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Nokia Lumia 920 White $349 + Shipping Kogan


such a good price for a great camera phone, other colors are available too but this one is the cheapest ;). Hurry guys!

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closed Comments

  • Ships in 2-3 weeks. That's after the Motorola X will be out, probably at a similar price.

    • but would you expect a 350$ Moto X ;)?

      • +3

        Quite likely. US$299 is the latest rumour.

        • +2

          yea but in U$.
          in AU$ would be like at least $399AUD or $449AUD? XD
          lesson given by Apple. ;)

      • +3

        The dollar sign goes BEFORE the number.

        • Do you still need to download the 150mb Zune program to allow windows phones connect to windows computers??

        • +2

          no, you can access storage directly like Android

    • -2

      Motorola has never produced decent handsets. The V3x with the endemic problem of UMTS 2100 dying approx 12 months after purchase is a classic example of why you should never buy Motorola. Or the Motorola Hiptop with the bad battery connection (they were actually recommending that people pad their battery with paper to stop the phone losing power!). Nokia, while not perfect, is an angel in comparison. Avoid Motorola like the plague.

  • +7

    +1 'cos I'm a WP fan

    • +8

      +1 'cos im not fan of any OS in particular.

  • Just wish it was less bulky, but I suppose that's necessary to put in a better sensor/camera(?)

    • +2

      the 820 is also bulky but to be honest i don't mind it … feels pretty solid which to me is a good thing.

      • +1

        Or good thing feels pretty solid…lol…

        • loll… yeeeeh that too

  • +22

    OP, your name can be read in such a bad way ><

    • oh dear… lol well spotted? i guess!..lol

    • +5

      Tobias Funke FTW!

    • it's alright, as I am not a bad guy ^_^

      • +10

        with the constant use of smiley faces, I think otherwise

  • +3

    pretty good price, i'm holding out for the Nokia 1020!

    • same, although this is pretty tempting…

  • -1

    got one before when it was 429$, now get another as traveling camera lol

  • +1

    This is good price

  • +10

    +1 Only because of the op's username!

    • lol, webtherapist = web therapist, that's one of my work too ;)

      • +4

        Lol..but we read it like Web the rapist…sorry abt that..lol

        • it's cool, because I find it's funny too LOL

        • +8

          i read it as 'we b the rapist', he's a gang of rapists with bad grammar. Things just got worse.

        • +1

          you are very much right "sir lofty"..lol

        • +1

          thats how i read it.. lol

  • +3

    always says 2-3 weeks, but they ship faster than that. i got the lumia 820 a while ago from kogan, got it within a week. damn 920 at this price is good!

  • +2

    just bought a L920 at mobile citi for 400+

    engaging rage.

    • trust me, when things go wrong (if they do), your extra money is well spent. never trust Kogan.

  • +1

    has this camera phone got polyphonic ringtones?

  • I've seen the red one on Techrific for $324 including shipping. I'm pretty sure it's grey stock too but not sure about the company.

    • It says free RETURN postage.

      TOTAL PRICE (DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR) : AU$401.95 That's for postcode 2000.

      • $ 77 postage is ridiculous!!!

        • That is a lot

      • My bad.

  • For me the biggest positive thing from this is seeing how quickly and lot Nokia's prices fall down these days. So I'll be waiting for similar price on the Lumia 1020.

  • Is this eligible for TRS? Going overseas in two month time…

    • +1

      Nope. Kogan stuffs are not eligible for TRS. It is grey import.

  • +3

    Easily best phone I have owned

    • +1

      Likewise, incredible phone. I've been slammed on OzBargain for promoting it! Glad to see another smart OzBargainer agreeing!

      • +2

        been waiting for 920 for ages but then ended up with a HTC 8X from mobileciti because its cheap. (less than $300 delivered).
        but after having it for few months I'd rather go for the 920 even it costs more.
        my girlfriend has the 920 and i'm so jealous about the nokia exclusive apps…

        • +2

          the Lumia 800 was the best phone I used when it came out. the 920 has easily superceded it :)
          people forget Nokia was once the king of mobile phones. their QA, design and attention to detail
          are unmatched on the hardware side of things. coupled with Windows Phone (software), its simply a match made in smartphone heaven.

        • -1

          people forget Nokia was once the king of mobile phones. their QA, design and attention to detail are unmatched on the hardware side of things

          The hardware isn't the problem, it's the software.

