Fill out the form and when it tells you to enter three barcodes, enter any of these values:
- 1229
- 0270
- 6044
- 1463
- 6082
- 0249
- 4475
- 6099
- 2635
- 7390
- 0225
- 5645
Credit to T_double_U and hys for this deal. Be quick it won't last long.
Fill out the form and when it tells you to enter three barcodes, enter any of these values:
Credit to T_double_U and hys for this deal. Be quick it won't last long.
thanks! got mine
Thanks OP! Got my voucher.
Limited to one per IP. About time my VPN paid for itself.
I just used multiple Proxy Browsers seemed to be faster than switching VPN's
Can't we just do this over and over on 3G or data network on a phone/tablet???
Cheers OP!
You beauty. I think I know what Ozbargain's eating tonight.
Thankyou! Awesome
cheers, repped.
Expires 30th June 2013.
restart your modem and those not on a fixed IP = another pizza voucher.
A.K.A dynamic IP
We've managed to keep this on the down low for more than two weeks…
Yeah, I have officially given up on it. I think we had enough (me and my friends) went to most of the local stores for a free feed without question. I will not say how many we got but it was quite a few, nothing like having people read your facebook for free food.
All I can say it was the best XX pizzas my family and XXX friends have had
Where can I get some of these XXX friends? ;)
Killing the goose that lays the golden eggs I guess (even though this is the first time I've personally heard about it also).
Use a temporary email address such as:
Then you won't get your voucher?
You will get your voucher. It's instant.
Also its safer to use the voucher ASAP, because when this gets ozbargained its possible for them to make the vouchers invalid.
They have been blocking domains as they go but the last time I used it (earlier this week) the domain I was using still worked even being one of the high ranking search results for the category.
you can just add a +1/+2 etc to the end of your gmail, before the @sign
sends it to your regular email but is recognised as a new address by websites
Legend OP, one through home network, one on my phone and one on my dongle.
Awesome. Thank you!
Does anyone know if you can stack vouchers?
I tried but seems like you can't.
Aww, thanks!
I'll just have to place two orders.
Site down/slow..
Server Error in '/' Application.
Thanks, I know what mums having for dinner
'all you pizza are belong to ozb'
Website is slow :P
This is a great way to bring down a website if a bunch of ozbargainers are doing it.
Oh the friendly Ozbargain DDOS.
Haha the site is dead. Ozbargain waz here
Couldn't stand the Ozbargain zerg rush.
Holy shiet, TIL if you google "Zerg Rush" in you get a really neat easter egg.
Oh snap that's great! :)
Anyone else getting runtime errors? Lol
+1 (using latest Firefox browser on a tiny netbook, today)
…and within 36 min of publication of Deal on OzB, too.
These guys may deserve BANNING, -until- they fix their site's web app -or- upgrade its hosting service.
(I -hate- Dominoes pizzas… what am I wasting time on this for?!?)
site is down
runtime error for me.
New virus? "OzB attack"
Olympus has fallen :(
Thanks OP got the voucher but have to wait for a while to go through!!
thanks OP! You are cool:D
runtime error
Definitely OzBargain'd. Gonna keep trying though :)
Same server Error in '/' Application…
runtime error here too
How to DDoS a server
- Have "Free" in title
Should be " free fast food"
made me lol.
Crashed…… D Power of Bargain…
haha ozBargained!
Got a code and ordered my free traditional pizza. I shall enjoy it while watching GWS try to play football.
Hmm, looks like this will be down until their site mods get around to fixing. If anyone's got a spare code for dinner tonight I would love a PM ;)
website is down cant redeem :(
Nooooo too slow :'(
darn it. Shouldn't have wasted time trying to figure out how to use mailinator and use my own email address..
that precious 15s cost me a free pizza!
Back up and working again
soo slow
good offer…
Funny, the redemption form is still loading but I already received the code. Thanks OP!
thanks! i got it too
Got it! Yay! Used my normal email address.. learnt my lesson
its back up and working! got the code!
Umbraco Exception (DataLayer): SQL helper exception in ExecuteNonQuery
I got the same error, but only after the code was e-mailed through successfully.
Phew, hard work for a free pizza. Well done to those who got through
Getting errors also.
member for 3 years and not one post…plus scabbin pizzas from people who cant even get one…give this man a medal!
Trollin' for sure. Most people can't even get 1 and you got 10? lols
Tor changes your IP in like 10 seconds. This was posted over an hour ago….
Thanks, it worked fine. I had to wait about 2 minutes for it to load though.
Ozbargained before I could even get one…
It might just be me, but I received an error code when I tried to submit my order to the Dominos website. Calling the store I placed the order through now to see what's happening.
Clicked "submit" on the form. Still loading after 5 mins.
My form was on a loading loop after hitting submit but I did get the code emailed to me after about 10 minutes anyway, even with the page still loading.
it's in your email
Thanks guys. Haven't received anything yet but will keep an eye out.
Got a code after trying and trying for 15 minutes, thanks OP!
Thanks OP. Waiting for my code now!
Server Down.
getting "server error"
C'mon guys, back off already, I wanna have a crack at the free pizza lol
Servers down
I feel sorry for the poor bastard trying to use the site for actual wine
I took a printout of the server error into dominos and they honoured it anyway. Score!
Okay that never happened.
Lol, I was just about to hit the print button on the error myself until I read it was a joke =(
Oh lord don't Lol, you'll only encourage idiots like that guy.
Server Error in '/' Application.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
<!— Web.Config Configuration File —>
<customErrors mode="Off"/>
Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.
<!— Web.Config Configuration File —>
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>
No, really?! :P
The site has been OzBargained.
Dang - maybe we should share it around so we don't all just crash the servers.
Something like:
NSW - between 4 - 4:30
Qld - between 4:30 - 5
Vic - between 5 - 5:30
awesome! got the code in my email.