• expired

ING Direct Savings Maximiser $50 Bonus Plus 4.5% p.a. Welcome Rate for 4 Months


Apply online today using promo code BONUS (in capital letters) and you’ll get a $50 cash bonus when your balance reaches $100 or more by 15 September 2013. This offer is available for new customers and a limited time only.

Update 15 August: ING has changed the rate from 4.75% to 4.5%

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closed Comments

        • Yea mate…you're right!

          It's ok, I woke up this morning and the 'sickness' was gone.

          The Spending Hacker rides again…ING, here I come!

          Will report back when I receive the second (and maybe even 3rd) payout.

          Watch this space ;)

        • You've gone from Professional to…

            _____            __              _                   _ 
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           |  ___/ '__/ _ \|  _/ _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | |
           | |   | | | (_) | ||  __/\__ \__ \ | (_) | | | | (_| | |
           |_|   |_|  \___/|_| \___||___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_|
  • +1

    so have any existing savings maximiser account holders opened an account with new id and received the $50?

    • +6

      yes, had an old one up until after this promotion started .. closed it .. opened again and just got the $50

      i'm in the process of closing now so i can repeat the process .. they send you an email that says something like "what's wrong? you only recently opened this account, why are you closing it so soon?" that makes you feel guilty for a second, then you remember that everything is automated and nobody cares

      • +1

        My do you even bother closing the previous one before applying for the new one if I may ask?

        After all, it's all about getting a new client ID.

        Nothing else matters really and multiple confirmations have been received to that effect from multiple members (including myself).

        • -1

          getting new client ID is enough. there is no need to close the old account if you don't want

        • so cant we just open about 5 accounts at same time then?

        • give it a try and let us know ;)

        • Hmmm… more than double your life savings in just one month - interesting!

          eg. imagine you start with $50K of cash:

          1. open 500 accounts, each with $100 in them.
          2. when your 500 accounts mature in 2 weeks, open 750 accounts using your $75K of cash ($50K+$25K)
          3. when your 750 accounts mature in another 2 weeks, you'll have $112.5K of cash ($75K+$37.5K)
          4. run

          This is starting to sound like OzMafia. Yikes!

    • hmm, i'll give opening a new account as a new person a go then

  • my friend signed up last week of july, and still nothing today… so maybe they dont pay on Friday

    • Yep, I'm in the same situation. Haven't received my $50 bonus… yet.

  • I got paid within the last couple of hours.

  • Received my $50 today.
    Signed up last week in July.

  • -1

    just got my $50, so should I open OE account as a new customer or to get another new client id. Thanks.

  • how long people wait to + the deal? until they get 500? ;)

  • The last time I opened up my Orange Everyday account, I ended up going to post office for the ID check as the system couldn't verified me. So, does it mean if I open up this Saving Maximiser account, I will end up the same requiring me to go to the post office again?

    • +1

      Why don't you just try?

    • +1

      I always have to go :(

      • then maybe I will end up the same as you too…..

  • Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP.
    Got the bonus.
    And I had an very old Savings Maximiser account still open.
    The phone customer service told me if I had ever had a SM in the past (even if closed years ago)
    then I would not get the bonus.

    • +2

      The phone customer service told me if I had ever had a SM in the past (even if closed years ago) then I would not get the bonus.


  • got my $50!

  • Dumb question but i cant find an answer anywhere - Can I link a bank account from another bank to this?

    • definitely YES!

      You don't need ING orange everyday at all to qualify for this $50.

  • Is the welcome rate of 4.75 % still applicable for today?

    • NO. definitely NO…

      It's 4.50% Please revise the title…

  • Just wondering about opening a new Savings Maximiser after 4 months and transfer from old to new,
    to avoid dropping to 2.75%.
    Any problems with doing this ?
    (apologies if this has already been mentioned)

    • No problem. Unless you find opening a new account and transferring your funds a problem.

      • OK thanks muncan.
        I might try it.
        Then again its a bit of a hassle,
        Everything in Usaver would be easier.

        • Yeah I agree. They have a loyalty bonus (read as: jump through hoops bonus) similar to RAMS. You'd be bonkers not to just sign up again for the honeymoon rate, instead of sticking around for the loyalty (cough cough) bonus.

        • Ubank Usaver is 4.66%, and its not just an introductory rate.
          You just need a $200 monthly deposit.
          Ubank always seems the best.
          CBA goalsaver and netbank saver have both dropped to 4.05%
          I opened a CBA goalsaver to get the $50 bonus.
          But both those CBA accounts absolutely suck.
          If you don't increase your goalsaver total by $200 every month, interest drops to 0.5%
          And the netbank saver drops to 2.5% after 3 months.
          No wonder CBA makes a big profit.

        • So 0.1% more interest with RAMS than Ubank, assuming you also don't withdraw any funds (or you miss the bonus rate for that month). .
          ING has taught me to appreciate jumping hoops, as long as there's a 5% discount or a $50/fortnight bonus involved :-P

        • Thanks, I'll keep that RAMS account in mind, its good.
          If you make a withdrawal, it only drops by 1.3% that month, which is OK.

          Yes, the ING everyday 5% discount is excellent - long may it last.

        • Just checked mebank saving a/c rate which I think too low it's like less than 2% pa. Not sure if I got it right coz believe it should b quite high.

          Can do rate comparison on ubank, mebank, rabodirect saving accounts? Which one do u use?

