Free Coke glasses are back!
You guessed it…the Coca-Cola glass promo is back! Get your free limited edition Coca-Cola glass with any large extra value meal from this Wednesday!
You can also buy a glass for $2.45 without a meal purchase.
Free Coke glasses are back!
You guessed it…the Coca-Cola glass promo is back! Get your free limited edition Coca-Cola glass with any large extra value meal from this Wednesday!
You can also buy a glass for $2.45 without a meal purchase.
perhaps it's time for a new one?
either coke glass or girl, you can interpret it anyway you please
Fair enough. Just going by the rule book ;)
edit: I can see you're on to it :)
Fixed :)
I can feel the love… :)
Can you fix my negs? lol
Yay, my full collections from previous promos are still in packaging on my shelf!
Haha I do! But I got it from the States!
Yeah I got mine from Japan :)
Nope! But I Want one now!
I want one!!! That is just awesome.
Woohoo, love their collector glasses!!
Value my health more than " Free " glasses…
usually $2 ea without meals.
Did not know That could be bought @ $2, cheers
Who said you had to eat the food?
A McChicken, a Salad with a coke zero counts as an extra value meal. So i would assume even the "healthier" choices get the glasses.
i wouldnt say a mcchicken is healthy..
Sure it is! That and KFC.
Went through drive through the other day. I thought that too. Then I looked at the kj ratings they have up next to the meals. The mcchicken meal has the same kj rating as the quarter pounder meal!
Wtf?! I thought…
McChicken is not healthier. It may have less saturated fats as its a chicken like substance and not a beef substance. But enough crap in it to not be healthy. Haha
The Quarter Pounder is 2280 vs McChicken @ 1710. So not the same. Most of the fat in the meal is the full sugar coke and fries though. But i put "healthier" in "" for a reason ;)
or chicken…
sweet chili wrap instead?
go fileto fish.
Does this work with the egg and bacon large value break?
Are these easy to break? Had a few I think during the Olympics last time in different colours but felt they would break easily.
I've been using one of the Olympic glasses from when they released without incident so far.
We have smashed 3 out of 6 of those glasses. All within the first 2 weeks of opening them.
I don't go to Maccas often anymore, after Hungry Jacks released their app. :) Can someone please tell me what the cheapest Large Extra Value meal is? Does anyone know whether this is available for breakfast and after breakfast?
Probably the cheapest would be a cheeseburger meal large
Don't think that counts.
It does count!
One question that I hope can be answered quickly- can I get a free glass, using the card with deals like big mac meal medium@$5.95..??
Its only free with a LARGE meal. The lunch deals are medium size, and I've never been allowed to pay the 50c to upgrade those lunch deals to a large.
Ta, yeah I know they are medium meal, but I'll try my luck with upgrading:)
Nope, tried that last night, you can't upgrade the "meal deals"
Having recently learnt that hjays sourced their pickles from Bangladesh. I refuse to eat junk food from now on. Good luck! But good deal. I ll just cough bout the $2.
Help the poor in Bangladesh!
Just think, you're a charity.
Where do Maccas get their pickles from?
I know the nugget sauces from Maccas are from the USA. Has the Hfcs in them.
Not sure about the ketchup though.
I remember watching a documentary about McDonald's and pickles and how an Australian business was used to provide pickles. Pretty disappointing if McDonald's is using Bangladeshi sourced pickles. But perhaps only a certain percentage are foreign sourced?
I liked their old design better :|
yeah the 'contour' design is a classic harking back to the old days. This one looks like it should hold a belgian beer instead of coke.
Let's just say I won't be drinking coke from mine.
Jack's and coke?
If that was actually true then nobody would buy from there and the store would close down.
More like a vocal group of friends.
You should also boycott the fun police.
I love negging fun police!
Vocal group of friends…. ummm 4,000 people marched at the protest on Sunday?
by 4000, do you mean 200?…
and for a population of approximately 2189, that is less than 10%. Let them build it, if the residents don't want to eat there nobody is forcing them to. If nobody eats there they will close down.
I don't know what to say.. that's just not right. I was there, I have a single photo with well over 500 people in it and there were people around the corner and up the road. I agree the 4k I read in the newspaper seemed exaggerated, but it was WAAAY more than 200.
Don't believe everything you read, half believe everything you see.
