I've already got two pairs but I though I'd post them for anyone interested and would highly recommend them.
There is a cult following for these headphones - you can find a lot of reviews about them if you have a look around.
This is the cheapest I've ever seen them for - they don't look great but they really do sound good.
Koss KSC75 Headphones - Amazon US $10.37 AUD + $10.37 Shipping

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They're fugly as all hell but they really are great sounding headphones for the price — even at full RRP. If only they made an all black version.
These sound excellent for the price
These are also the same price at %50 off - http://www.amazon.com/Koss-KTXPRO1-Titanium-Portable-Headpho…
for an over ear alternative.Tried to get them, Amazon won't ship them to Australia. Makes sense…
I was able to buy these (KTXPRO1 over-the-ear) and ship to me here in Melbourne! Just did it then :)
?? When I tried it said "can't ship to your address". Maybe they just don't like Adelaide.
I just got mine today thanks to the delivery guys and the bass is GREAT! Very happy with the purchase of these over-the-ear headphones! :)
well I just bought some.
These are great headphones….mine have been serving me well for three years now.
Just FYI, these are still $49 at headphones.com.au (http://headphones.com.au/psingle?productID=173) where I bought mine a few years ago.
Fantastic sound and comfy too.Let them keep their %400 markup and complain about online shops.
They are in fact an online shop more than a bricks and mortar one… also the pricing is mostly set by the distributers.
They're also one of the best shops I've ever dealt with - I've ordered with them a bunch of times, orders are generally fulfilled and shipped same day, to be on my doorstep (a state away) by the next morning.
They also don't argue when it comes to warranty, and are generally pretty fantastic.
headphones.com.au aren't cheap, but they make up for it with service, IMO.
Normally, I'm as happy to bag an Australian Retailer as anyone else. Headphones.com.au however are very different: They offer good prices (for Australia), amazing customer service and genuine unbiased advice. I for one would be very sad if this small business went down.
yeah they're great cans for the money. You'd probably have to spend $100+ to better them
They are definitely solid if you are after some open cans - worth looking in to kramer mod, and fitting different pads
I think it is cheaper here (ebay.com $16.99 USD)
http://www.ebay.com/itm/KOSS-KSC75-CLIPON-HEADPHONES-FOR-ALL…How is it cheaper? You forgot shipping buddy :P
You are right, my mistake :)
They sound very good, best you will get in the price bracket, but they don't last very long. I've been through about 5 pairs in my life, eventually the clips give out, or the jack snaps. If you are looking for a slight step up i'd go with iGrados, it'll be cheaper in the long run.
I had one, it didnt last long enough, only around 10 months.
I will suggest Koss PortaPro instead, better review too.
Excellent, been using for quite some time.
Comfortable, portable and good quality.
This sounds very good. I own one myself. Top value item
I just paid $15 for them from amazon, does amazon have a price guarantee or some form of credit?
just ask their support, they're really helpful and easy to talk to, just ask them if they could refund the difference
Thanks, will contact them now
Thanks op
correct me if im wrong. but these look like they would leak a lot of noise, hence totally unsuited to public transport use?
Correct. Couldn't use this at my uni library, without copping (warranted) looks from fellow students.
Used to own a pair. Great sound. Didn't really like the look though, felt rather self-conscious with them. Could get uncomfortable at times… didn't feel there was much leeway with the hook system thingy.
there is a mod where you cut off part of the section restricting the movement of the ear hooks, makes it much nicer to use
Thanx op, just got a pair :)
Seem like decent sounding headphones, though I don't like the way they look and how you wear them. Otherwise great product.
They are decent headphones, the sound quality is quite good for the price.
- They are open headphones, so 'leaky' doesn't begin to describe them (but I find this useful for cycling in traffic).
- They aren't the greatest fit (for me), so the bass gets a bit lost.
God damn. thats a great price. Pity ive already got about 6 pairs of headphones/earbuds/canalphones >_>
You pay for overqualified headphone. The sound is really great but it is not my always headset device because the clip on is not so strong as it keep losing off. That's only one negative point.
Can't find any bad reviews on these.
They used to be $18 on eBay but price has gone up..
I'm on my third set, they last around 6mo if used daily. Never paid more than $20 shipped.
Are these good for running?
I'm wondering the same thing. A few reviews have said they're good for working out and they look like they'd definitely stay on your ears. They're also open which is good or bad depending on how you look at it (you'd be able to hear traffic at least).
Yeah good external sound for hearing beeping cars and what not..
They stay on pretty tight but as they age the clips get looser on your ears (not really to the point of falling off.)
you can bent/adjust the clip to fit your ear.
I bought my first pair of these specifically for night-time running. Terrific sound for metal given their price, and open so that a car, or a murderer - or a murderer in a car - aren't going to sneak up on you easily while out jogging.
Further, they won't fall off your ears. The metal over-ear clips are easily bendable to suit whatever funky shape your ears are.
They are super easy to mod (the first, and easiest mod is to pop the foam off the drivers then drill 4 (or more) holes through the black plastic shroud that covers the driver, allowing more bass and often clearer treble to pass through. The other more complicated - but well worth doing - mod is to cover the back of the driver up, so they become semi-closed. The bass has more punch (but doesn't muddy it particularly) and makes them far more tolerable to use in public). Alternatively, go to a cheap 'dollars and cents' shop and buy a cheapo set of cans and then transplant the drivers from these into them.
Right here, the second post, has all the info you could ask for:
Cannot recommend these 'phones enough. Especially at ~$20!
got a pair of these, great sound. Although I never use them because, obviously, they are not noise cancelling and I hate it when people can hear what I'm listening to. If that doesn't bother you I'd get them
Narh think i will stick to my Koss Porta Pros. Best Headphones ever and the retro look keeps my hipster cred high
I paid $35 many years ago and still use them. Fantastic price!
Don't look good is an understatement…