This was posted 16 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS3 40Gig $398 at Big W

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This is not advertised anywhere but it is for real. Big W is getting rid of their older 40 gig PS3s for AU$398. I picked mine up earlier today.

BTW my first Ozbargain submit! 8)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice deal. :) 40Gb is plenty for most people, and if not it's easy to drop in a bigger drive later on.

    • +2

      Poster warned that these are clearance. Your reason for voting -ve is not justified. Voting positive to counteract Wow this is Heaven's vote.

      • +1

        Hot deals are always hard to get - Thanks for posting

        • +1

          spot on skinny. Its a genuine bargain.

    • +2

      Great deals like this are worth the hunt. I mean, it's not as easy as finding a cheap packet of Tim Tams for example, but congrats to anyone who hunts down a bargain PS3.

    • +2

      A mad deal voted negative… Overpriced blu-ray players?? I remember when you could either get a PS3 for $600 or a Blu-Ray player for $800. Now they're about the same. But in the end you get a Blu-Ray Player, a Media Centre with High Def that includes built in Wireless Connectivity (streaming video / audio / photos). Free internet gameplay. And of course, a gaming console as well.

      But it's just not worth it eh??? I'd rather get a stand alone Blu-Ray player… and not have all of the above… Because I like getting less for my money.

  • +1

    It IS a GREAT deal.
    For a 100+ bucks, you could get a 320 gb HDD and with the play TV coming around, there are lots of possibilities!

  • +1

    this deal appeared 2 weeks ago on forums and almost everyone is saying now that is sold out. where did you pick up yours from, blitz?

  • +1

    Yeah this is long gone.
    Suggest anyone who reads this rings up their Big W. And you'd probably have to ring about 10 BigWs before you find one - but who knows, it could be worth it!

  • +1

    Great job and congrats on your first posting. I think it's a very reasonable offer considering at this price the PS3 is a great bit of kit. I got mine a while ago and upgraded the HDD. Very very good machine and great for blu rays on my TV.

  • Cool…I'm going to ring around tomorrow morning.
    It's a good posting, even if only one of us gets one, its a good posting!
    BTW where did you get one from?

  • +1
    • comment removed
  • +1

    Apparently it ends today??? But then again, if it's on clearance, who knows…

    Absolute bargain for the price!

    • +1

      Where did it say that?

    • +1

      The OP said it wasn't advertised anywhere. And most clearances are till … well… they are gone.

  • +1

    Good luck if you find one. For those in SA - every BigW store is sold out…

  • +1

    Wow! :)
    Well I got mine here in Canberra this evening. I know they had 7 on Monday, 5 after I got mine. They didn't say anything about it ending today, in fact they said I could come in tomorrow (Thursday) and pick one up.

  • -6

    no offence to the poster but Big -w sales r biggest BS

    Everyone remember their $2 games sale?

    I think like 1 guy out of the whole ozbargain got a game for $2

    If they did have it, i'm sure the staff that would there would have grab it for themselves.

    I don't c how it's a good deal when 1 guy out of say 100 gets one. It just reminds me of catch of the day bs.

    I'll call 10 big w's in Sydney tmr to prove it and i will list the stores so that other people don't waste their time as well.

    • +1

      thank you, since you're calling mind finding out the ones near Melbourne too? XD

    • +5

      In Big W's defense, Big W didn't exactly advertise this deal or the $2 game sales. Sure it was a nation wide re-pricing, but unless someone can correct me, they didn't advertise to the public that they had these offers.

  • +1

    Well Neosin the guy above - Blitz - didn't seem to have any trouble, so at least some stores have stock. So no, the staff didn't grab it for themselves.

  • +1

    FYI it was Woden Westfield Big W. I can't say for the other Canberra stores, because that was the first and only one I called.

    They also had copies of the old PC game Hi Octane for 50c and some others for very little. I can't remember names or prices though, I'm afraid.

    • +1

      Seriously blitz. I would like to know if you are able to buy me one and ship it to Melbourne? I will pay for all shipping costs + PS3.

    • +1

      Hi blitz, if you could get me one and post it to Melbourne, i can pay you for the unit and postage?

