Is the balance transfer a 1 off when you sign up or on going?
If its ongoing can you apply for more than 1 with an outstanding one already?
The HSBC Card offers
0% p.a. for 6 months
So I apply for that card, (pay the annual fees and get bonus points)
Apply for 6X my monthly expenses card limit (12k)
Say my monthly expenses are $2000,
After the interest free period on say woolworths credit card pay the balance using the new HSBC card balance transfer, Then have that amount interest free for 6 months,
The following month Do it again.
Is this possible? Or not how it works? I have never balance transfered as always paid off in full on statement, But if was possible could put the money spent In RAMS account for 6 months.. (Or 9 or 12 depending on card)
ummm… you can, but if you miss a payment or end up spending more each time you can end up with a big debt