This was posted 11 years 7 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kawasaki Ninja 300 - 2013, $5990 Ride Away, Special Addition and ABS for Extra $700


Cheapest price for the new one.
They are charging around $380 to deliver in Canberra. It is cheapest from some of the second hand.
It is an excellent LAMS bike.
The all-new, most-powerful-in-class, Ninja 300 packs the style and personality of a litre-class superbike into a learner-legal package that is amazingly easy to ride. It is THE perfect entry level bike, delivering incredible fuel economy, Class-leading safety features and a low seat height for added confidence. Buy it because it’s practical. Own it because it’s awesome.

More information can be found at

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closed Comments

  • +57

    Are the Ninja's prone to accidents because no one will see you coming?

    • -1

      Good price OP, thanks!
      I'm looking for ER6 in case you know a good place/price for those too :)
      (BTW, what happened to the white ER6? Only mushroomgreen and black is available now :( )

    • +1

      +1 of the week

    • +3


      Grammar could use some work.

  • They look nice, but I prefer something with a bit of meat/weight/size. I sat on a Ninja and it felt like a toy. I know you'll laugh, but the Hyosung 250's are a great ride.

    Saying that, if you are short, or female, then the Ninja is a great bike, and at a great price here.

    • +3

      hyosung 250s are big because they have the same chassis as the larger bikes. turning circle on them is crap too. and not even powerful. cheap tricks imo

      • +1

        Read a review between the Hyo and the three other 250's from the Japanese brands. All though it didn't have the peak power figure there was more power and torque more of the time through the meaty middle/upper range.…

        Check out the Ninja, weak until it's screaming.

        That being said, entirely different story with the LAMS laws…pretty hard to compare now. Hyo is still great if you're tall and don't want to look like your riding a pocket rocket.

        • The extra 50ish cc makes a bit of difference over the 250.

        • and if I remember correctly 300cc is the Greenhill cut off, so it costs you the same as a 250. Smart move by Kwaka

    • +1

      Hyosung 250/650R is as large as an Yamaha YZF-R1 or R6.. The frame is the same size as a "normal" bike but with a smaller or capped engine.. bikes are great for larger riders :) and they run trouble free, not very powerful and the seats are arse breaking hard on long rides but much better overall then these smaller learner approved bikes from my experience anyways.

      The 650R can be uncapped after you move onto your full lic.

      • No capped bike can be legally uncapped, so watch out, wouldn't be insured I don't.

        • source?
          It's common sense to contact your insurance provider to update your policy after performance mods are made.

        • +1

          Some bikes can be uncapped. But you cannot reverse it once you have updated bike rego. Better like the bike, since you cant sell to lams rider later on.

      • +1

        I would never ever recommend getting a hyosung having owned the gt650r.. Always problems with this bike. Firstly if you own a hyosung, you are known as cheapo who couldn't afford a real Asian bike by other riders, not even kidding even if its subconcious. Second, looks ugly but I guess to each their own. Thirdly, the sound is like a vtwin which is more cruiser type sounding if you don't like the sound of VTEC electronic type, forthly did I mention problems after problems? Just get a Japanese bike, cheaper service and maintenance.

        I owned the 2009 model.

    • Ditto on the Hyosung, I'm not that tall (175cm) and it took about a week to get really comfortable and then it just moulds to your body, fantastic shape that allows you to really rest on the tank with comfort.

      Had a '07 and mate had a '06 250cc model, electronics were still a fussy problem on them though, have improved much in latter year models from what I've heard but never had the pleasure to see it for myself.

      • 08 onwards are fine. Hyo used to or still do make the Suzuki engines…. Then decided to make their own bikes as well. 07 and previous had problems with bits and pieces.

        The ninja has brilliant resale value btw…. If you don't dent it.

  • Too bad we can't use them for 250s in WA.

    • +9

      Wa has adopted LAMs now (all of australia are now under LAMs).

      So yes. You can.

      • +1

        Holy cow, right you are - since January 1st? I've had my 250 learners license for a few years now and haven't gotten back on the bike since failing my last test, but want to pick it up again soon.

