world. This means the constant slaughter, day by day, of animals born and bred solely to be turned into McDonald's products.
    Some of them - especially chickens and pigs - spend their lives in the entirely artificial conditions of huge factory farms, with no access to air or sunshine and no freedom of movement. Their deaths are bloody and barbaric.

    In the slaughterhouse, animals often struggle to escape. Cattle become frantic as they watch the animal before them in the killing-line being prodded, beaten, electrocuted, and knifed.

    GRAIN is fed to cattle in South American countries to produce the meat in McDonald's hamburgers. Cattle consume 10 times the amount of grain and soy that humans do: one calorie of beef demands ten calories of grain. Of the 145 million tons of grain and so fed to livestock, only 21 million tons of meat and by-products are used. The waste is 124 million tons per year at a value of 20 billion US dollars. It has been calculated that this sum would feed, clothe and house the world's entire population fo one year.
    but there's more
    EVERY year an area of rainforest the size of Britain is cut down or defoliated, and burnt. Globally, one billion people depend on water flowing from these forests, which soak up rain and release it gradually. The disaster in Ethiopia and Sudan is at leastpartly due to uncontrolled deforestation. In Amazonia - where there are now about 100,000 beef ranches - torrential rains sweep down through the treeless valleys, eroding the land and washing away the soil. The bare earth, baked by the tropical sun, becoms useless for agriculture. It has been estimated that this destruction causes at least one species of animal, plant or insect to become extinct every few hours.
    McDonald's is destroying rainforests. So by you buying food from McDonald's you are helping to destroy rainforests. anyways go read it all here http://www.mcspotlight.org/case/pretrial/factsheet.html

    McDonald's deliberately exploit children
    ONCE told the grim story about how hamburgers are made, children are far less ready to join in Ronald McDonald's perverse antics.

    In the slaughterhouse, animals often struggle to escape. Cattle become frantic as they watch the animal before them in the killing-line being prodded, beaten, electrocuted, and knifed.

    • Wtl dr

    • +1

      Any mention of McDonalds brings out the enviromental twits. They can't help it, it's like mentioning 9/11 around truthers … they just have to make you try and swallow whatever their extremist thought leaders are touting.

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