      • +1

        Hey get in line :p

  • -2

    This deal had ended before the poster posted it :P

    poster posted around 8pm

    "Hi guys,

    There might still be a few 40Gb ps3's around for $398 at BigW, but it ends today 25/02/09."


    "For those who are interested, I just spent all day trying to find one of these $398 40Gb PS3s. Every BigW in SA is sold out, Target has them for $619 but won't price match, DSE has them but the best they will do is $588 and JB has cleared them all out. Ah, well, back to looking for a Xbox 360 for me. For a moment I thought I might get my preferred console within my $400 budget…"

    Another guy wrote "I sorta hunted down a few Big W's in Melbourne's eastern suburbs…..and nothing….Oh well….Shame my Ps3 died on me last week."

    • -1

      If this deal is expired, the poster posted at 19:00 hrs, which is past closing time of many stores on that same day it expired.

      This deal better not get top deal for the week since it's obviously dodgy.

      Perhaps the poster didn't mean for it to be dodgy, but you can't call it a bargain if you can't buy it!

      • +1

        Well I just called Big W Woden and they still have some. No expiry.

        I didn't mean for it to be dodgy, and it isn't dodgy.

        How you like them apples?

  • +1

    Read this:
    PlayStation 3 Price Drop Finally in the Offing?…

    If the price drop is real, it will come to AU too. $398 might not be cheap anymore when it happens. Watch out in the next few days!

    • +1

      Nice article.
      Prices mentioned in article are (most likely) USD.
      Price drop will eventually happen but more towards Christmas for Australia.

  • +1

    big w at woden have a few left. I just bought a xbox 360 for a really dirt price, so therefore i'm not really in need of the ps3 except to play metal gear solid 4 and killzone2. Anywho! I have noticed some of you posters are looking for a ps3, but they have sold out in your location. If you want to msg me with how much you will give me for it and postage, ill let you know what i can do.


    • +1

      Picked up one from BigW Woden at about 11 Today, they price had gone backup in the system, but the guy behind the counter knocked it back down to $398. They still had one more in stock.

  • +1

    Although special finished yesterday, i have managed to get my hands on 3 from around the wide bay area. The store manangers are honouring the price from yesterday of $398.00.
    Such a bargin for HD Media streaming, Game Console, Blue Ray Player + with Play TV twin HD TV tuner.

    So if you find your store still has some try and speak to the manager to get the special price of $398.00 because they have gone back up to $514.00

  • Hi I have a store nearby who has heaps of stock…I'm off to try and get one for the $398 price.

  • Just got one in Brisbane. Store manager matched the price from yesterday. Also got staff discount, so all up $378.10.

    Thanks blitz.

  • I know this is old news now but just incase anyone is still trying. In SA i called all stores except Pt Augusta and Renmark and they've sold out of them.
    Just a heads up.

  • +1

    I went and got one $398. Warrawong (Wollongong) NSW. They still have heaps. If anyone in Sydney wants to drive an hour. Call up and speak to the manager. The staff don't have a clue. Thanks Blitz. :)

  • Tried all the stores in the East Melbourne suburbs, no stock whatsoever. As someone posted earlier, BigW staff would have whipped all these up as soon as they hit the floor. These things are long gone, and are bound to be up on ebay already.

  • +1

    Has anyone else found that, BigW staff will swear black and blue that something is not in stock and that they do not even carry that product, when it is?

    eg I rang up about some toner and was told definitely the product was not there. I even told the guy where I had seen it in the store. He said it's not there and there's no marker etc. I went into the shop the next day 'cos I was in the area and there it was again! :P

    Just wondering if there's a difference for the PS3's also …

    • Nearly all stores are guilty of this :)

    • +1

      So true. I rang all the Sydney metro stores and some said they didn't even carry it?!?

      One of the stores initially said they didn't have the 40g but had the 80gdid after a quick check. I was persistent and after some persuasion got her to check again…lo and behold, it was sitting right behind the counter. bangs head

      • Yeh, this is really frustrating. To be really sure you don't miss out you have to drive all over town and check yourself…

      • ;)

        so … it was behind the counter … and not out on the shelf where customers would see it … :P

    • +1

      From my experience on this, it's definitely true. All the stores I rang told me straight away they 'did not stock these'. It did not tweak with me until, I had called a couple of stores, that maybe they did have them 'in stock', but thought I was asking if they were still a 'cataloged item' that they still restocked and sold. So the next few stored I called I asked them to check, which took them a suspiciously short time (mere seconds) to "check out back".

