This was posted 11 years 9 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Firefly Blu-Ray Complete Boxset $20.60 Delivered from Amazon UK


This is one of the best sci-fi productions ever created imho. Why they have finished it so early is beyond my understanding. This is pretty much the best price it has ever been (according to 3camels) (only lower price was on Feb 2012 by $0.50).

If you like sci-fi, I can not recommend it enough.

Here is my referral link, if you are OK with it:…

Hope you enjoy.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Just saw (after posting this) hollykryten mentioning this deal in a comment. They deserve some credit as they've seen it first. :)

  • +3

    Why they have finished it so early is beyond my understanding.

    The Scientologists stopped it coz it was getting too close to the truth

    • +1

      A scientologist downvoted you

  • +1

    That's what I don't understand. Did they have bad ratings? It's an awesome show.

    • Yeah it bombed at first. It wasn't until after the series was canned (towards the end of the first season) that ratings picked up and fans started crowing about the show ending. After that it became a cult hit.

      • +2

        I watched the original series when it was aired on Fox back in 2002 - or tried to. It aired on Friday evenings at irregular timeslots, which often made it difficult to watch live and difficult to tape as well. The episodes were also shown out of order, which was sometimes confusing, and apart from a brief spate of unintelligible advertising leading up to it, the show was basically forgotten about.

        There's little wonder that the ratings were poor. Only those few that heard about it (and persisted trying to watch it) realised how good it was, at least until the DVDs were released.

        • +2

          Not sure if you were referring to Fox here or in the US. But i know it was shown out of order over there. The craziest bit was that it didn't even start with the first episode when channel 7 aired it.

          It is my ultimate example of a wasted opportunity (in tv). And I read that the first season served primarily to introduce the characters before intending to get into some more serious plot and clever humorous dialogue.

          The dvd sales led to Joss and co. being given the cash to make a movie to tie it all up (ie Serenity). Whilst I thought it was pretty decent, ultimately it was the final nail in the coffin for the series. No matter what sort of demand for more episodes there might of been they already tried to cram 4 or 5 seasons of plot into the movie. So I find the movie a very bitter sweet experience.

          Sorry for the rant. Thought it might make me feel better but it just brought up old sorrows.

        • +1

          From memory this first episode wasn't shown first on it's initial run in the US either. Whoever was in charge thought that the real first episode was too slow. In my opinion they were right. It is long, and slow.

          After buying the series based on recommendations I watched the first episode and immediately regretted my purchase. I pushed myself to watch the rest of the series and it quickly picked up pace and became awesome.

  • I'm getting $21.38 AUD delivered according to the amazon currency converter. Maybe the OP is using a 28 degrees card. Not every one has one of those.

    Any way. Just ordered.

    • Yeah, and that was kind of at midday, I wonder if the rate has changed since.

      • I got charged $20.63 onto a ING Direct visa debit card. That is before the foreign currency exchange fee so will end up paying about $21.15 total once exchange fee is factored in. Visa exchange fee is always slightly better than the Amazon own currency exchange fee.

        No doubt the $20.60 price in the topic is from a 28 degrees card which is free from the currency exchange fee.

    • Except there is a Bankwest Platinum card.

  • +5

    This Firefly Complete blu-ray box set is $41.99 at JB HI-FI. Just a pricing comparison. You could buy two of these box sets from Amazon UK for that price. And they wonder why people are turning to overseas purchases.

    • +2

      and blaming the gst free threshold. lol.

      • They should be blaming the cost of bricks and mortar, and the Australian wage level (but that would be quite silly)

  • Thanks, great find:-)

  • +1

    What i don't get is the OP claims that it's the best price for this since 2006 however the blu-ray was only released on 19th Sep 2011.

    • Oops, my bad. Thought "Feb 06" meant February 2006 on 3camels, it actually is 06 Feb 2012. Well spotted. Fixed now.

  • +5

    I pity those who bought the Firefly DVD set from Mightyape for $18.90 delivered yesterday how ripped off they were. Who needs old standard definition DVD. This blu-ray set from Amazon UK is much better value for the money.

    • +2

      … Assuming everyone has a bluray. Who needs old standard blurays. Discs are dead.

      • If discs are dead what do you use that is better?

        • TPB? Quickflix? you name it.

  • +4

    Firefly could have been a western live action Cowboy Bebop :(

    • Cowboys v Aliens?

    • +1

      cowboy bebop definitely needs to be done…… except without keanu reeves as spike spiegel. absolutely terrible choice for the role

  • ok- region wise these work out.

    /liked the movie/ but never really 'got' the series.

  • Been meaning to buy a copy of this for the last 2 years! Bought!

  • Win.

  • +1

    Hi all, just signed up for one purpose. :-)

    "Take my love, take my land. Take me where I can not stand…"

    • -1

      "You can't take this guy from me."

      • +3

        Or for those who prefer the actual lyrics:

        "You can't take the sky from me"

  • Bought one in 4 clicks

    Another thing I didn't realise that I needed. Thank you OzBargain!

  • .

  • Briefly pondered buying a second copy as a backup. Great series!

    • Because if there's a disaster and people stop selling blurays then you'll be rich?

  • thanks OP , bought one :-)

  • +2

    Picked this up and Serenity together a few years back now (£21.65 delivered), unfortunately the movie (Serenity) is £9.50 alone at moment, but worth getting as a combo I'd say (or sourcing from another vendor)

    Edit: found Serenity for £8…

    My opinion buy both, save on shipping and get both for under 20 pound.

  • +1

    Thanks OP - I have been looking for this for a while now.

  • Bought :) I love this series, and have Senerity on HD-DVD (if anyone remembers those!).

    I was just checking my emails and apparently I also bought the M. Night Shyamalan - Collection [Blu-ray] collection last week for £12.75 off Amazon UK. Must have been one of my "let's have a few beers and randomly order stuff then totally forget later" moments.

  • +3


  • Cowboys v Aliens LOL

  • Seems that Amazon UK has temporarily run out of stock. Although you can still order it for 11.75 GBP.

  • Just bought this now - $18.87 delivered. Bargain.

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