If I pull out my tinfoil hat it almost appears as if Macca's is trying to suppress the real numbers in the media (for an earlier march)… as Google search shows this result:
"Tecoma McDonald's protesters say they have been … - Herald Sun…/tecoma-mcdonalds…/story-fngnvlxu-1226680…
Jul 17, 2013 - More than 3000 people attended a rally against McDonald's in Tecoma on March 2, 2013. “During the first week we have guys in balaclavas …
More results for tecoma mcdonalds march herald sun"
But click through the link and the 3,000 figure has been removed from the article……
4000 on Sunday at the march.…
200 at 6:30am this morning in 3 degrees celcius weather.…
Negging a good deal because you don't want the company opening a new store really isn't the spirit of this site, k. Don't let the door hit you in your morals on the way out.
No, I mean what I said. Estimates were up to 4,000 in the papers -…, which was the SUNDAY just past the 28th.
200 in that article you posted was TODAY, July 31st, a Wednesday (bulldozer day I think?), and they were there from 5am in the freezing cold…
@ c0balt - who negged the deal?
McDonald's don't just set-up restaurant anywhere - they do studies to see how many locals eat McDonalds and how much business they can get before they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on setting up a restaurant.
Probably a large group of closet maccas eaters amongst your action group against McDonalds.
I'm hoping they call in the fire brigade to hose those protesters away, especially the ones on the roof.
Don't build a Maccas in Tecoma because according to one resident it will become a DRUGGIES PARADISE. SCARY STUFF!!!
It is funny how feral the jobless bums in Tecoma are. They shout and rant about how the site is across the road from a school, when it actually isn't. They shout abuse at construction workers who unlike them have a job and are trying to make a living.
The McDonald's is expected to attract around 2000 customers a day and provide jobs for the locals.
The only reason these protests have gotten any publicity is that the alternative lifestyle crowd and uneducated Facebookers have gotten behind it.
Not opposite a school?? LOL!!!!
FAIL -,+…
It's viewable from the windows of TWO schools, the Primary and the Pre School.
You call them uneducated… I call them people who are aware of what is going on in this world and stand up for what they believe in! This is sorely lacking today. Have you EVER stood up for anything you believed in? And I don't mean posting on the internet.
People live in that area because they don't want their kids exposed to this sort of stuff, I respect their right to have what they want in their community over the 'out of towners' desire to want a cheap 'meal' the 2-3 times a year they drive through the area (or McDonalds to make a $1).
"People live in that area because they don't want their kids exposed to this sort of stuff"
Few doors away from Tecoma Fish & Chips & Pizza. What stuff are you referring to?
There is lots of stuff, here is just a few - The litter, the crime and the powerful impact it has on our kids.
Just in the last few weeks a Macca's was robbed in Melbournes outer east… we're talking shotguns shoved in the face of 17 year olds…
Ask any Mum who is trying to raise their kids on a healthy diet how hard is it to feed them anything but 'Maccas!'… it's not quite the same with the local fish and chip shop, they don't sell toys with their food.
Not to mention Tecoma turns it's lights off at 10pm… this thing will be 24/7.
I'm no tree hugging hippie but the Australia I love allows a community to choose to have this or not. Macca's in the city and the burbs, why not, but 1km from our National Parks up in the bush? If you've been to Tecoma you might also think it's not right.
Where's the limit? Would you want a Macca's next to Ayers Rock? In Tassie's Old Growth Forrest? Wilsons Prom? Opposite your house?
I would love a Maccas to open opposite my house.
Just think I can stagger across the road in the morning and get breakfast and I might even be able to tap into their free wifi!!
No, I wouldn't want a McDonald's next to Ayers Rock on in Tasmania's Old Growth Forrest, but even if I did there are existing laws prohibiting businesses operating in those locations.
McDonald's is a business just like any other. It shouldn't be discriminated against due to people's prejudices. If parents can't control their whiny kids then that's their problem. If residents are unhappy about McDonald's being open 24 hours a day, then they are entitled to lobby their local council to regulate its trading hours. Of course any regulations to trading hours would be applicable to ALL businesses in the locality.
Re: the McDonald's store in Melbourne being held up. This is a problem with the city of Melbourne and not something caused by having a McDonald's. Trying to insinuate that McDonald's and crime are someway linked is not helping your cause. Last week a chemist in Sydney was held up by drug addicts looking for their next fix. Quick, shut down all pharmacies in Tecoma because it attracts criminals! LOL
Ahhh finally! Someone is getting it. The local council was MASSIVELY against this, and the residents HAVE lobbied their council, and the council agreed, but it was overturned in VCAT. The legal fees to take it any further would use up the entire local councils budget for the year.