        Thanks for the info.

  • .

  • +15

    I really regret buying my first bike new. Dropped it sooooooo many times and once at speed.

    Unless you've already spent a lot of time on a trail bike, going with a used bike is probably a much better choice.

    • How are you still in one piece? :)

      • +1

        By at speed I only mean 50km/h. Came out with just some bruised knees by wearing head to toe bike gear, keeping my arms in and rolling. Lots of rolling.

        The worst part after that is standing up and looking at your bike :(

      • Shrug, it happens. I've come off bikes a bunch of times. It's not much fun, but you don't automatically die! You have to buy a new pair of Draggin' Jeans every time (they only last for one crash per pair!), and (what they don't tell you about kevlar jeans) you have to wait for the skin to grow back over your knees! Touch-wood, the worst that's happened to me is a mild ankle sprain that had me on a walking stick for a couple of weeks!

        • +15

          I got hit by a driver that ran through a stop sign 50meters from my driveway… Totaled my bike

          Broke Clavicle, 5 fingers, 1 thumb, bruised & fractured right leg, twisted ankle bit my tongue, (blood pored out of my mouth hurt more then the bones) and internal bone bleeding inside chest.

          100% recovery only a few days off work :) i purchased a second bike 8 months later.. road it for 11 months (Had a few more close call's with BAD BLIND drivers ) sold it and haven't had another bike since

          There are just too many bad Drivers on the road in Sydney CBD they really need to retest "everyone" again.

        • +1

          I was going to say I had to ride home after rupturing my ACL (left knee….gear side!) however this humbles in comparison. Hats off to you.
          Perth sounds a better place to ride than Sydney!

        • You should be paid to ride a bike tbh. (Rego offsets?)

        • +3

          There wouldn't be so many bad/inatentive drivers if everyone had to do a year on a motorbike before getting behind the wheel of a car.

        • Did you get some kind of big payout for being injured?

        • +6

          I ride in the CBD every day. You've just gotta assume that 90% of drivers can't see you, and the other 10% can see you and want you dead! :-) Work on your sixth sense, learn to figure out what they're going to do before they know what they're going to do. Think for them, 'cos sure as hell they're not gonna think for themselves! :-)

          Also, I have twin crap-your-pants loud air horns on one bike and Stebel Nautilus compact twin air horns on the other (I noticed the other day that DealExtreme has a clone of the Nautilus for about one-third of the genuine price) and used judiciously (or not!) they're VERY effective. People GTFO your way very quickly when you give them a blast with the air horns! :-)

          I don't subscribe to the "loud pipes save lives" newsletter, mostly because I don't like making a lot of noise (horns aside!). Other folks swear by a loud exhaust, say they have a lot fewer SMIDSY incidents after they fit loud pipes.

        • +1

          +1 for 2nd hand bike. You WILL fall over as a new rider. You WILL wreck your fairings.

          I suggest ppl to sit on and take bikes for test rides. Sports bikes look cool but kill your back and retricted vision compared to a road bike.

          My hyo was a sports bike gt250r but is now a road bike…. No fairings, new headlight and raised new handlebar. No I didn't do all that… Previous owner.

          I would also recommend for bike gear. Kinky name, but great prices.

          Btw, ride like everyone is out to kill you…. Because they are.

        • It was in 2005 and it was on my way home from work. I was stupid and didn't do workers compo.. silly me! :(“` did get $500 bux from Green slip payout through

        • +1

          If someone doesnt slow down.. let alone stop at a stop sign and runs right through it into you ( while your on the "main road" ) there's nothing you can do about it! :) Same goes from red Traffic light.. cars always win! He got done for Neg Driving.. $250 fine lol pathetic

        • Yeah, my younger bro (18) bought a 2nd hand GS500F a few months back. Really safe, responsible rider, but turned onto some dirt road at night and dropped it on Monday.

          Nice fairing is all scratched up now.

          So definitely +1 more for 2nd hand. No need to go new.

