SCOOPON - Error with their web site

I am a long time Scoopon user, and former supporter, but a recent experience with them leaves me cold.

For Scoopon support's benefit, Support Request #347290

I purchased this Scoopon for a buffet meal for 4 people at the Grace Hotel Sydney on 7 February 2013

This was about my 20th Scoopon purchase since 2010.

The Scoopon requires bookings for the dinner be made by 30 June 2013.

In the lead-up to 30 June 2013 I had a feeling I needed to make this booking, but when I logged onto Scoopon's web site using the Facebook logon functionality, my first 19 Scoopon purchases were listed but this one wasn't.

Being a member of at least half a dozen group buying sites including Groupon, Ourdeal, Ouffer, etc - I began to think maybe I'd bought this dinner from a different site, perhaps a site I could no longer remember the name of. Or perhaps I had intended to buy this dinner, but never had.

I would have logged onto Scoopon (and Scoopon you can check this) at least 5 times in June 2013. Each time this Scoopon didn't appear.

On 2 July I logged onto Scoopon 4 times searching for this voucher because I checked my PayPal history and noted the purchase was indeed made with Scoopon. On the 4th occasion I swapped PC's, and logged on using my username and password, not the Facebook logon functionality - Voila the missing Scoopon appeared at the top of the list of My Scoopons.

I contacted the Grace Hotel and explained why I hadn't made a booking. They were polite and explained that I had missed the deadline for bookings, but would accept a Tuesday to Thursday booking for me (but not a Saturday booking which I would have been entitled to if I had booked by 30 June 2013). I have no beef with the Grace Hotel, they've generously accepted a booking post the deadline.

My beef is with Scoopon, and a website which due to issues with either:
a) their "My Scoopon" database;
b) Google Chrome compatability;
c) Facebook logon functionality; and/or
d) a temporary error caused by their recent "Refreshing of the look of Scoopons"

does not consistently show you purchased Scoopons.

The site is now showing the Scoopon each time I log on using either Facebook or my email/pass, so I wonder if the issue is D.

Anyway Scoopon are failing to acknowledge any error on their part and are not willing to assist.

I've asked them for a refund as I don't think my party can make a midweek dinner and although I left booking late, it was only past the deadline due to their web site's problem.

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced similar issues with appearing/disappearing Scoopons??

"Celeste" from Scoopon has been efficient in her responses, but hardly helpful.

In her most recent correspondence she suggests that "The only way a Scoopon Facebook ID can be created is when a Scoopon account is, in fact, registered using a Facebook account".

Given I wasn't even a Facebook user when I setup Scoopon I find this puzzling.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Hey GreatWhiteHunter,

    Thanks for your review thread.

    I've taken a look at your account and can confirm what my colleague, Celeste, has already relayed to you. The only account that is registered in your name is a Facebook Connect account. Thus, to access your account, you login to your Scoopon account using your Facebook login details. Unless you have an account in a different name - such as your partners - this Facebook Connect account is the only account that has ever been registered with Scoopon. By looking at your Scoopon account, I can also see that your purchases date back until 2010.

    On 2 July I logged onto Scoopon 4 times searching for this voucher because I checked my PayPal history and noted the purchase was indeed made with Scoopon. On the 4th occasion I swapped PC's, and logged on using my username and password, not the Facebook logon functionality - Voila the missing Scoopon appeared at the top of the list of My Scoopons.

    I would, again, kindly reiterate what my colleague has relayed to you. Your purchase for the Grace Hotel deal was made on 7/2/13 using your Facebook Connect account and the Scoopon voucher has been in your Facebook Connect account under the 'My Scoopons' tab since this date. Please also note that, to access this Scoopon voucher, you will have had to use the Facebook functionality - as your Facebook Connect account is the only Scoopon account you have registered with Scoopon, and this was the account that the Grace Hotel purchase was made using.

    By all means, I can forward onto you some screenshots of your account as it appears on our system. I can assure you that there are no functionality issues with our website and the Scoopon voucher has been available in your account since 7/2/13.

    I hope my response clears-up any confusion!


    Mitchell - Scoopon

    • same thing happened to me scoopon owes me $175.00 …..they will not refund the money says i was too late booking would not deal with them again ………..buyers beware

  • +1


    The password for my Scoopon account begins with e and ends with 11.

    This password is totally different to my Facebook account password, but the email address is the same.

    I am happy to give the full Scoopon password to you directly if you need it and want to test it. Using that email address and password I can logon to Scoopon - without Facebook - and thats how I joined Scoopon, by registering that email address and password. That's how I've accessed Scoopon until perhaps the last 6 months or so.

    You have an issue with the display of "My Scoopons" in that the Grace Hotel Scoopon did not appear in June, and 3 out of 4 times on 2 July.

    I suspect if I had this problem, others have had it too…

    You will know better than I do why that was/is the case. You've been updating the appearance of Scoopon vouchers, maybe thats why - or maybe there is an issue in dealing with Facebook vs email/pass logons - or maybe its a database issue - or maybe its a browser compatability issue. I don't know the cause, just the symptoms. Also I've got better things to do with my time than do your IT support teams job for them.

    Your head in the sand approach doesn't change the facts. No confusion here, your site has issues, you deny it.

    I've missed a booking deadline, Grace Hotel has come partially to the party. Scoopon continues to deny an issue exists at all..

  • +1

    Hey check news online ACCC is looking into Scoopon due to gift card Rip Off thus will be interesting to see what happens!

  • +1

    GreatWhiteHunter did you take any screenshots of your "My Scoopons" list?

    Otherwise it seems you're stuck in a he-said she-said stalemate.

  • Why would anyone link their facebook account to scoopon. It seems like a stupid process with no benefit.

  • So so true I feel for the poor people they've scammed or what it appears to be scammed? Hopefully we get answers shortly about this inquiry from the ACCC.

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