That's the whole crux of this, he with the most money wins… not a democracy.
A 24/7 store is more likely to be held up than a regular hour store. Tecoma is lights out at 10pm, not a single store is open after this.
I also see you don't have any kids.
Would you honestly be perfectly happy about your future kids eating habits if they went to school opposite a Maccas?
Why should town residents decide whether a business can operate in an area? As long as a business complies with the local laws then it should be permitted to open. Once the business is open then market forces will determine the success of the business.
Because we live in a democracy?
That's right!
And as such they get to open their business in the spot because it complies with the democratically elected representatives legislation and regulations.
Gotta love democracy…
It's an argument of scope… 91% of the residents of the surrounding area do not want it.
I don't get it… are you arguing for arguing's sake?
Or do you guys really love the low cost junk food that much that you'd back an American multinational corporation (that contributes to our obesity epidemic, heart disease, litter, programming the minds of little kids to get hooked on the stuff and death of small business) over the residents of sleepy little Australian bush town surrounded by subtropical rainforest?
Surely there are enough McDonalds around if that's all it's about? There are 5 within 3 blocks of where I'm sitting now, and one in the neighbouring town of FTG.
If it's about 'the rights of businesses' and you think it's actually a good for an economy… then wow.
As posted above less than 10% of residents are protesting it.
Link or it didn't happen.
Also - population of Tecoma = ~2,189,_Victoria, number of people at protest march on Sunday estimates as high as 4,000.
61,000 sign petition -…
A great article in the Age today on 'democracy' vs 'corpratocracy'…
In interestingly points out the democratically elected council voted against it, however the unelected VCAT tribunal overrules them.
I just read "McDonald's is suing eight Tecoma residents for causing delays to the project's construction". Just shows how they try to intimidate peaceful protesters.
peaceful protesters? facepalm
You have to vote to open all businesses now, or just if you're Mcdonalds? I think if enough people choose not to eat there and it closes down, that's fairer. And obviously if enough residents or passer bys end up going there, it's serving a purpose. If you want to talk political democracy- then just vote out your local council next election.
I hope they have stock this time around. They ran out of stock last time at several McDonalds near me and couldn't get any more in before the promotion finished. I missed out on two free glasses and the receipts have long since faded.
How about the hunger buster meal? Does that count?
Can you write in your post you don't have to buy a meal you can buy the glasses by themselves for $2
I kind of like their glass design this year. Been collecting it since a few years back
Got one with lunch today. Aqua!
anyone have their own photo of it? it looks kind of ugly in the facebook pic.
Wow, perfect timing, one of my old old (not the last ones with the square and the sport in the square on them, but the ones before that) glasses broke last night, the black tinted one, I nearly cried as it was the only one I didn't have a double of, so alas no more of it :'( but yay for newness! :D Thanks for the heads up!
I bought the box of six Coke glasses from Target last Christmas holidays (~$10 I think?) - they've been awesome! It'd be nice if those came back again.
I wonder if these are the glasses they couldn't get rid of in Japan, because Japan has been running the same promotion recently. The glasses aren't the prettiest glasses I have seen.
When I was in Japan a couple of years ago they were a completely different shape, more of a cylindrical vertical shape. Very nice and some came home via Jetstar.
I love these cups, especially when you are washing them up and you stick your hand deep into the glass and it breaks and hilarity ensues !!
Yeah, that's why I'm on the fence with getting more. These and Ikea cups are really easy to break (and in very sharp pieces). They look great though.
Hmmm. Cups or surgical stitches…
More coke glasses to add to my growing collection
I won't eat that crap they sell though
I have over 2 dozen coke glasses, bought when Coles was clearing out their 'free' glasses as people did not buy into the promotion at the time (buy 2x2L get 1 glass free). They were selling it for 0.50 a glass, we bought about 30 glasses.
St Kilda Maccas were giving out the London Olympics Coke glasses last week (as they had run out of minions).
Certainly wasnt $2 without meal @ Forest Hill….hmmmmmm
the glass they are made from is so thin, they always crack on me
Made in France which is surprising :)
McDonalds should go where they came from with all their promos. Even animals do not want that 'food'.
Beat me to it! Love Coke glasses. Missus hates my collection though :)