I stumbled upon this website by accident, saw this chair on sale, and I thought of my fellow OzBargainers who need/want a new office chair but are too cheap or too poor to afford the recently posted Aeron chair (not me, I bought 8 of those chairs).
Looks good but unfortunately I couldn't find any reviews online (just did a quick Google search) so I'm not sure about comfort and quality. Also not 100% sure if price includes delivery as you'll need to register to order one.
Or if you just need a break from the office and don't really need a new chair, just spend your $99 (plus 90 minutes of your time) on this one.
Disclaimer: airfare not included:
BTW, in case it's not obvious that I'm only kidding in my post above, I got my current computer chair from the front yard of one of the houses in our block which was discarded as it's a little bit skewed to the left but still working fine and was better than the previous one I was using :-).