Hi all,
According the ATO website:
If you are a low or middle-income earner, you may be able to take advantage of the super co-contribution payment by making eligible personal super contributions to your super fund or retirement savings account (RSA). The government will then match your personal super contributions up to the maximum amount.
How does it work? Do I just pay directly into my super account and claim the contribution in my tax return? What is the maximum amount? Can I still do it before the end of the tax year?
Make a $1k personal super contribution before Friday 28 June.you really should send by wednesday 26 June to allow 2 days clearing by your financial institution for bay, eft and cheque.
Your super cocontribution of up to a maximum $500 will be paid into your super fund in about 12 months time automatically provided you pass the income test and lodge a tax return. You don't have to claim for it.
It's a good deal if you qualify. Just remember it's a long term strategy as you cannot access your super until you reach your "preservation" age, typically age 60.