This was posted 11 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

@DickSmith POLAROID DV197 Camcorder Fuschia $2.49 in-Store Only, 26 Stores Claim to Have Stock!


Found this browsing Dick Smith's clearance page. A pink 'camcorder' for $2.49! How far wrong can you possibly go !!!

Stores with 'In Stock' (8):
Busselton, Gladstone, Mackay Canelands (Large), Morley, Morwell, Nambour, Toombul, Wangaratta.

Stores with 'Low Stock' (18):
Batemans Bay, Broome, Calamvale, Cannington, Chermside, Corio, Cranbourne, Fairfield, Fountain Gate (Large), Glen Waverley, Karrinyup, Mermaid Beach, Mt Ommaney Centre, Nowra, Robina (Large), Swan Hill, Traralgon, Warwick Palmerin Street.

  • I am indebted to @brucefromaustralia who pointed out errors in my original stock levels report. Thanks!

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • Wow, are you using your new script on DSE? This could open up a new era in OzB'ing these retailers.

    • Yup! Should be a bit of fun! I just got REALLY pissed off at all the Dick Smith deals being low on stock, began to wonder if Dick was being dodgy (of course he is, he's Woolworths, the very definition of dodgy!), and decided to do something about it!

      Actually, I'm interested now to see how accurate the stock level data on the DSE web site is. @Saine noted, on the 'looney tunes usb' bargain, that whilst my script reported stock at Mornington, he actually bought the last one at 2pm today. So I wonder if they have a stash 'out the back' or the web site is just updated once per day or something.

      • +5

        DS was sold by Woolies and new owners are clearing old stock & whole categories as they change DS & recoup their investment as fast as possible.

        It's a partial liquidation. Some stores are likely to close as owners are said to be mainly interested in online business. Expect more clearances, but don't expect commercial levels of stock in a liquidation.

        Nothing dodgie, just old stock, & little of it.

        I reported on your finds being inaccurate with the DAB radio deal - from being in the store & allowed access to all the stock. It just wasn't there yesterday, I posted that at 9am, but your search found low stock today. That stock does not exist - it is only phantom stock still on the system. Other stores on that DAB radio deal listed as low stock, but your script missed them.

        Good work, but needs some fine tuning.

        • Yes, you're right. I have a bug that misinterprets 'low stock' situations. Working on a fix now.

        • Should also note that these is definitely a 'delay' in online system stock updates. I've had orders that have gone through only to have them cancelled later due to no stock. I have phone their online customer service and was told that the online system is not always accurate due to these lags before updates.

        • There is a delay, but that is a handy excuse rather than explain their system is very flawed.

          Most times variations in stock level is due to phantom stock remaining on the system. Also stock being held for a customer will still show as available, but it isn't. I returned faulty stock & got the last available as replacements. That faulty stock still showed on the system.

          At DS, stock does not exist until it is physically located.

  • Looked at this last time but after reading some of the reviews of some here that bought it.. I didn't bother. Quality is awful apparently, better on a mobile phone.

  • oh yay you can print videos now

  • I didn't bother either at $10.
    Stock may not exist on shelves. Seems like an item that would walk out the door (likely to be stolen, so stock levels may be higher than shown). If just 2 were lost, the system would show "In Stock".
    Chermside is not in stock, but low stock.

    • Thanks brucefromaustralia. I'm gonna re-check my method for determining stock levels. I'm getting mixed answers for Chermside, some say in stock, some say out.

      • I'm using mobile site, which could explain difference. But actual stock levels are usually less than indicated.

        Quit stock lists have been sent to store managers. The actual stock was less than listed on many items I checked with the help of the store manager yesterday.

        • No, you're right. I have a bug in my code.

        • Good work. It's through our mistakes we develop (code).

          Pity the DS stock system is flawed. Too many phantom items which turn out to be empty boxes, stolen, faulty or missing parts, or never existed in the first place.

          No script can detect that.

          You may need to build in a probability forecast with your findings :-)
          [I work on high stock levels = high probability the deal will be available near me.
          But then the attractiveness of the deal is usually in inverse proportion to its availability, as in this deal.
          The utility of the deal to me (Expected Value) needs to be assessed. In this deal, that is about 0 as I have little need/want for it & have alternative devices.
          All of that combines to give an estimate of the energy I put into finding the deal… In this case, I would rather sleep in than chase a possible phantom.]

          Knowing the system too well, I advised against the effort to write a script, as it may just assemble meaningless data. Perfect code applied to an imperfect system is a recipe for frustration. It still comes down to ringing a local store to check stock exists & hoping they will hold it. But good on you.

          With the big changes at DS, after stock is cleared, stock levels should be more accurate. But the bargains are to be had now because of the few items left on the shelf needing to be cleared before a major stocktake for the new owners.

  • There is also a blue one at the same price.…
    Has stock near me apparently…I can't be bothered though :).

    Has anyone else ever had that impulse when you've seen a bargain here to just get up, get in your car and go buy it?

    • I find impulses are easier to cope with when the store is closed & I would rather sleep in in the morning.
      I'm going to sleep through this deal :-)

    • Has anyone else ever had that impulse when you've seen a bargain here to just get up, get in your car and go buy it?

      Classic ozbargain syndrome.

  • +1

    Looks like junk to me.

  • if quality is important to you, then buying this is just waste of money

    better use a mobile phone, or a digital camera you already have, and save money to get something better!