        • +2

          Enlighten us ozhunter.

          We've been through this before on another thread.
          However, seeing as you've had extensive experience using Windows Phones lets hear about its software shortcomings or its "problems".

          Everyone is waiting.

        • +1

          so far i think nokia's here maps dominate over other maps such as apple and bing, (maybe not google yet)
          nokia music is just brilliant, city lens is handy, smart camera and cinemagraph is leading in the mobile/digital camera industry, etc…etc…

        • -3

          Well it has ugly tiles, a lot less major apps and lack of customization. Sure anyone could switch from the Google ecosystem to Windows, but why would they? just because the Lumia has a slightly better camera?

        • +2

          I'm not an anti-WP and Im using L 820 atm. My previous phones were iphone and HTC One so I'm familiar with most OS on market. Just my small input, Windows platform apps are still way behind IOS and Android, just like Android is behind IOS. I find OS updates come out quite slow and apps seem to be more buggy. Having said that, I dont hate Nokia nor Windows platform. Every platform will have problem, just find the one that you can live with

        • +3

          depends on which way you think.
          andorid does allow more customisation, but lack of security.
          WP/lumia has the advantages of:
          outlook and office, a bonus for business/office people.
          kids corner, xbox live, smooth OS, wireless charging, better maps, free music etc..
          nokia's camera is one of the best in the market, but they were successful in the past few decades so there are loyal fans who still love them, besides, their great industry design, and the ambition to revive…
          regarding the number of apps topic, its been a major controversy since WP was released, but the truth is the number of apps is growing rapidly and there are many third party alternatives.
          if you dont like nokia or WP, just stay away from them. ;)

        • Fair argument overall and I respect your opinion, but "having buggy apps" applies to every platform, its not Microsofts or Nokias job to police every single app for you so it works perfectly.

          This is a vague comment: "windows platform apps are still way behind". In what way? Give us examples.

        • fairly simple, major organisations up to date only release apps that support IOS and Android. look at major banks for example.
          Second, windows platform came out after IOS and Android, do you suppose it has more developers than the previous 2 giant markets?.
          These are just my opinion, you need to take it obviously, use whatever you're comfortable with

        • +3

          Commbank and NAB have great apps for the Windows Phone which I use everyday.
          At least those are the banks I have accounts with and have apps created for WP.
          For other banks you can pin their mobile site to your start screen and get the same functionality as an app (if they don't have apps on wp marketplace yet).

          Sure we're missing foxtel go, but it'll arrive soon.

          Quantity of developers does not indicate quality of the apps, simply more apps.


        • If anyone had a 6700 then I bet the bluetooth stopped after a year; or C7-00 that died after a few months or got dust under screen.

        • You're right, it doesnt, I'm just stating the obvious, but if you need more facts, head to
          My point still stand, Windows market still has a long way to catch up. You can choose to ignore this but come up with some facts otherwise.

        • Valid points.

          If we're talking about market share i.e. the amount of money Microsoft is making (by selling phones) compared to the amount of money Apple and Google is making (by selling phones) then yes Microsoft is behind.

          But that is the only way I believe Microsoft is behind…. and number of apps?

          Otherwise I, like many others see Microsoft and Nokia selling superior products at lower prices than their competitors. It makes perfect sense, for Microsoft to catch up, its marketing strategy should be market PENETRATION. Pricing its premium products below its rivals is the correct strategy to the penetrate the market. It doesn't mean its products are inferior :)

        • Oh I have no doubt nokia can produce superior products and lower prices. Mind you, Im using the Lumia 820 and considering getting 920 for my missus. I prefer Nokia over Samsung any day. Just saying ppl who are converting from IOS or Android to Windows might find their favourite apps still unavailable. But for me, it doesnt matter as I only use a few.
          I hope Nokia (and Microsoft market) will pick up their game though :)

        • Agree, I only use a few too.

          I believe we've only seen the beginning in regards to what Nokia and Microsoft can offer :)

        • delete

        • All he's saying is that when it comes to apps IOS > Android > WP. I love my Windows phone but this is not even close to debatable. They put far more work into the phone with the most market share (or in Apples case the ones with the highest paying users). I don't want to misrepresent WP because I don't want iphone users to expect app parity when they convert. I believe WP8 to be the best phone OS but lets not pretend it doesn't have weakneses

  • +1

    $359 + shipping for Black/Red.

