This was posted 11 years 9 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Shadow Warrior Classic on Steam


Shadow Warrior PC is free from the official Facebook page. Just needs a like and you get a Steam key. Download direct from Steam.

Mod: To obtain the game you needed to like the app on Facebook. Their Facebook app promotion didn't work as expected and as of 12AM 30/5, they have made the game free on Steam. Game now linked to Steam directly.

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closed Comments

  • Cool thanks op!

  • This was one of the big multiplayer games back in the day, Blood, and Duke included

  • +2

    FYI if you click the how to activate link you lose your code and can't get it back :-P

  • Down for me

    • You using your mobile to load perhaps?

  • Fixed, right clicked on the window that didn't load after clicking like and loaded the previous page.

    Code appeared

  • Awesome! Thanks!
    FYI to anyone else trying, it wouldn't work on my mobile but on the PC it worked!
    (Mobile said page could not be found)

  • got it, thanks OP :)

  • Wont work

  • Damn it. I click the how to activate link and lost it then closed the page. DOH!

  • +1
  • +3

    Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /nfs/c10/h05/mnt/149815/dom

    • +1

      Yep. Got the same error. Using Chrome on PC.

      • +1

        same, and now it's saying i can only get the code once

    • +1

      Same issue using Firefox 21.0 and IE9 64bit.

    • Cool, got the SQL error so I refreshed and now I get..

      You can only download one code.

    • Worked for me but everyone else is getting

      Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /nfs/c10/h05/mnt/149815/domains/ on line 43
      Click here for Redemption Instructions.

    • -7

      Got the same error on Firefox v21, and when I tried to refresh it said I could only get the code once…

      • So you neg the whole deal because the version of your browser is not compatible with the link?!

        • +1

          That is the current version of one of the most popular browsers. The point is that the link was faulty. Adding the information about the browser just helps people to work out if it might work under certain conditions.

          Of course now this is all moot.

  • Worked, thanks OP!

  • yay! expanding my game library. (never played since 2years ago)

  • this game needs the hd mods, stat!

  • Sorry!
    You can only download one code.

  • +1


  • Not working for me.

  • Yep, didn't work for me either

  • Didn't work for me either.

  • +1

    Hopefully this giveaway will be fixed and back online soon!

  • Got the MYSQL error then the only one code error …

  • "Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in"

    • Same. Can only claim once. Bah.
      Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /nfs/

  • Same , Sorry, can only download once, never saw steam key.

  • +2

    I didn't realise I already had it from a previous deal:
    First one gets it

  • +4

    The free Shadow Warrior Classic App was mistakenly set to live early and there were no keys offered as the database was not setup yet! Sorry for the confusion but it will be working this week and you'll all have a chance for a free code for Shadow Warrior Classic on Steam!

  • Expired until they make it live again.

  • -5

    I do not understand the need to give your facebook info away. The game is already free to play on Steam:

    Therefore I will give this a neg

    • -3


      • Revoked my neg.

    • +5

      They made it free because they screwed up the giveaway.

  • +3

    "Well, looks like folks hacked the giveaway app and stole all the keys like a ninja in the night!

    Don't fear grasshoppers, we'll be back in just a bit with some great news for you all…trust in Wang!"

    • -3

      You can just download straight from Steam, the game is free

    • +2

      I've always trusted in Wang….

  • +4

    From the Facebook page:

    Shadow Warrior Classic (1997) is now free on Steam for a limited time! Grab it and hit the Share button below to invite your friends to be fans of Shadow Warrior on Facebook!

    Thanks for your support!

    According to them someone hacked their giveaway and stole all the keys, so they're giving this free on Steam instead.

  • I looked up the game on steam and it's free to play, no facebook shennanigans required :\

  • Rad. I click the install button on Steam and it takes me to the community hub. I click on the store page link in the comm hub and it takes me back to the store page. Looooooop!

    • Im getting this too..

    • Sign out and sign back into steam.

      You were logged in before it updated.

  • -6

    Free game is already free:

  • It's actaully also free in the App Store :)

  • +1

    Man we loved this game and played it for hours and hours back in the day at our LAN parties … good old days ;)
    Thanks for pointing me to it OP. +1

  • I think there's a reimagened version coming to Xbox One and PS4. It was stated on Metacritic-

  • Never heard of it. Seems around the time of Rise of The Triad. Even that seemed dated (late to the party) then.

    Oh, but this abandon warehouse is now free in 2013?! ACE!

    • +1

      1: It was a big game at the time

      2: It uses the build engine (Duke3D, Blood), which while not as fancy as Quake did do some things well for the time. It wasn't sold for it's technical merit. Definately does things that RotT can't do.

      3: This is not abandon ware. It was up for sale until today.

  • +1

    row row row your boat…

  • Why has no one said "Who wants some wang?" yet?

    I feel so old at 23 years of age it's unreal. Nobody remembers all the Build Engine classics no more.

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