For a limited time you can subscribe to The Age at a special discounted price and receive a $50 book voucher at Readings, Melbourne’s best independent retailer of books, music and film.
Offer is only available to new customers until June 2, 2013, where normal home delivery exists.
Customers will be sent a $50 Readings voucher for use at any Readings Bookstore within 6 months of the date of subscription.
Customers must pay by Direct Debit. 13 Week Direct Debit Introductory subscriptions will automatically renew onto a 13 Week Direct Debit standard subscription unless otherwise notified. The price for a 13 week Direct Debit standard subscription for Monday to Sunday is $129.35, and for Weekend is $57.20. Prices GST-inclusive.
Anyone know if a similar offer is available for SMH subscribers?