Does anyone know of any good shampoo for men? lol
Everytime I walk into coles/woolies/priceline at the shampoo section, 3/4 of the aisle/shelves are shampoo for women… the rest is mostly dandruff shampoos (which I've been using even though I don't have dandruff) and only a few mens' brand… but even the mens' shampoo are quite expensive.
THanks :)
Men use their own kind of shampoo??? I thought they just stole it from their wife/girlfriend/flatmate/dog - if they used it at all…??
Surely most shampoos are gender-neutral. This male-branding of things is only a recent marketing ploy. Why not try smelling a few of the cheaper 'womens' ones and see if you like the smell.
Hubby just uses mine. It is scent-free so he doesn't have to worry about smelling too girly :)