Another Cheap hoody from The Hut
All sizes Available
$11 Delivered if you use 28 Degree's card
Another Cheap hoody from The Hut
All sizes Available
$11 Delivered if you use 28 Degree's card
Quality, is such a lonely word.
Going to the gym in a $10 hoody is better than a $40 hoody :)
If you like to 'Hobo' look
Thanks OP
Got one +1
Thanks, got a Blue one and a Red one(£8.99). The Green was a bit much. :)
Weird, I received an email this morning saying that I asked for a refund, however the items are being dispatched, so no refund. The thing is that, I never asked for a refund. Just messaged them to make sure my delivery is still coming. Silly duffers.
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Thanks got one OP. Just curious, how did you find the deal. Were you browsing the site or got in newsletter. I usually miss out on lost of these hut deals especially in terms of sizes.
I was browsing the site looking for specials and found this
I usually sort by price to find the good deals
+1 for the effort
Last time i bought a hoody from the hut, they refunded me the $$ claiming pricing error…
Nope, not getting caught out again. The last offer cost me $2 in Paypal fees with no hoody after they claimed a pricing error.
I bought quite a few stuffs from The Hut, the only real issue that i have encountered is that the clothing sizes are not consistent even within the same product. But at this price, i am willing to take a gamble.
Looks good. And I happen to have a 28 card. :) thanks op.
Thank you… got one ordered :)
Thanks Op, just got one
Thanks OP.
Don't know what 28 Degree's card is…
Ordered one without the 28 Degree's card and the cost is just under £8 (with £0.99 shipping).
Still, not bad for $13.50 or so…
did you use coupon code?
I didn't.
Is there a coupon available?
LOL……..the code is : Flash20
how did i miss it???
Should have been UK pounds 6.58, inc post
(just checked paypal, with conversion, AUD $11.32)
'Flash20' coupon gave the extra 20% discount
Now to see if it fits when it arrives…….
Good deal
easternculture :)
Done. Cheap
Australian L(Large) - would that be Medium for this - 97-102?
just use the sizing chart (link) they have on every page to check.
The Crimson one looks like Star Trek uniform with hoodie.
Good post. Only have 2 sizes available now.
we have officially ozbargained this hoody
Unreal chit kent - 10 mins and this has expired.…
7 pounds + 1 pound shipping.
This has size XL (but of course the coupon is expired).
i ordered a medium within 5mins of the OP just sent you a full refund of £6.58 GBP for your purchase.
REFUNDED…yet again. lol.. thehut sucks
Anyone else got a refund for this deal???
I did.
Refunded too
lol…Looks like i score a free jacket.
Order two hoodies, this one and another different one.
Got Full refund on both jacket from paypal
Got another email… Cancel Order
Got another email… Failed Cancellation due shipped already…for the different hoodie.
And no paypal email for the other hoodie.
lol… see what happen tomor.
Got refunded…
Refunded too :(
I just got an email response after i asked why the cancellation?
Sounds like bollocks to me…….
BTW I am Sill waiting for my paypal refund though?
Hello oz-dxer,
Thank you for placing order #xxx with us.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel this order. This is due to a pricing error on our website. We pride ourselves on having accurate information on our website, but on this occasion there has been an error which has subsequently been amended.
We understand this could be very frustrating for you and apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused.
If a charge has been taken for the order, then a refund will be requested upon cancellation and the money returned to your account within 3-5 working days.
If the item is still of interest to you, it can now be ordered at the correct price on site.
If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Chris Customer Service Team
Yep repeated pricing error on their websites.
Thank you I just purchased one