  • +1

    Upvoted for actually listing which stores have stock (or at least attempting to, even if the results are a little wonky).

    • +1

      Very kind of you, thank-you :-)

  • Could a grab a copy of that script should come In pretty handy

  • +1

    Changes to availability overnight. Warwick Palmerin St disappeared from the list and Toombul added. Otherwise, same same.

    Results for product XG5058 'POLAROID DV197 Camcorder Fuschia:'

    Stores with 'In Stock' (6):
    Busselton, Gladstone, Mackay Canelands (Large), Morwell, Nambour, Wangaratta.

    Stores with 'Low Stock' (18):
    Batemans Bay, Broome, Calamvale, Cannington, Chermside, Corio, Cranbourne, Fairfield, Fountain Gate (Large), Glen Waverley, Karrinyup, Mermaid Beach, Mt Ommaney Centre, Nowra, Robina (Large), Swan Hill, Toombul, Traralgon.

  • None neutral bay

  • None north Sydney, warringah mall

  • None Brisbane :(

    • Glad I slept in :-)

  • page not found

    • -3

      Deal expired. Reported.
      Probably was never any stock.

      Unfortunately, scripts will find great deals without any real stock!! That is against the minimum stock requirement for posting a deal. It will lead to further frustration with DS.

      Stores have now checked their quit stock lists sent from head office, found there was no stock, & removed the phantoms from the system. That removes the page from site. They were in that process this week. With redundancies (assistant managers gone) at end of last month, maintaining an accurate stock system is less likely.

      Expect more deals with low or no stock this week as head office sends stores lists to find their old stock & get it off the system by 30th.

      I wonder if anyone found stock???

      • These are in the clearance section at Launceston and have been for at least 2 weeks, nobody wants them, I really don't get the dick smith haters as things marked clearance are just that so not every store will have the items.

        • -3

          Are they on sale now at $2.49?? That's the deal here. Not did DS have these on clearance before this deal was posted. I saw them recently. Have been on clearance for a while. Last time I saw stock it was $10.

          But no one has posted finding even 1 at this price from this deal & site reports no longer a stocked item. There were 1252 clicks & no one posted actually buying 1?

          Stating stock is no longer available according to DS, & may not have been available or at least in any minimal quantity since this deal was posted is not hating DS! And I am certainly no DS hater, if you read my many posts defending them.

          It is the posting of deals by OBers where no physical stock is shown to exist at the stated price at time of posting I see a problem with. That is simply what a deal is. There is a reason why minimum quantity is necessary for a deal to be posted.

          The stock system is out of whack with actual stock. This is being currently corrected through the quit stock lists for old or limited stock. It is what happens with a partial liquidation.

          These products have been removed from DS stock system as unavailable anywhere now. If a store still has stock at this time, the stock will still show on their stock system. Stores have reported no stock.

        • -3

          These are in the clearance section at Launceston

          Launceston was out of stock before the start of this deal! So much for stock currently on clearance as reported.

          [Gave you a + for that as you said you had seen stock I said probably did not exist in this deal (ie today) - thought you were correct, but now too late to retract.]

        • -2

          This deal for $2.49 started when posted on 22/06/2013 - 20:26
          Previous deal was for $10 on 10/05/2013 - 23:22

      • -2

        Negs for reporting as out of stock?? (as indicated by DS site & confirmed by a DS manager I know)
        Ah OB, where negging needs no real thought or knowledge ;)

        Reporting OOS saves others wasting their time.

        Still no posts of anyone buying 1 at $2.49 today?

        • +1

          There seems to be an awful lot of aggression around dick smith stuff on ozbargain for some reason. Maybe that's why you're getting negged.

        • Just makes me laugh ;) After all I am a strong DS supporter.

          More like a lack of understanding & negging for the sake of negging.
          In Should DS be Banned forum, I challenged people posting how deals never have stock to prove their claims - but no one did…
          Posters were more interested in venting anger against DS. (Sometimes they deserve it - wheres my order DS???)

          Supports my argument that little thought or knowledge (of DS internal systems, as I have) is necessary to neg.
          When people don't get what they want, they neg & falsely accuse DS staff of dubious practices, rather than accept the reality that DS stock system is very inaccurate. (Unfortunately thats why a script to find stock is flawed in deals like this.)

          Problems with the stock system are expected to be reduced with the big shake up & change of direction at DS under new owners. Expect there won't be many interesting deals on items like this in the future. In the mean time there will be bargains on old stock (as those lists go out to stores to dispose of it asap), if the stock actually exists.

          But nearly 24 hours and no one has reported buying this deal!

  • -1

    And welcome to OB for your first post, douglasb!
    Makes life interesting ;)

  • +1

    As the first (to my knowledge) script based deal, it was of intertest.
    Pity there was no stock reported. With this product on clearance for so long, it was always going to be minimal to no stock.
    Unfortunately (or fortunately), it will also be the last for limited stock, by the look of it.
    DS has changed their stock search system today!

    No store search, except through Click & Collect. Makes searching much more difficult.
    The only search left for low stock is to contact your DS store & ask if they can search!

    Click & Collect now needs you to enter a Postcode of the store you wish to collect from.
    (offers nearby stores if in stock, but for my Eneloop 8 pack search at Wynnum 4178 - I C&Ced yesterday * at least 6 in stock, offered no choice of store today.)
    That is after ordering product first.

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