2 valuable and top rated eBooks FREE (4+/5 Stars 50+ R ).
Winners Never Cheat ($22.99), Wilderness Survival ($19.95) [Kindle] FREE

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The Nathan Tinkler story.
Grabbed the survival one even though it's likely only applicable to North American wilderness, might be something useful.
It looks very similar to the book my US cousin gave me long ago and that was weird- how to cook skunk- how to make a teepee out of Bald eagle feathers, how to make homemade bombs to defend yourself from the federal government, etc.
Thank you.
Now I just have to remember to have the Kindle with me in case I get stuck in the wilderness…
Chapter 1: Making a Kindle out of sticks and beetle dung.
Last step: Christen your new kindle by peeing on the final product.
Bear Grylls will disapprove though, citing a wastage of precious urine.
Winners Never Get Caught Cheating ;)
I'd bet my left nut that's true for Tour de France.
Charlie Sheen is that you ? .. BURRRP! WINNING!!
I eat my own shite every second day just so i'm honed & ready for the coming apocalypse.
That must be you Duke Nuke'em. Hail to the king baby!
Stocking up on free e-books from ozbargain! Thanks OP.
Went to get this freebie, and found out i already got it lol
Wait, I thought successfully surviving the wilderness implied that you had cheated death.
Thanks OP :)
should now be marked free price finished. Still reasonable price for what it is. LOL?
best suited for Bear Grylls…lol