• expired

Open CBA My Wealth, Deposit $1,000, Leave it There for 4 Weeks, Get $50 Free Bonus


On phone, but saw this offer. Similar to previous open a CBA account and get $50 bonus.

For this one you have to open a My Wealth account (takes 2 mins for existing CBA) and 'make a trade' or maintain a balance of $1,000+ for 4 weeks.

You also get a free debit mastercard that you can use with the account, which means no booking fee when not actually being able to book a jetstar deal.

*$50 bonus cash offer is available only to new MyWealth customers who open an account via the link on this page and make a trade by the offer expiration date of 31 July 2013, or deposit a minimum of $1,000 into their MyWealth linked Commonwealth Direct Investment Account by no later than 31 July and maintain a balance of at least $1,000 for a 4 week period. The offer is only applicable to one new MyWealth account and is not transferrable. We reserve the right to terminate this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Normal MyWealth terms and conditions apply unless otherwise specified here.

Edit: Title updated for sssx :)

22/6: T&C's have changed. Only available to those who received email

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closed Comments

  • maybe for targeted customers only, like the previous one?

    • nothing in the T&C yet

    • +2

      Definitely not targeted. Was on Netbank main login page before logging in. Link freely accessible to all.

      • i took a screen shot just incase

        • Did screen shot work for the previous deal? I opened one then they changed the T&C the next day… :(

  • $50 bonus cash offer is available only to new MyWealth customers who open an account via the link on this page and make a trade by the offer expiration date of 31 July 2013, or deposit a minimum of $1,000 into their MyWealth linked Commonwealth Direct Investment Account by no later than 31 July and maintain a balance of at least $1,000 for a 4 week period. The offer is only applicable to one new MyWealth account and is not transferrable. We reserve the right to terminate this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Normal MyWealth terms and conditions apply unless otherwise specified here.

    • Beat me by 30 seconds :P but thanks.

      • Well done for the good find though.

    • +4

      "We reserve the right to terminate this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice."

      "Undefeatable" condition!

  • After 4 weeks, can i transfer the money out like a normal bank account

    • Can't see why not.

    • Yes you can, my wife got the $50 from the last time, I am still a few days away.

  • +5

    I'm hoping to still receive the $50 from opening the goal saver account.

    • Same, still a while before deposit required on that one.

      • Hopefully in by 19/08- from what I was told by a CommBank rep

    • For me I got $50 by just opening the account. no need for any deposits to activate it.

      • +1

        when did you open the account?

  • In the sign up process they give you the option of having a debit Mastercard.

  • +7

    so lame. they get more mileage out of your money than that $50 gets you.

  • +5

    This is the T&C in the email I got

    *$50 bonus cash offer is only available to new MyWealth customers only who open an account and make a trade by the offer expiration date of 31 July 2013, or deposit a minimum of $1,000 into their MyWealth cash account (CDIA) within 4 weeks of receiving the offer and maintain a balance of at least $1,000 for a 4 week period (ending no later than 31 July 2013). This offer is only valid for the addressee of a MyWealth email or direct mail offer and is not transferrable. The offer is available till the 31st July 2013 and is only applicable to one new MyWealth account. We reserve the right to terminate this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Normal MyWealth terms and conditions apply unless otherwise specified here.

    • +1

      Weird, I never got an email, I just went to www.netbank.com.au and next to the login area was an ad for the MyWealth $50 bonus so I clicked on it…

      • hmmm maybe because I have a CDIA account

    • +2

      I received an offer in the mail about a month ago but didnt post it here since it had the condition This offer is only valid for the addressee of a MyWealth email or direct mail offer and is not transferrable Received my $50 last week. Better to confirm if the offer applies to all before you deposit your $1000

    • +1

      You have the old t&C. At bottom of page states now

      "*$50 bonus cash offer is available only to new MyWealth customers who open an account via the link on this page and make a trade by the offer expiration date of 31 July 2013, or deposit a minimum of $1,000 into their MyWealth linked Commonwealth Direct Investment Account by no later than 31 July and maintain a balance of at least $1,000 for a 4 week period. The offer is only applicable to one new MyWealth account and is not transferrable. We reserve the right to terminate this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Normal MyWealth terms and conditions apply unless otherwise specified here."

  • What's this mywealth all about?
    What difference does it have over other stock trading accounts, such as the cdia?

  • there is no account keeping fee. but there are withdrawal fees.

    • +4

      there is no withdrawal fees.

      read the T&Cs
      page 12. you get unlimited free electronic withdrawals.