        • This just in: RAMS has announced a drop to their RAMS Saver rate with bonus:

          from 23 August you'll earn a high bonus variable rate of 4.51%p.a. (that's the variable base rate of 3.21%p.a. plus variable 1.30%p.a. bonus)

  • Anyone who can apply online is likely to open more than 1, perhaps 10+. Is this $50 promotion the 2nd time? If it is who breaks the record of opening the accounts the most?
    Wonder if the company lets anyone say cash in 5k by opening 100 a/c? If it does must be very generous

    If this is the 2nd time the company must have thought it worked for them otherwise they'll just do new types of promo. Cumulatively if 100 000 new accounts opened they need to fork out $5m in 1 promo season (ie 1 month). Wow they have so much cash?!!

    Read some posts that some still need to go to post office even with passport n Medicare card. Can someone confirm this? And also some received full $50 which will be taxed later but some have it auto-deducted and receive $27 to 31.

    • Read some posts that some still need to go to post office even with passport n Medicare card. Can someone confirm this?

      I always have to go to the post with them. Back in June for the everyday and early this month for this one. Driver license did it for me.

    • +5

      I really hope people don't abuse the system, because they will crack down and stop future offers.
      One bonus per person is enough.

      • -1

        Do you really think that ING, one of the biggest financial institutions on the planet, actually cares?

  • +1

    got my wife to sign up after I got mine $50, and today she received hers.

  • +3

    got my 2nd $50 from this promotion.. should I go for a 3rd?

    • +2
      1. PROFESSIONAL (still waiting for mine)

      2. ABSOLUTELY you should! and 4th too if you can make it on time!

  • +1

    Time for me to jump on the computer and put another application in. A second $50 sounds good.

  • I transferred $101 from my ANZ account to my ING account but it hasn't shown up. Did it happen to anyone?

  • It takes a couple of days sometimes.

  • +1

    "Hi Mark,

    Thank you for your response to my colleague Kayla.

    After looking into this for you I can see you have another Savings Maximiser and Orange Everyday account under another client number. This is the reason the $50 bonus was not credited into this Savings Maximiser."


    • Do you still get the 4.50% interest??

    • +2
    • Ya do check the rate… what does it say there in your account? Standard 2.75% or promotional 4.50% ?
      Reading this post wondering if 4.50% rate and 50 cash are now separate. Meaning those that are not so new can still get 4.50% but without the 50… ouch not so appealing anymore

  • What time do they usually deposit the $50 into your account? It's Friday and I'm still waiting…

    • same deposited on the 21st still nothing makes me wonder if I put the bonus code in 99% sure I did.

    • Check again at COB

    • have you guys received?

      • nope no movement yet. Wonder if theres anyway short of calling someone to check I did type bonus in or not.

      • Got it now, probably in the last 3 hours they put the money there. I deposited on the 19th by the way.

        • success got mine today too Yay Money!

        • just checked my account. no $50 bonus..

          :( :(

        • I'm thinking maybe the money needs to be in the account for at least a week when did you deposit?

        • I didn't get the $50 either, after having the deposit in there for 2 weeks. Sad. Does ING now know how to disqualify people who got the bonus before?

        • earlier in this thread there was someone who was on the phone with support for some reason and staff said he wouldn't get a bonus on his second attempt, but others in the thread have successfully gotten 2nd bonuses. I don't think anyone has confirmed not getting a second bonus yet though.

        • @Scaregdearimasu
          I've got a 2nd, but not 3rd.

        • +1

          dunno Wondering whether to have second go myself.
          want to go as you know free money
          but on the other hand don't want to take advantage of them so they either don't do another promo or make it so they add more or larger hoops.

          good luck on your third though one would think if they roboticly sent you omney on the second one they'd do the third one as well.

        • +1

          P R O F E S S I O N A L

          still waiting on my second. Probably not gonna go for the 3rd as having another case of 'morality attack' but you should definitely go for it PissLUR. You are a legend!

        • -1

          didnt get 2nd either

        • -1

          3rd didn't work for me either.

  • For us who didn't get the bonus today/Friday when we should have (meaning the deposit was made 2 or more weeks ago), what to do?
    Wait for another week?
    Or close account and try again?
    No point calling up because a human will see we got bonus before.
    Time is running out.
    Hard choice.

  • I am going to wait. It hasn't been quite two weeks for me.

  • +1

    Got hubby an account and he definitely has not had an account with ING so for all you claiming a second don't worry because his never came through Friday either

    • Hi when did your hubby sign up

      • 23/8

    • Has it been two weeks?

      • Not quite but I got mine on the pay Friday which also was not quite 2 weeks

  • +1

    So I tried doing this twice… I closed my account as soon as I got the 50 dollars and then I opened a new account the day after. But the new account didn't rake in the 50 dollars. Pretty sure I entered the bonus code.

    Anyone successfully done it more than once?

    • +1

      Looks like it only worked early on, doesn't work anymore for people trying to get it a second time. When closing the first account, anyone else get an annoyed rep saying they could see we opened the account only to get the $50? Does that have something to do with us not getting it a second time?

      • So much for SummerMan's Theorem of Bonus Distribution and muncan's payout schedule

        I got paid on 2/8/13 & 16/8/13, but now it looks like the jig is up. Time to go back to our day jobs.

        But I can't help myself - will close & reopen one more time, just in case…

        • +1

          The game is over guys… they're onto this… (Had a chat to someone on the phone the other day)

        • What did they say?

        • +2

          They're noticing people are opening and closing under different client numbers…told me to stop it and reiterated that you're only allowed ONE BONUS. Might be because I've milked this 4 times already.

        • +2

          :( There goes my idea of early retirement :P

        • +4

          LOL I can't believe you have the audacity to call them.

        • They called me.

  • Meanwhile, what to spend our $50 on?

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