        • Website looks awesome and was considering buying a helmet there but just realised it's American. Only AS 2063 helmets are approved in Australia.

        • It's AS1698

        • Came back to correct this. Yep, AS 1698.

    • +4

      My first bike was a Kawasaki ZZR250, I got it about three weeks old after first owner bought it, decided motorcycling wasn't for her, sold it (to me!!!).

      What you said: a new rider is going to drop their bike a bunch of times, and a new bike isn't going to stay new for very long.

      That said, this is a very good price for a new bike, I paid more than that for my ZZR250 second hand in about 2006-ish, so why the hell not buy a new one. It's not like you'll lose money. When you're ready to sell it, another newb will come along and pay almost as much as you bought it for. Learner bikes have high resale value 'cos there's always someone new who wants one.

      Though you shouldn't buy a new one, you should buy my spare Yamaha YZF1000RJ for $3K :-) (I have two of them, She Who Must Be Obeyed says I don't need two!!!)

    • trial bike is nothing like a road bike when it comes to handling. Unless you've had experience on a road bike don't steer fast around corners you will fall.

      If you got natural talent then i'm sure you'll be fine.

      • Trial or trail bike?
        Big difference there too.

  • Wow, seems like a great price, I paid much more for my Ninja 250

  • +1

    That is an awesome price, same as the Hyo 250's

    If this deal came out in Feb I might have got the 300 instead of my GT650R. But now I would take my bike over the Ninja any day. More torque means I feel more confident on the road especially when dodgy stuff starts happening. Plus the v-twin sound and just that visceral feeling you get can't be touched by a parallel twin.

  • nice!

  • There was another reason to post that deal.
    I am short 165cm. Are there any good alternatives for ninja 300.
    Also i looked in to second hand ninja 300. not a big difference the cheapest secondhand i can get for $5000.

    Also ABS makes a difference?

    • ABS? :) I wish I had them with my previous bike. I really really wish… ;)

    • There's a really good video on YouTube with a Ninja 300 rider talking about the need or otherwise of ABS. It's quite long but in the end he basically comes to the conclusion that people should learn how to use their brakes correctly without ABS but if you're a new rider, it would be worth it.

      I'm keen on getting one of these and if I do, I will definitely be getting ABS. The price is pretty common here in Brisbane. I"m not sure what it's like in the rest of the country.

      • Does any one have cheaper than this price. I am also looking into buying this bike. if some one has cheaper than this, happy to go look in to that.

        • I think it's the lowest advertised price. Whether you could negotiate anything further off it I have no idea, having never bought a bike before.

        • +1

          Everything is negotiable :)
          Once you've got the price down, try and get them to throw in the first service for free, and then give you a discount on some gear.

        • +2

          Be wary, the "discount on some gear" is a bit of a standard motorcycle salesman's way of pumping the price up, not down.

          They assume that they can automatically milk an extra $1000-$2000 out of every new rider for gear, and they have that sales pitch down pat.

          It's like USB cables with printers and HDMI cables with televisions. $7 on ebay, $70 with a new telly. If you go that route, make sure you know what the prices of gear should be before you start talking turkey with them.

      • +5

        people should learn how to use their brakes correctly without ABS

        thats like saying people should learn to drive there cars without seatbelts because it will make you a better driver….

        ABS ONLY takes over when you have already failed at not locking up a wheel… so imho there is no better tool to teach you how to brake safely

        • I have been riding for 20 years and would never get a bike without ABS.
          Even professional riders cannot outbrake an ABS system on their first attempt.
          This is because road grip varies according to water/oil/sand/gravel/etc
          And when a car pulls out in front of you unexpectedly, you don't have a few attempts to find the maximum braking your tyres can handle in under those road conditions ….

    • +1

      Honda CBR250RR, Honda VTR250 and Kawasaki GPX250 seem to be fairly popular with short folks. Kawasaki ZZR250 is slightly taller at the seat than the GPX (but a very similar bike, just a bit 'classier' looking).

