I somehow mucked up my subscription to this deal about 18 months ago http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/60393. I suddenly had an urge to subscribe now and thought I'd follow the link to see what price it is showing now.
The USD 37 isn't as good as $22 but it is better than the AUD 44.25 which seems to be the standard subscription price on this page https://secure.customersvc.com/servlet/Show?WESPAGE=OrderPag…
Although if you have iphone or ipad the "All Access" deal for AUD 39 on that link look like the best option (I have Android).
With this option I suppose your final AUD price depends on what happens to the AUD vs USD in the next 3 months as their confirmation email says they only charge your card just before they ship the first issue and that delivery of the first issue could take 8 - 12 weeks.
With the standard subscription you may get a "gift" / "freebie" but I'd rather pay less and just get the mag.
The original poster in the linked post said on expiry of the subscription they send you a few reminders to resubscribe at the standard amount and eventually send you a low-ball subscription offer. I'd be interested to know what people's experience is with that. It would be interesting if it was possible to get a renewal subscription for less than this $37 on future renewals.
I bet you get it for the articles, right?