  • +1

    Bring on the 1020 price drops

    • Yep, it will be done in next 6 months…:D..Lumia's are known for loosing their price within 6 months of their launch…

  • is the s3 or the nokia 920 the better phone?

    I have an s3 and enjoy it a lot, but there is no instagram on the nokia is there?
    that's about the only app that I really use from the playstore.

  • Crazy price, need to get my Dad a Lumia, but Yellow is 399, might as well see what 1020 price is. +1 for the web rapist

    • +1

      hahahah…"+1 for web rapist"…"webtherapist"…

      • hahaha yea +1 to you too!

  • -1

    Good on camera, what? poor Nokia

  • Just dropped my 920 from my handbag around 50cm off the ground and it is now dead. Loved it for the 3 short weeks I used it. Wondering whether to bite the bullet again but scared of a little drop killing it again. Hmmm…

    • +1

      Handbag and mr don't go well together.

      • LOL

      • Ha ha. True. Couldn't think of a user name when I signed up and Max Powers (from the Simpsons) was taken so I added the Mr.

  • How easy is it to get adjusted to windows phone coming from an android background

    • extremely easy. get a Microsoft Live account and you're good to go. very little setup required.

  • +1

    == If the original L920 had AMOLED, I'd be all over it. Really only want the AMOLED for effective glance screen in the upcoming Amber update, otherwise the IPS on the L920 looks great.

    Much prefer the L920 over the L925 overall especially at this price.

    • +1

      AMOLED would be better but I've seen screen burns on every AMOLED display nokia devices in mobile shops.
      ive heard that samsung doesnt provide grade A screens to nokia, who knows…
      anyway with the GDR2 update with lock screen clock, AMOLED would conserve more energy.

  • +1

    Its interesting having worked at Australia's largest telco as a Microsoft Brand Ambassador (from Jan-March) seeing what people's opinions are of Windows Phone. Many of the more elder potential customers who came in store looking for a smartphone having heard about iPhones and Samsungs and other Android heavyweights all stopped to pause and think about their purchase decision upon seeing the Lumia 920. Their previous allegience to Nokia in the pre-smartphone era coupled with the user friendly GUI made them think very hard.

    Then we come to the tech savvy audience who would come in complaining about the lack of 2GB of ram and quad core processors and the lack of applications. Yes, this is by far the biggest shortcoming of Windows Phone but all major apps have come through - viber/whatsapp/angry birds/banking apps/tripview. The important thing to remember with Windows Phone is that although there aren't "official" releases of apps, there are 3rd party apps which in many cases have a much more user friendly interface. On the subject of processors, due to the clutterless interface of Windows Phone, there is no need to have an overpowered piece of hardware. It is also important to remember that WP does NOT support quad core processors at this point in time.

    On the subject of apps, many of the integrated apps namely Nokia maps and Nokia Drive + are two of the biggest weapons within the arsenal belt of the Lumia 920. Their ability to provide offline turn by turn based navigation as well as point to point navigation is a huge advantage. This ability is also extended to 95 countries around the world. The maps for Australia for example are roughly 200mb and this is stored on the on-board 32GB non expandable memory.

    This takes us to the next point of the non expandable 32GB of memory. Many people do bring this up as a shortcoming although seeing as a Microsoft account forms the basis of day to day use of the phone, Microsoft's cloud storage provider - Skydrive. 7GB of free space can be used for almost anything and it is nicely integrated with most of WP's functions.

    The 8.7MP camera with carl zeiss optics is another advantage of the Lumia 920. I am no means a photography expert so you'll see no mention of "hue colour" or other mind boggling terms here. All i'll say is that it takes beautiful/rich photos with a handy panorama feature that stitches photos together nicely.

    Now this brings me to the end of my first ozbargain post/rant. The Lumia 920's biggest downfalls is the appstore - if you are an appjunky who has to have 20 different calculator apps then look away from WindowsPhone in general. It performs all the core Smartphone functions very well and comes with a handy camera to boot ! The user interface is very friendly and takes the concept of "customisation" to a whole new level. The integrated suite of Nokia Apps such as Nokia Drive+ providing offline turn by turn GPS navigation is the icing on a very heavy cake :)

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