      I think you can tweak some of them, the VTR in particular, by changing rear suspension components colloquially named "dog bones". Google that up, you might find it's possible to lower the particular bike you like most without too much trouble.

      If I had my time again, I'd choose the pirate bike (CBR250RR-arrr-arrr). It's a sweet little machine!

      On the other hand, I know one REALLY short-arsed bloke who rides a Suzuki GSX-R1100 and just hangs his butt right off the side and balances on tip-toes when he stops at traffic lights. Easy with experience, very tricky when you're a newb!

      ABS, dunno. Never ridden a bike with it. Have ABS on my car, it's saved my butt maybe three times in 17 years.

    • +1

      If this is your first bike and/or you are still learning, I would recommend against getting ABS. I have tried a bike with ABS (CBR250R) and it just robs some of the feel out of the brakes.

      I think you should learn to ride without relying on electronic intervention, a bike with ABS will stop faster then one without when straight. But when there's lean involved ABS actually could cause more harm than good as the system has no lean sensors.

      I have locked up the rear a few times and now I'm pretty confident about it, I know when it happens and how to react. Not trying to bag on ABS, but I believe that because the technology is still fairly new on motorcycles that there are a few issues needs to be worked out. Now the ABS on the HP4, I would get that.

      If you do decide to get ABS, make sure you practise hard braking to know when the system will intervene, what it feels like and how the bike will react.

    • I am also 165cm tall. I am riding a Honda CBR250R quite comfortably. I bought one second hand with ABS. It kicked in twice in the first month (not counting when I practiced emergency braking). As a new learner, when you're panicked, you'll just grab the brake.

  • Nice bike at a nice price but I think the advertisement of 'The most powerful in the class' is pretty wrong. There are other LAMS bikes, particularly the ZR-250, CBR-250 and other 4cyl 250cc engines that are more powerful and weigh less than the 300cc 2cyl.

    Very good price for a new LAMS approved bike though.

    • Those are all old though, and the ones that aren't old are not in the same class.

  • $700 for ABS is a no brainer. I would get one in a sec if I had a bike license.

    • +2

      it's actually 500 for ABS and 200 for SE

  • +2

    if i had to buy a brand new LAMS bike, i would be getting a Duke 390 by a mile. just sayin…

    • Yep that would have my vote too

    • Definitely I've got a Duke 200 and they are awesome, 390 would be great. Less than 2.5L per 100k's commuting through the suburbs.

  • +6

    First bike? Easy - DRZ 400 SM. Smash curbs, hit the dirt, and put your pegs down while having fun an a LAMS bike.

    Dropped it? Who cares! Pick it back up and look at the new character you have added to your bike. Just check them out on youtube and have a look around at what you can find used on bikesales.

    • Would have been my first pick if the LAMS laws were in WA at the time.
      …only other concern was it being stolen / stripped to be someones dirtbike.

    • Why not E?!

    • Agreed, great bike.

  • I can still see the bike in the picture :s

  • +2

    For LAMS buy a used bike, and sell to a LAMS user once you're off them.

    Your total cost will be fairly low for the opportunity to learn on a bike you can nearly thrash and get away with.

  • Just fyi, you can download a diorama here

    • +2

      You wouldn't download a bike!

  • +1

    Can any one suggest on Cheaper bike clothing for new starter. There are 100 of options. this i want for summer and also a good Flip up halmet.

    • +2

      It's not easy to get cheap clothing. It's a well established market, they know how much they can milk you for. You pretty much have to buy your helmet here 'cos you're required to have an AS1698 approved helmet. A lot of the other stuff can be had much cheaper from American and British sellers, google is your friend.

      • Draggin' Jeans are fine. Crashed in them a bunch of times, they work as advertised. Draggin camo pants are hard to find now, but they're bright and while people are laughing at how silly you look they're seeing you and not running you over!!!