  • +5

    used the live chat option and confirmed this is for public.

    • -1

      you do loose min $0.30 for transfer fees.

        • +7

          no withdrawal fee.

          what you get with the CDIA is

          no account fee
          unlimited free electronic withdrawals
          2 free assisted withdrawals.

  • Can I transfer the money back to my everyday account after 4 weeks?

      • +3

        My wife got the $50 already (June 14) and I have transferred back 1050.01 (1c interest) on June 15 and no fee was charged.

        • You can just close the account after you transferred out. Can't charge you fees when account is gone.

  • +5

    Alright everyone, I would not usually be a proponent of extreme paranoia but given the previous incident with CBA, I believe this is in order http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/104144.

    I STRONGLY urge everyone to:

    1. Firstly, take a screenshot of the current promo page. Best way to do it would be to use the Chrome browser and print as PDF with headers and footers shown so that your screenshot is time-stamped.

    2. Apply IMMEDIATELY. Do not delay even one bit. If CBA end the promotion early you will be out of luck and will be kicking yourself. Do it NOW!

    3. Once account is open, wait until the absolute last day (i.e 31/07/2013) before you make your deposit. However, make sure that you time the transfer in a way that the deposit CLEARS into CBA by that day.

    4. Wait for cash.

    5. Once cash received, transfer it out immediately and CLOSE ACCOUNTS (unless you actually want to continue using them with no relation to this promo).

    CBA is very sneaky so if you want their cash, you have to be diligent too. No room for error.

    • +9

      dont leave it til last minute. you have to keep the 1,000 for at least 4 weeks. so it doesnt really matter to transfer it now or later.

      • -5

        Yes it does if you have the money in a ME Savings account earning the 4.75% p.a bonus interest.

        CBA will pay you bugger all on your $1,000

        • +6

          The point is, 4 weeks is 4 weeks, no matter which day it starts on.

        • I think they pay everyone at the same time so if you transfer the money sooner, you will simply have it sitting in the CBA account longer instead of earning interest on it.

          That's why I recommended people wait till the last minute

        • The T&Cs have now been amended.

          Everyone will get paid around September 15 so no point doing the transfer before July 31.

          Also, they have done the CBA 'bait and switch' trick again and have changed the T&Cs. Promotion is now by invitation only.

  • +1

    What if I already have a CDIA account for an existing Comsec account? If I open a MyWealth account, do I qualify, and will I get another CDIA account?

    • +3

      Yes you will have a new CDIA account which is linked to your new MyWealth account.
      The old one you have could have linked to your commsec account.

  • So does anywhere say when you'll get the $50 bonus? just after 4 weeks of your deposit/trade?
    or a fixed time after the offer expired date which is 31th July?

    • +1

      No, it doesn't.

      Just says you gotta keep the money with CBA for 4 weeks. Doesn't say how soon after that will you get the cash.

      Either way, I would recommend that once the money is in there, you do not touch it until you get your bonus. That's why, I suggest that there is no point transferring the money needed to qualify prior to the July 31 deadline.

      However, you should open the account NOW if you want the cash and before CBA change their mind.

  • +4

    Maybe you should reword the title so it's a little clearer (or maybe it's just me). I read it as you have to deposit $1,000 a week for 4 weeks to qualify, not that you have to deposit $1,000 and leave it for 4 weeks.

  • Stuck on the tax file screen :@

    • Just chose the option to use your existing accounts TFN

  • easy money!

  • +1

    That person on the website needs a haircut.

  • -1

    got charged 30 dollars from cba from over drawing fees in the last 3 days. on top of their multiple random cent fees for over seas purchases, and multiple bull shit excuses. Commonpoorness Bank.

    • +4

      You overdrew, it's in their terms that you'll cop a fee for it.
      You signed up for it accepting those terms. Deal with it.

    • +1

      Fees for overseas purchases needing currency conversion is pretty normal.

      • Correct.

        In Australia, there is currently only ONE TRANSACTION ACCOUNT and TWO CREDIT CARD products that do not charge any currency conversion or overseas withdrawal fees. Not surprisingly, none of them are with CBA.

        However, one product that offers that is all you need. This means you CAN COMPLETELY avoid paying currency conversion and overseas withdrawal fees. You just need to be smart about which products you use.

        • and those products are what exactly? I only know of 28 degrees master card

        • +3

          transaction account - citibank plus

          credit card - bank west platinum and 28 degrees

        • Well done PissLUR

          Do you subscribe to our newsletter by any chance? (-;

        • which newsletter?

