Quiet Wall Clock

Looking for a wall clock with plain design which doesnt make any noise(especially every second)..Do such clocks exists?.. Are they just called quiet clocks or is here a special terminology?… my wife and the clock take turns in driving me nuts when its quiet time..

P.S. - not looking to change or trade wife. Just help me with clock for now…. :)


  • +7

    Digital wall clock?

  • Just get an automatic wall clock,,the one that runs continuously

  • Yeah, digital wall clock.

    Plenty of alternatives on eBay too.

  • Of course there are.
    I think the term is 'silent clock'.

    My digital clock works fine.

    • +1

      Also referred to as "continuous sweep".

      • Gahh fat fingers was ment to be a +1

  • Since your wife and clock take turns, this means your wife knows the time and is all you need to tell the time. So get rid of the clock and halve the noise. :)

    PS: Try a digital clock, I've see models with large LCD digits on sale.

  • I can relate to the bit about the noise driving you nuts. We found sliding a thin piece of polystyrene behind our clocks cuts out most of the noise.

  • +1

    It does appear I am not the only one. I was gifted my priceless "ticking" possession by my son. The digital clocks are definitely the way to go. I banished the gift to the bathroom … ensures everyone else has a few minutes in there. Probably cuts down on water usage too.

    • +1

      thanks.. my living room one has mysteriously made its way to the guest bedroom for now… :)

      • +1

        Haha … That may hasten the departure of those rellies getting accustomed to your hospitality.

        Then again, my son's old "Thomas" clock (stays at Nan's) quickly lost favour with some relatives visiting as one company moved it to another room and another even actually took the batteries out. Now I can see you super-gluing the battery compartment!

  • Thanks everyone… I will look through the suggestions… How does the digital one affect the decor? ..i am asking because i am replacing this in my living room…

    • +4

      Better get the wife's opinion or there will be more noise. :)

      • lol.. so far i haven't found a clock under $50 worth buying and I dont think I am gonna invest $50 on a clock… most of the items on ebay etc are desk clock which can be used a wall clock but they are tiny - not worth putting in living room. May be I can do away with clock…

  • Even continuous sweep often make an almost constant 'rattle' type sound, if your ears are in top quality.

    Digital is really the only way to guarantee silent.

    Personally, I use a projector clock. Smack it and it projects onto the roof.

    • I can understand for the bedside table, but we're talking for the living room???
      So everytime you want to see the time you have to get up from the couch and smack the clock….

    • +1

      How much noise does smacking the clock make?

      • +1

        Depends on whether it is a Darth Vader, Yoda or Clone Trooper smacking clock.

        They are totally silent … until you smack 'em.

  • +1

    Are you sure you don't want to trade your wife instead? I am pretty sure that I will more than halve the noise.

    • But they also make the right kind of noises sometimes. And who's to say he won't end up with a noisier model if he trades the current one?

    • no mate… my current one is still young… in 10 yrs time it would be a different story.. :)

  • -1

    Develop SH AKA Selective Hearing.Its free and it will work on the clock and the wife…kids, boss, next door neighbours,grumpy old man across the street, in-laws…etc

    Edit: There's a test on this page to see how good you're at it.The art of selective hearing

  • I purchased a silent 12 inch analogue wall clock from a Chinese Ebay vendor 2 years ago, and it is still working perfectly. It cost me about $36. The seller had about 50 designs. If a wall clock costs less than 30 dollars, assume it isn't quiet.

    If you compare the driving mechanism of silent (continuous sweep) clocks vs noisy every second tickers, you will notice that the silent clocks are significantly more complex (about 3 times as many gears).

  • Personally got used to 2 clocks one in the living room and one in the kitchen that can be heard ticking together when its really quiet.

    Still you got a choice of digital clocks, some of these come with extras like digital thermometer etc.

    A cheap 7" tablet would also make a great clock, likewise so would a sundial.. which i hear are pretty silent.

  • thanks a lot all for your comments… I ended up buying this one…. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/290768294561?ssPageName=STRK:MEWN…

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