      • Australian Rossi Motorcycle Boots are bloody brilliant. The very cheapest price I could find was from Everything Australian. Very comfortable, and last years and years. (A few weeks ago I noticed NSW motorcycle cops wearing 811 Vision boots)

      • Jacket: Something heavy and leather. Try it in a similar sitting position to that you'll adopt on a bike. If you try it standing up you may end up with something to big to ride in. Bend your arms! Get elbow protection, it hurts like a mofo if you don't! When trying various gear, I found that my penis wasn't small enough for 'Dianese' and 'AlpineStars' brand jackets.

      • Gloves: Aldi gloves are great!

      • Helmet: depends very much on the shape of your head, and you've gotta try a bunch of them on before you buy. It's illegal to use a flip-up helmet unless you're an old greybeard and riding a BMW bike. Also, they're allegedly fairly heavy.

      • Protip: industrial safety glasses (get actual Australian Standards approved ones, circa five bucks) will protect your eyes (where non-safety sunglasses may not) and allow you to ride with the visor up in hot weather


      Not illegal for flip up (modular) in WA. Also no heavier than a non modular. I have 2 from leatherup.

      • If you buy (helmet) from OS it won't have that stupid little sticker that makes it legal in Australia.
        Check the laws for your State before buying a helmet OS.

  • Awesome bike, but you're going to ditch a 300 for something bigger after 12months anyway. Buy a $3000 second hand one, sell again for near the same after 12months.

    • happy to look in to that if you can show one link for $3000 ninja 300 bike.

      • They are still too new in 300cc, but in a few years they will be that much second hand. Take your pick out of the 250cc's.

    • +1

      this. buy a 5 year old ninja 250 for $3k and sell it in a year for the same money and then buy the bike you actually want.

      • I've done the same, bought a 12month old bike for $3500 with 1000kms…sold 12months later for $3200 and 6000kms.


      you're right, actually. this seems to be the going price for these nowdays

      not negging though in the hope more people get into motorcycling

    • I think it's a pretty good price. In 2010 I paid $6500 for a mint condition 09 Ninja 250R with 2000kms on the odo. How nice of you to make an assumption about everyone though.

      • -4

        $6500 for a 2000km ninja? are you trying to invite me to make unfavourable assumptions about you?

        • Actually I think I'll let the negative votes you're getting speak for themselves. Or sure, lets pointlessly argue on the internet and get nowhere.

        • -1

          no where is where that shitty ninja of yours is getting

        • +1

          arthvr I think your a bit out of touch with pricing.

        • Lol yeah the bike i sold literally three years ago. Why are you getting so butthurt?

  • reli tempted to replace my Yamaha R15…
    wt's is advantage over R15, despite the extra cc….?

  • +2

    It's not a bad price but I would never dish out that kind of money on a learning bike - save it for buying something you are going to keep (unless you want to stay on a 300 indefinitely which is fine too - no need to move up if you have no need).

    I bought a 1983 GSX400F off gumtree for $300 - I've had it for years now and it's been fine while I save up for something bigger / nicer.

    • +3

      You are 100% correct, sir.

      Buying a bike to learn on brand new is not economical. You will more likely than not drop it and it will lose value the instant you take it out of the dealership. Pick up a secondhand CBR250RR, VTR250, DRZ400 (depending on your style choice) and get learning! There will always be someone out there wanting to learn who will pay basically the same as you bought it for (sans damage).

    • Agreed. A 20 year old VFR400 will slap this Ninja and every other LAMS bike.
      Unless you de-restrict something like the Hyosung 650, but that's illegal ;)

  • 2 years ago when I was looking at Ninja 250s, they are going for 5k ish more or less on Bikes@les…

    I can see they are now at a 4k point, and if anyone is getting that now, by the time they are ready to upgrade from a ninja 250, the market will be flooded with the new ninja 300s. (Price of ninja 250s will be coming down even more?)

    Tbh Lams with "new tech" compare to the never changing ninja 250, I reckon it will hold up the value pretty well just like the ninja 250 did at one stage.

    now my question, 40+ km travel back and fourth per day, highway riding and pure commuting. This or Cbr500r (especially the red!)

    • This or Cbr500r (especially the red!)

      Changed my mind — $1000 can buy a lot of gear (or petrol)

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