Recent price drop on this charger
Ozbargains favorite charger
Recent price drop on this charger
Ozbargains favorite charger
$46~ AUD delivered.
Should mention the shipping in the title given that it is the same for anywhere in Australia (if charger is ordered as a single item).
Does it come with multiple wall chargers or do you need an adapter?
you need an adapter
Got this one three months ago from for just under $40 delivered:…
Is this website trustful? How long will it take for delivery?
Eastern, how can we get this for $30?
Good charger, but going by different opinions online the Maha C9000 is a better charger (albeit more expensive).
Have a read online/google. BC700 vs BC900 vs Maha C9000.
The C9000 seems to come up trumps every time.
If you're going to go to the trouble of importing a charger from OS, maybe consider other options too.
I keep going to and fro wondering if I'm going to spend so much on the perfect charger, should I go a little extra?
A couple of things to consider, UFO, is the interface to control the C9000 isn't as easy as use as the BC-700. Seems to take a lot more button presses to set up each charge session.
Also, it only displays information from one battery at a time, so to see all the details from 4 batteries, takes about a minute or so.
Also a possible negative is the LCD display on the C9000 is backlit - fine until you try to go to sleep :).
Both are damn good chargers though, I only bought the C9000 because my BC-700 carked it.
thanks for link Mathew42, that's about $66 shipped. cheaper than local providers at $94 shipped.
and thanks DJ. you mention you've had both (700 then 9000), but if you could get your money back- would u?
ie even though you've got the 9000 now, you reckon it's worth an extra $20?
online forum comments would say yes, but just wondering what your honest opinion would be.
I have owned both and would recommend Maha c9000.
My La Crosse stopped working just out of warranty for no apparent reason. I bought the Maha as a replacement and it feels very well built; the La Crosse unit seemed flimsy in comparison. It is a much bigger unit with widely spaced battery slots and it runs much cooler which should help with longevity.
It is true that you need more button presses though:) The bigger size also does not make it ideal for travel.
thanks mate. decision made :).
Memorex-badged c9000 is €2 cheaper than in Mathew's link if the bag is not needed.
Previous ru.nkon OzBargain deal thread:
Thanks Tas…. did just that!!!!
Bought the C9000 for a grand total of $56.84AU (shipped with paid tracking, currency converted with my card- not paypal).
Amazon: "We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order."
Could this be because I'm trying to send to a PO Box ?
I've never had problems shipping to POB from Amazon before …
had mine over a year now and still going strong, paid bit less as AU$ was stronger