I thought air was free, until I opened a packet of chips.

I am sick an tired of these businesses selling air. You pay $4 for a "large chips" that is 1/3 air even sometimes 2/3. Mars bars and snickers went down to 53gms a bar, McDonalds "big mac" is tiny.

Where does it stop, an what can we do about it. The basic one is stop buying them, but what other options?


    • I think they were larger years ago.

      A lot more expensive also. I suppose everything has risen a lot in price.

      Very nice still tho

      • Macgyver can use sticks and twigs to supersize a burger.

  • +1

    I dont buy those chips, so air is still free for me.

  • +1

    Super delicious, HUGE, organic oranges are available for $2.50/kg at the Queen Vic markets. 60 cents or so, and no air!!

    • Click the Submit link up top ;)

  • Looking at this from another perspective, supermarkets such as Coles and Woolworths displays COST PER 100G or something to that effect. It makes it easier to compare quantity for price.

    • I only see the huge sign "DOWN DOWN". Wait, let me find my magnifier first.

    • http://www.ausfoodnews.com.au/2009/12/02/unit-pricing-becomeā€¦
      The only comparison I'd like to see is how much we, as taxpayers, pay these overpaid fat cats for that legislation. In real dollars-and-cents terms.

      Every thinking adult should be able to get by without that legislation, but we need the Nanny State to make it more of a hassle for stores to do business (while the real crimes are unregulated), which is ridiculous.

  • This thread is hilarious.

  • +1

    Fantastic topic OP!

    So great, it actually made me create an account just so I can hug you.

    Cadbury block chocks: They used to give you more, then they tried to be sneaky and reduce their thickness and hoped no-one noticed … offcourse they charged you the same after the 'sale' promos settled. Then they had the audacity recently to say they were giving you 10% more for the same price for a limited time. A few years earlier, they gave you ~20% less for the same price.

    Big Mac size reductions: All you need to do is search for "BIG MAC Super Shrink Me!" on youtube.

    Potato Chips: Completely agree with you with the air. I find it rediculous that you actually need THAT amount of gas in a packet of chips. If you do, and its for extending the preservation period, then thats only helping the seller, not buyer. When I see a packet like that, I simply laugh and don't purchase it. Some are much worse than others.

    I can remember many other examples where companies reduce the weight of their products slightly hoping consumers will not pick it up. Trying to maintain the packaging size whilst reducing the weight allows them to do this with far more stealth.

    From a marketting POV, consumers primarily purchase visually, and they are just milking what they can from that. Theres nothing illegal about it so theres nothing that can be done about it. Just need to be wary.

  • +1

    You all got reeled in by Moot

  • The packet of chips are like this so they dont break during shelving, shipping and handling. The other points you raised like the BIG MAC, yeah those are valid and yes they have gotten smaller over time.

  • +1

    Try eating some fruit and veg sometime. You pay by the kilo so you get your moneys worth, and it's good for you.

    • Exactly.

      Vegetables are good for you > Potatoes are vegetables > Chips are made with Potatoes > Chips are healthy

    • -3

      What ?

      You think those are REAL tomatoes you are eating?

      You think they themselves havn't changed over the years via GM?

      You think the stuff your breathing is actually air?

      lol … so true thats its so sad thats its so funny

      • Hello Neo. When are you coming to save us from the Matrix?

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