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Free Kindle eBook 925 Ideas to Help You Save Money, Get out of Debt and Retire A Millionaire


Was looking for something naughty for wicket1120 …and found this instead. Read the first few chapters, looks interesting, full of practical advice…

925 Ideas… is an easy and readable guide to help your family find financial peace. Author Devin D. Thorpe explains:

1) how you and your spouse can find agreement on money matters,
2) how to teach your kids about money,
3) how to pay for your children's college education,
4) how to live like a millionaire (spoiler alert! Frugally)
5) how to come up with $25,000 in a crisis
6) how to make ends meet on one income
7) how to get out of debt and stay out of debt
8) why home ownership should be your family's top financial priority
9) how to ask your boss for a raise
10) how to use your finances to do more good in the world.t

And much more!

Edit: There's an interesting forum discussion on the frugal habits of the super rich linky

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Idea #1 Join OzBargain

    • true. Millionaires are frugal (page 29). Yep life lesson there.
      Interesting book. Thanks Jar Jar Binks

    • Idea #2: never check
      In fact never do anything on ozb that is not strictly related to survival purposes…

      Edit: ok, or free

  • +3

    Was looking for something naughty for wicket1120

    and you thought u'll find it on the kindle store? :O

    • +3

      These aren't the kindles you're looking for.

      • +4

        nope looks like kindles don't kindle her :(

  • +1

    You ruined star wars.

    • Me? or JJB? or both?

      • Both

        • :'(

        • +1

          From "50 Reasons Why Return of the Jedi Sucks.":

          Ewoks, Ewoks, Ewoks – One of the miracles of the Star Wars Trilogy is that Lucas’ bizarre and ever-present fascination with little people didn’t hurt the first two films. The Jawas were cool. The Ugnaughts were cool. Kenny Baker as Artoo was cool. But George had to push his luck. The Ewoks are not cool. Period. In circles of die-hard Star Wars fans, to say you hate the Ewoks is like saying you enjoy breathing air. The Ewoks are the primary example of many of the points on this list: their unapologetic cuddliness is uncharacteristic and unwelcome; they look fake; they engage in constant physical comedy; their teddy bear design is wholly uninteresting; they live in boring surroundings; several of the film’s dumbest scenes revolve around them; they were originally supposed to have been Wookies and they sing that damn song at the end.

          But aside from what we see onscreen, the Ewoks are miserable little creatures for a completely different reason: they are the single clearest example of Lucas’ willingness to compromise the integrity of his Trilogy in favor of merchandising dollars. How intensely were the Ewoks marketed? Consider this: “Ewok” is a household word, despite the fact that it’s never once spoken in the film.

        • I'm fairly certain you lifted that straight from JJB and wicket1120's marriage vows :P

          (for the record I have a rebel insignia tattoo)

        • I can't help my "unapologetic cuddliness" or the way I look :b linky

        • Who'd've thought under all that fur… :)

  • +4

    how to come up with $25,000 in a crisis

    I'm led to believe that cooking crystal meth is one way…

    • Slow-cooked all the way.

      • +2

        Mmmm, kettle meth… ;)

        • +1

          Artisanal Slow-Cooked Kettle Meth

    • Please consider the good of the local kids, don't sell drugs.

      I believe you can sell a couple of kids for this much though, and as a side benefit, you get peace and quiet away from the kids and meth heads.

  • +2

    Does it come with any guarantee?

    • +8

      Yeah, money back guarantee

  • Well me think the way to start, number 1 straight off, is to get the advice on how to retire a millionaire for free.

  • Cheers, looks like a quick decent read.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Loaded this up on Kindle on my BB Z10. My first ebook :)

  • There's no such thing as a second post wonder badge, is there? :'(

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