my current router doesnt reach from my room to the lounge room "about 2 rooms away" wanna spend about $120 on a new router but not sure what one to get, any help on finding a router that could be used, im also with TPG so not sure if they only allow certain types of routers to work with them but just thought i should mention it incase
current router im using is a d-link dsl g604t
Your router is very old. Like 2006 old.
Time to upgrade to a newer router, try a Billion 7700N or TPLINK TD-W8960N which has wireless N and greater range. Both are budget routers and will set you around $60 or less.
TPG doesn't care which router you use. They might not be able to help you if you get a router that's not within their recommendations, but it's not hard to self configure a router.