This was posted 11 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Harvey Norman 30% off on Games (Battlefield 3 - PS3 $19.60, Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 $9.80)


Discount sale for heaps of games in Harvey Norman , Thanks to Rukia for update on God of war

Infamous 2 : Platinum - PS3 $16.80
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - PS3 $23.10
Assassin's Creed: Revelations - PS3 $19.60
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 $9.80

God of war Ascension PS3 $26.90
BioShock Infinite - PS3 $40.60
Infamous 2 : Platinum - PS3

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +1

    Gaming accessories are also discounted.

  • Any good deals for Xbox 360 games? The website doesn't clearly state what's for sale…

  • Dupe

    …but this one has more +ve!

    What do we do mods?

    • hi silverrat23 ,

      i honestly didnt see it . let mods decide

    • It's not a dupe, you both have different items in your title, just link to each others deals…

  • Why is battlefield always reduced for ps3 and not XBOX?

    • Battlefield is reduced as well, have to actually look at the game rather than on the list to see the discount in effect. It's the same price ($19.60) for the limited edition as the ps3 version.

  • +1

    Have a large backlog of games to get thru, so don't need the games now.
    Wonder if Mortal Kombat Komplete & God of war Ascension will fall below $20?

    • +1

      Same. Won't buy games unless they are around $20

  • +3

    OMG! PS Vita 32GB cards are $79, that beats local and overseas :D

    This is a great deal on it's own.

    • going to grab one soon , didnt spot that

    • +1

      It's about time. Requirements for proprietary accessories like SD cards/cables/programs should remain strictly in Apple's realm.

      • More like there needs to be a law saying "if you're going to take a standard design and slap a proprietary connector on it you don't get to charge more than the price of the standard design"

        • Buy one now and eventually pick up a vita when it's back down to $200?… What are the odds the memory card prices will come down in a few months?

          Also weren't these cards cheaper from Hong Kong?

  • This might be good for reading on the loo:…

  • +6

    Love the pop-up:

    "Hello Ozbargainer - Need any advice, talk to a Harvey Norman expert now."

  • +1

    World of Warcraft game time, 2 months, $25.90!…

  • Ratchet & Clank Q-Force for $16.8, should include cross buy for vita?…

    • Yes it does. Runs horribly though.

  • Is this all games? In store as well?

  • Just dropped by Harvey Norman at North Ryde. Most games are 50% off. Picked up God of War Ascension for about $26 (as per online price) and Soul Calibur 5 for $14.

      • +1

        I just put off buying it as I don't want to be disappointed.

        Most games are cheaper elsewhere even after the 50% off but not bad for those who are not willing to wait for delivery.

  • -1

    Can't really confirm it'd all stores. Was at Noarlunga. Assassins creed revelations $78 hahaha

  • +5

    For those interested in a Wii U, this looks particuarly good value -… - hard to beat $341.60 for a Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate bundle.

    • Good spot! It must be considered an accessory rather than console.

    • "Page not found" now.

  • +1

    Thanks, got final fantasy for under $10 :)

  • +1

    Wii U Monster Hunter pack no longer on the website.

  • Got back from Hoppers Crossing and they had Child of Eden (360) for $8 in download form (one left on shelf).
    Also had Sensible Soccer for $0.70 (PC) and they ran out of both 1500 and 3000 Microsoft points. Somebody had to Broden them before I came to pick up the last two there.

    Also Wii Fit Plus for $31.50

  • +2

    Price match for Bioshock Infinite at JB HiFi worked for me.

  • +1

    snake, if you'd like, you can post these links from my post in the OP

    Mass Effect 3 guide $3.50…

    Skylanders: Giants starter pack (360)$54.60…

    Skylanders 1 starter pack (360)$23.80…

    Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition (360) $23.10…

    Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii) $19.60 - only Wii game online!

  • Also Hoppers didn't have any Skylanders related stuff there.

  • Harvey Norman said the monster hunter wii u is stock out.

  • Is it worth playing bf3 without having played the first two?

    • BF3 is basically the in between for people who don't like the lifelike realism of Flashpoint and also don't like the arcade style of Call of Duty. I personally like Call of Duty more because I only get to game in 10 minute intervals but if I didn't have kids I'd definitely go BF3.

    • Battlefield doesn't exactly follow a 1, 2, 3 order. It started with 1942, followed by Vietnam, 2, 2142, Bad Company, 1943, Bad Company 2 and THEN 3. Not to mention they're set in different time periods.

      • Is there still an active online for the PS3 version of BF3?

  • +1

    Thanks, picked up
    - PS3 wireless headset $75
    - PS3 God of War Ascension $26.60

    Both from Melb QV store, I think they're out of GoW, the guy next to me ran off to grab the last copy when he saw it in my hands.

    • +1

      @deeeno so it was you I met :P

      Yup, they are out of GoW Ascension.

      I managed to get:

      • 32GB PS Vita Memory Card (cheapest I ever seen it) - $79
      • GoW Ascension
      • Mass Effect 3 Game Guide - $3
      • PS Vita Official Headphones - $16
      • 3x Toshiba 4GB USB Sticks - $3
      • +1

        I had a feeling that if I made a post here I'd find you, hah.

        • Yeah, I actually looked all over the shelves for GoW and couldn't see it… 2nd try lucky :)

          Damn good price for GoW Ascension if you ask, although the size of the updates for the game is a bit ridiculous!

          Also how is that PS3 Headset you bought, have you had the chance to try it?

  • JB price matched Mortal Kombat when I showed them the price on my phone. No questions asked.

  • Good price for God of War Ascension.
    Is there a reason why this is so low. Didn't it only come out a few months ago

  • Woo Hooo!!! Pays to check carefully the display!!! Picked up God Of War Ass.. at QV Harvies at midday today!!

    When I went to pay, the service attendant said where did you find that!? …just lucky on the day I guess..

    Happy Friday to meeeeee! :-)

  • Just got last copy of mk at knox…heaps of god of war left though…

  • Anybody know if PSN cards are on sale. You would think they would be since Microsoft Points are.

  • Thanks OP! Went to The Harvey norman store in dandenong and picked up final fantasy xiii-2 for 10 dollars.

    Also so at least 4 copies of BF3 and MW3 on Xbox left if interested and 2 saints row ( latest release )

  • Are these sales only for the weekend?

  • Just talked to someone on Harvey Norman chat and they said Today is last day of the sale

  • The site still has the sale prices plus I was in a Harvey Norman today and this store even had it advertised 30% of games. So now I dont know how long this actually goes for

  • Went to HN
    couldn't find any games

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