Went to dick smith to grab a catalogue ended up getting this. Not sure if they have anymore stock left but worth a try i guess.
XBOX 360 4GB + KINECT $90 + Dance Central 3 $10

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apparently its not in DS Australia but managed to find a link in DS New Zealand: http://answers.dse.co.nz/answers/8465-en_nz/product/YG5400/q…
Any more stock you could see in store?
but who was xbox?
Do they have more stocks there?
I can't get over how cheap that is - great find!
Hopefully those that don't have an Xbox yet manage to snap one up.
Reckon other stores would have them at this price too? This bundle is not available on their website as well.
Wonder if there's any stock anywhere else
Ridic price on the xbox 360 with kinect!
This post is going to blow up when people start to wake up tomorrow.
"going to blow up…tomorrow"…ahhhhhhhhhhhh
True professionals never sleep.
ex demo?
Real or no stock?
Wow and I thought the 4gb console by itself at $150 was a good deal…
Hardcore OzBargainers will hit the phones at 9.00am. By 9.15am there will be confirmation of no stock, at least not at this price, anywhere. Because (dun dun dun) the STAFF BOUGHT THEM ALL.
Ozbargain hardcore gamers get there before the staff do to see where they hide it!
I'm guessing the OP bought something big with it like a TV/laptop/etc and they reduced the price of the addons (xbox etc) to make it a deal. I doubt this would be the walk-in price, but if it is goodluck, just dont get dissapointed when its not.
I been wanting an Xbox for so long. This is a great price I hope I can find one in dse tommorow!!
Great price, but I've been on ozbargain long enough to know you have more chance of (insert unlikely event here) then you are finding another store that will do what is clearly below cost price.
I am undoubtedly impressed - that would have to be in the top 10 unbelievable bargains for the year so far if we had such a list.
Will be gone in seconds
Not falling for DSE's shenanigans again!
Besides I can't even sell the 360s I already have.How many you got? I have 2 but I've got a sealed halo 4 Xbox console
I've got 3. The elite, halo 4 and call of duty mw3. In fact I forgot I had them lol
Why did you buy that many?
They were bargains. Everyone else understands. Need comes second.
Well the elite one I bought to use. My girlfriend got me the halo one and then I bought the mw3 one when David Jones was clearing out all gaming. I guess I got spares when the elite carks it
Working ones? About 4 I think. Dead/parts husks? 20+!
how much you originially bought them???
This has to be too good to be true.
Even that was a great price, so the stock will b low
Get in quick.. I am never able to buy anything from dse ;(.. Always no stock :((
its better than the xbox one, worth.
Here comes another Staff Sale.
DS Alice Springs had one for $90 with kinect, but it was a return and was missing cables(power cables cost $30+) and didn't look in the best shape or I would have snapped it up.
Top price
thanks op. bought one just then ;)
Ill give you $100 plus postage for it
Wow, what a price!
I think it's pointless looking around for stock because the website clearly shows this is $148.50 http://dicksmith.com.au/product/YG5400/xbox-360-4gb-kinect-c…
It may have been a store specific deal otherwise the pricing has since been updated and has now been posted on Ozbargain http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/105129
arghhh and i bought last time $199
So no one except the op has got one at $90?
i have to neg this deal until more people can confirm the price.
otherwise it is pointless "deal".
but it was a bargain ;)
This is OzBargain, not WasBargain…
Maybe OP bought a few TVs to get the price down? Look at that receipt!!
$90 price for bundle is not confirmed in Hobart, was $148. No Stock on this bundle anywhere but Burnie in TAS
Xbox 360 4GB Kinect Console + Kinect Adventures = $148.50
can seem to find any stock anywhere..
called NSW fairfield, horsnby, bondi, windsor, geroge st sydney and they all said nothing availableWas this a new pack or a refurbished return or demo unit?
OP was frauding.
Mt Gambier has 1 display model left, $149. Had no idea about the $90. Neg vote, got me out of bed early! Maybe change to expired? Good deal for OP though.
This should be moved to the forums as no one else but OP managed to buy at bargain price
Marking this as expired as no evidence (except for the original poster) of the product been on sale for $90
Must have been a demo unit.
he should have posted on demobargain.com !
Not a deal when the other 99% of Ozbargainers can't get it.
Either that or it was an ex display unit last one in the store and the salesman did a one off special mates price.
Got down there to find my store doesn't even sell iPads…
Whoops wrong post…
Awesome price!