This was posted 11 years 9 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fifa Football (PS Vita) $10 + $4.95 Post (or Free Pickup Instore) at Dick Smith + Others Titles


I was having a look at the latest price drops on OzGameGoat and saw this. $10 for physical copy of a Vita game is almost unheard of.

Here is a link to the <$25 PS Vita games available @ Dick Smith


  • Fifa Football
  • Reality Fighters (click & collect only)
  • Little Deviants (click & collect only)


  • Smart As


  • Fifa 13
  • Resistance Burning Skys
  • Unit 13
  • Lumines
  • Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour (click & collect only)

Other notable items:

More items here, some good deals, some lame too.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +2

    I must say, Reality Fighters is not even worth $10.

    • +1

      So true, finally got the platinum for that. Crap controls and terrible multiplayer lag & connection issues make playing it chore rather than a joy :(

      • +1

        Good job on getting the Platinum for it. I couldn't stand playing it after a couple of hours.

      • Haha platinuming a game that you hate has its own unique joy. I remember getting to the end of KZ2 on Hardcore and freakin stupid rico was suck a jack@ss, wouldn't even fire, just yell. I started just shooting him on purpose just to shut him up LOL!!

  • Wow, now that's a deal even if the games aren't all that great. Might pull trigger on the awe fall Burning Skies cause freaking hell Sony November for Kill Zone Mercenary? Are they high. Nice OP!!

    • +1

      Burning skies is a VERY short game, campaign is about 3-4hours long. It's still decent fun for an FPS, and there aren't many choices for that on the Vita. Has multiplayer though, not sure how active it is….

      • Really that short? Wow I had no idea, is it even worth it than? I can't believe Sony destroyed Resistance, at least for a few years, Insomniac said they are done with the series, but Fuse looks incredible so i guess thats ok. Can't wait for Sony to pull a new Resistance out of the bag a year or two after PS4, maybe from Guerrilla games. I didnt even know it had multiplier.

        • I didnt even know it had multiplier.

          MEGA COMBO!!!

          Is it worth it? Hard to say, I played it a long time ago. I vaguely recall thinking it just felt like a generic FPS. $20 for 4 hours of play? Given the choice between Unit 13 & Burning Skies I would say Unit 13, a lot more replay value in that, but over the shoulder/stealth shooters aren't everyone's cup of tea…

        • +1

          Resistance is a bag of shit. I think I platinum'ed it in 5 hours. They weren't particularly enjoyable hours either.

        • Hahaha was messaging on phone while typing on PC, LOL Yea i was looking at Unit 13, probably a much better buy, Uncharted was awesome (than again Uncharted is always awesome), so 3rd person are pretty mad!! Haha

        • Haha, I feel like I must suffer to have such a story too, Nice aviator LOL!!

    • +1

      It's going to be nicely timed with the release of the PS4. I'm pretty sure Sony's strategy is to make a Vita boom just before/as the PS4 comes out. Hence the lack of a price drop in the West yet. The release of high profile games, PS4 integration, PS$+Vita bundles, price cuts and a possible revision model is what is going to happen come November/December.

      • I agree and I'm actually fully supportive of this idea, the Vita seriously needs this restarted Major Drive and I think the PS4 and all the integration will really make it happen,

        but since Vita will be almost 2 years old by than, i can't help but feel Sony should have waited and maybe put SGX554MP4, can you imagine how insane that would have been, i don't think anyone who has a vita for the last 2 years would have lost anything had we been made to wait and maybe a 720p screen (battery issues would have probably hampered).

        But lets see what happens, Vita is still hot as hell!! Later!

  • +3

    I mentioned these all back here a couple of days ago,

    Good deals here though if you are in store, the Soul Sacrifice bundle is great for those getting into the Vita and the 32GB card at $99 is worthy of note as its the cheapest in B&M in Australia.

    • You're on XDA!!!!! Yes there's from where username and Avatar is!!

      Also 70 out of 81 trophies in Borderlands, Man you're crazy I literally dedicated a month of life to get that game done, Managed 60 out of 80, the Moxi Area matches are ridiculous, freakin hell last like a 100 rounds 3 times over! Who the hell would survive in real life for that matter!! Hahaha, awesome game!

      • I'm everywhere man ;)

        Borderlands is a bit addictive, lol. I'd have had all of the trophies if it wasn't for that horrible Moxi Arena, I just couldn't be assed. Gonna polish off the BL2 trophies once the final DLC releases.

        • can I add you on PSN?

        • Yeah go for it. PSN: beakeroo

          I've cleared a few spaces as I was full.

        • awesome, I'll add you after I finish work
          saw you a lot in every gaming bargains here :p

        • Yeah I have issues.

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