        • +1

          I try to avoid too much self-promotion but since you asked:


        • No, I don't.

    • +3

      I would advise strongly that you move away from CBA. As a former CBA customer I know the pain. Compare that with the treatment that i get from ingdirect. I was literally 8 cents overdue with ing. Instead of getting a $30 overdrawing fee which would have been ridiculous they gave me an email saying that I got 3 days to pay it back and they did not charge me a cent.For overseas purchases look at other accounts such as citibank and 28 degrees mastercard.

  • +1

    The photo of that chick (?) freaked me out. My kid asked if she was in jail.

    • +3

      your goat can talk!?

  • Wonder if site is being ozbargained, can't get pass the log in stage at the moment.

  • +2

    Yes, working fine now, opened an account and hopefully and at least partly on my way to being wealthy.

  • damn I made one yesterday… I wonder if it will still count

    • +1

      Gave em a call, as long as it meets the criteria in 4 weeks it will be fine :)

  • What's the fee to close the account once you've got your $50?

    • i spoke to them, they said there's no fees when you close the accounts

      • There will likely be a fee to issue a check or transfer the money out. I got hit once with a substantial fee for a transfer which negating half the benefit I thought I earned :( That was with another bank.

        • Ow btw, don't forget this is a taxable profit so less than $50. More like $35 for most families on average income.

  • +1

    now just another 29 days until I get my $50.00

    5% return is pretty good in 30 days, thats 60% annualised.

  • Hey guys,
    What's the process for getting this bonus if you're not with CBA?
    From my understanding, I created a MyWealth account with a linked CDIA account; using my main account I am to transfer $1000 into the CDIA account, then transfer that $1000 into the MyWealth account and then wait 4 weeks to get the $50 bonus. This is correct?

    • don't transfer to mywealth, just leave it CDIA for 4 weeks.

      • Thanks!

  • From the FAQ

    When you open a new MyWealth Investment Account, your linked MyWealth CDIA cash account will be the default bank account where any dividends paid by companies where you hold shares will be credited.
    So if your dividend are being paid into another bank it will be changed?

    • only if you transfer those share to mywealth from your old broker.

  • I was actually looking to get a new account, this is perfect with the $50 bonus, thanks!

  • $50 dollar can only apply to the customer who is got email or link invitation offer. In my case, I applied it from the official website and I was not qualified for the bonus told by mywealth staff.

      • Thanks for reply.
        I think I used the link from top of this page.

        The netbank link is the latest promotion.

    • +2

      Did you get the staff to navigate through their own website to see it for their own eyes? It's advertised and it's available to all.

      • +1

        Called them again.

        After discussion, they confirmed that the $50 will be bonus for my account after applying all of T&C.

        Thanks mate!

  • Did anyone get a confirmation of the offer after signing up, or do we just have to wait four weeks and see?

    • In my case, I have to wait for 4 weeks to get bonus if I deposit $1000 today.

  • I signed up last night but still no sign of the new CDIA account today. So I went ahead to sign into My Wealth. Interestingly I could. But no new CDIA account. I already have an existing CDIA account with my current Comsec account. I wonder if that means I'm not eligible, despite signing up for it through the site?

    • +1

      My CDIA account hasn't appeared yet either, are we meant to manually open one? I don't have a Commsec account BTW.

      Update - My application didn't go through correctly and had to contact Mywealth to fix it up.

    • I have a Commsec account opened and now opened the one for MyWealth! There are now 2 CDIA accounts listed under my name now!!!!

      • So is CDIA on MyWealth a different product with the Commsec one? I don't need to open Commsec account for MyWealth, do I?

        • +1

          That's right! You don't have to open a commsec account

        • Thanks! =)

  • I'm still unsure how to apply for this. :(

    Is CDIA a part of Commsec product?
    If I only have Netbank, do I need to apply for Commsec account first?

    Thanks for your help, people =)

      • your post is..gone..?

  • +1

    Just a thought. Why do 'the new faces of finance' all look criminally insane?

  • The link to the promo doesn't work anymore.

  • Anyone know how to close the CDIA account?

    • From personal experience, CBA does not allow to close any of their accounts online.

      You will need to call them or visit a branch in order to close the account.

  • When will the account be opened? I applied a day before since then nothing happened, no email or anything.

    • Better give them a call. Mine appeared almost instantaneously. Just relogin to Netbank and it was there.

    • Mine also appeared instantly. I used my CommSec ID to start with, now I can see I have 2 CDIA, 1 is the old one under CommSec, 1 is the new one under MyWealth

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