      • They're probably sick of people calling up and asking. I had one staff member hang up on me. Can't be bothered trying to find one anymore, too much hassle.

  • +1

    I just called to confirm (had 1 on hold) she said it's not on sale anymore and reverted back to the original price Grrrr

    Also she said there's a special coming up on the 8th March for the 80g with a game for $468 or thereabouts.

    • Wow, you just got the scoop if that is true. A $200 price drop seems almost unbelievable given how stagnant the price has been up till now…

  • Tried calling the head office on 1800 251 311
    They said that Shepparton might have some in stock and Parkmore have 1 in stock as this morning.
    Called Parkmore store and they don't have it anymore.

    Same with Shepparton, but it might be just because the staff doesn't bother to look for it properly -.-

    Anyway, for other states, might worth it to call the head office first.

    • Most likely system error.
      Someone returned a faulty unit and it is still showing up in system.
      Tht's what DSE employees tell me when something like a Xbox 360 HD-DVD player is showing up in the online system as "in stock" in a store.

      The good thing with this deal is that it actually was available- at least to the lucky few in Canberra; unlike the games clearance from Boxing Day.

  • Well, all those comments i guess would confirm why i had all the stores say no to me. All but two would say straight out " No we have none" without placing me on hold without looking. Pity it's over, but Shue's comment is interesting.

  • Guys get the product ID or SKU for the item. That way when you call up the store - just give them the SKU and hope they know how to type numbers into a computer.

  • +1

    I completely agree with you guys.
    When my wife called BIG W in the morning she asked them if they had any in stock and they lady said they had plenty in stock… the next question was could they hold one? they said NO!

    Then we tried again, to see if someone else would hold it…
    So then we got put through to someone else, they said "we don't have that in stock!" …"the only one we have is the 80gb with a game."
    when we told her we just called earlier in the morning and was told they had heaps, she put us on hold for over 20 minutes…so I got pissed off and called the manager.

    He said they had heaps and that he would put one aside at the $398 price and to speak to the manager on duty who would know all about it.

    When we finally went to pick it up, the girl at the reg tried to charge $519 for it…

    so much trouble! it doesn't seem like they communicate to each other..

    anyway I did end up getting one at $398 in the end.

    I have a feeling at lot of the stores that you guys called probably had stock…and as I said in the earlier posting, speak to the manager because the staff don't know what they are doing!

    You should be able to get it even though it has ended…apparently it was only scanning up at some stores at $398 because those stores were matching a competitor. All the other stores were really only doing it if they were asked by the customer (the manager would have received a memo).

    Its the same deal with all Big Ws. Its best to go to one thats close to K-Mart, Target, JB and other retailers than one in a small centre cos they always to to beat local competitors and have multi-store pricing (which means different stores have different pricing - similar to what supermarkets do)…why lose margin when you don't have to.

    similarly if you see something advertised at K-mart and its cheap, go to a BIGW that has a K-mart in the same centre and I guarantee that BIGW would have beaten the price already.

    If anyone realy wants one I can see if the store nearby still has any, otherwise the deal thats supposedly coming next week sounds real hot!

    • which BigW have you called?

    • Hi Bargain,

      You're in NSW correct?

      I'd like to know if you're willing to buy me a ps3 at the Big W you went to and send it to Melbourne. I'll pay for shipping cost of course.


    • The "manager" said there's 8 units in the Warrawong store but at $519 and will not do it for any cheaper.

  • +3

    I found this site on Tuesday and expected there would be none left… I then called every BigW in the Newcastle area and the Charlestown store told me they had 2 at $514. I went to get it at this price as it's cheap anyway, then when she scanned it at the register it was $398!! They have 1 left if you're in the Newcastle area..

  • I would like to get my hands on one but unfortunately im kinda a few weeks late :(

  • So what's the normal prices for a ps3 now?

  • Roughly $600-700

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