Using the coupon code HS20 - you get 20 Pounds off and a free Gift.
This Branded Mens Hoody is priced at £24 - The coupon effectively makes it £4 which is around $6.50AUD - Shipping is £1 bringing it to a total of £5 including delivery.
The total in AUD should be around $8 for a quality jumper.PLUS possibly even cheaper with 28degrees/citibank plus card
Sizes are available in Small, Medium, Large and Xtra Large
P.S there are other jumpers eligible for this offer, but are priced higher and not as good, value wise.
+ theres an identical jumper in a different color- not my style/might not suit some but others might choose to buy it. again only £4.…
EDIT: Select free gift/accessory from this link and add it to your cart before you purchase.… [thanks to gooddealmate]